Earlier in the year, 5th of March 2013, (prior to the start of this blog) I had a dream about Christians and I heard the 'Foghorn'. No surprise then that there is so much fog in London now, that there is flight cancellations. [1] Here is a copy of the original dream that was posted in the public domain at that time.
'I have been resting in my healing sanctuary. While I was healing, there was a large FOG HORN noise in both ears, that is unusual, because I usually hear sounds clairaudiently in one of my ears at a time.
A long time after I heard the fog horn noise, the LORD then said ‘Caribbean’.
While I was there I began dreaming and it was recurring dream. I was outside at a bus stop where I have been before. Across the road was a Christian place for the youth and colored (Black) youngsters were going there to make music and for sports etc.
I met a white man close to the bus stop and we got talking. Another white man came along and he signaled for the man to follow him into the Christian place. The man was asking me lots of questions abut me and my work, and then he invited me to go for a drink at the Christian place, so I went with him.
While we were there, there was a woman behind the bar counter and she was shouting and screaming when she saw me, I tried to talk to her I said to her ‘you do not know who I am’, she carried on shouting and she shouted out the words ‘Prophet Elijah’ and she just couldn’t handle it. I did my utmost to calm the woman down, and I said ‘calm down, you have a heart condition’, then she looked at me stunned, and she said ‘how did you know about my heart, I am taking prozac’.
I then put her hands on her heart and my hands on hers; and I was giving her healing. She then began to relax and to smile. After that she was waving her arms around.
Then I woke up. Feeling just as sleepy as when I went into the healing sanctuary.
The dream showed me that this is about the HEART and what the people have been consuming, that is why they react when this light arrives in their reality.
In their hearts the Christians know who I am, but due to their hearts that are 'damaged' they do not accept it, and humanity is suffering because of the Christians reluctance to embrace and accept the healing and blessings from elohim.
I just went to see if there was any news on fog horns, and there is a youtube channel called‘Hellooldchap’, and it features ‘Foghorn’ videos. It has 22 subscribers and 22 is a master number, it also relates to Rev 3:22. The number of video views on the channel is 233,023. In that number there is another 22, and 333. As we know, 333 was in 2010 and was to do with Sophia Wisdom Gateway opening in Greece.
The first video that you see is the foghorn at ‘St Catherines Lighthouse’ from the Isle of Wight. (As we know St Catherines, is also to do with the Monastery in Egypt, where they said that Moses stood).
‘That light is powered by a tiny 400w halogen lamp which will be seen on the horizon 26 miles away. The lighthouse is open to the public when the local electricity company is not there playing with generators.’
As we know 26 is the Hebrew Gematria value of the name of God.
The value of 400 is the Hebrew letter TAW and it became the letter T and the original pictograph was two crossed sticks and it means a sign.
I will up date this post when I return from an appointment. I will update with what happened after this dream was received.
1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-25329608
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