
Friday, 30 September 2016


Prior to my bath I had the rest of my carrot and fresh coriander soup with some cheese.

New moon in Libra, and while bathing today, I saw two doors. Prior to today when I saw a black door it had a couple of metal domes at the base of it. After that a man was arrested in America wearing lime green, and I had mentioned the lime green in the post about what I saw prior to it.

Now today, I was shown another two closed doors, the first door was a sunshine yellow colour, and the next door looked black, like a glass door. Doors always make me think of the group, and 'Riders on the Storm'.

I did ask the LORD what he wished for me to do, and he replied, that I must stay with it until the 'Bitter End'. He then said what would happen after that, and it included my feet. So we will see what happens next. What he said does remind me of the verse in Psalm 71:20 'Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again, from the depths of the earth you will bring me up'. 

Have you seen anything like this before?

I ran out of yellow paint, so its more orange than it was meant to be. The brighter coloured door was seen first, then the darker coloured door afterwards. 

Interesting that Roxy Music also brought out a song called, 'Bitters End'.

The 30th of September is the 'Day of Glaring Truth' and there is plenty of that going on in America during the 2016 presidential election. 

Success, I've managed to remove something that was lodged in my left eardrum. I've been working on it gently for a few weeks, putting in oil and water to loosen it up. It's out, brilliant, I'm so happy about that.  Both ears are now un-lodged, and I can hear so much better. 'My ears you have opened', Psalm 40:6 'Ears that hear, and eyes that see, the LORD has made them both'. Proverbs 20:12 

Diagnosis Foot and Ankle

More from the BMI Conference held in 2013. This video is with Garth Allardice, on diagnosis of foot and ankles. Also remember that Dr Sean Malloy, Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon, said that 'x-rays are useless'.

One of Garth's patients was referred to him by a Rheumatologist. However, not all Rheumatologists refer people on. Then when your GP then refers you on to a neurologist for an MRI scan, the Rheumatologist then says that's a good way forward. So why didn't the Rheumatologist recommend that in his letter instead of saying that the foot had healed?

The Rheumatologist asked for another x-ray of my left foot, although he didn't have my left hand x-rayed. However, we now have Dr Malloy's feedback on x-rays.

So let us continue with the work of Garth Allardice and see what he shared at the conference.

MRI scans are essential for these injuries.

Are You Offered the BEST?

This video is of an American politician, Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul, and he is calling out the FDA. He mentions how Japan's medical profession provides a better service and alleviation for health conditions than is currently available in America and for Americans. Rand is asking the question why and says that we are supposed be living in a free country.

Rand makes another important point about clinical trials, and how some people are willing to engage with those clinical trials if they think that it can help them with their serious condition. He even cites a case within his own family to express and stress the importance of it.

Another important point that he makes is that not everyone is the same, and he can see a future whereby people are treated as individuals. Individual cases that have to be treated in a unique and individual way. 

I totally agree with him on that point and that is why the plans of the EU to harmonise healthcare throughout Europe, cannot possibly work. The medical profession have tried to do that for decades, give the same treatment to people for the same diagnosis, that is not appropriate in the timeline of new technology. 

When I decided that it was time to take my own healing process seriously, the first place that I was sent was to MBS and complimentary medicine. MBS, Mind, Body and Spirit. That was in the 90's, after that the journey really began in earnest. I had stepped on the healing path, the highway to holiness and wonderful spiritual help was given, truly divine. It was an excellent renewal of the foundation for all areas of my life, a foundation of love beyond measure. 

What this mystical recluse is looking at today, what progress as this spiritual psychologist made, what have I achieved in my own life in the last two weeks, even the last month, as this month draws to a close, it's important to do regular reviews, to keep you on track and moving forward. The 30th of September, is also the 'Day of Glaring Truth'.

We've given support to the WASPI campaign, as I am a 1950's woman and that impacts on yours truly. We've given support to the Native Americans and 'Water is Life' campaign, because fresh water is important to everyone on the planet. I've received the blessing of food that was delivered to my door, and that aligns with the Malachi prophecy for Elijah.

I've spoken to local and national charities and groups defending the disabled. A visit to a surgeon, and two visits to the dentist and a plan worked out and agreed.

I've filled out a research questionnaire for the neurological alliance, to help our people to get improved neurological services in the UK. I have also offered to let them explore my case with a further investigation. I give my support to the best neurologists and neuroscientists that are doing their utmost to put patients first. Transportation is still an issue for many patients, including myself, due to the NHS sending people out of their own local area. 'I will be quick to testify'.

We know that over 58% of patients in the UK cannot access neurological services. We also know that in 2013, there was only one O-Arm machine in the country, and only two consultant surgeons that are qualified and trained to use it. That reminds me of the 70's when there were only six laser machines in the country, I was fortunate that I was born close to that hospital in London where I received treatment.

So I do feel that we are moving forward. However slowly, and as Jesus said in 2011, 'We are moving into awesomeness'. In 2015, he spoke of the timeline of the 'Heart of Repose' and that overlapped with 2016 in my cycle of spiritual transformation.

Now we have the new moon energies in Libra, and that is all about balance, so how do I keep a balance in my life? I have concentrated on and focussed on healing foods to keep some balance with the health conditions that my age group of women maybe facing. Still juicing, souping, and salads, its been brilliant preparation for what is ahead.

As health is my priority, also the most recent dream that I received prior to this new moon was also about women, health and a hospital. So my focus is clearly women's health in this timeline, the mother of mothers, that taught mothers how to be mothers.

It's been a long journey to get the appropriate help. So what's next, more engagement with the GP and engagement with those that are on the 'brink of homelessness', due to what David Cameron and his associates have been involved in. Remember what David Bowie sung in 1980, in 'Ashes to Ashes',  'Don't mess with major Tom'. He said that he was wrapping up the 70's for himself and that it was a good epitaph.

News today is that children that were born in the 1980's are worse off than those that were born in the 70's. Usually it is the case that the next generation are better off than the previous generation, although due to the recession the children born in the 80's have suffered the most economically.

Of course they have as the recession impacted upon their parents ability to provide them with the prosperity that they could have enjoyed. It impacted upon small business people, the ability to grow their businesses and provide jobs for the children.

Although I did try to engage my son in business, with some part-time work when he was a teenager, he did enjoy working with his mum to earn some pocket money. However, the older he got and the more that the computer took over his life, the less interested in business he became. I think he made the right move to go into the public sector in this timeline as it suits his humanitarian Aquarian personality.

New moons usually bring endings and new beginnings, and I am seeing that manifest on a local level, one historic site closes down and is going to be demolished, another historic site is rejuvenated, both venues served food. So food is certainly still on the menu and nutrition is still very, very important.

I'm staying on it, are you? I have noted that many journalists have to ask more questions and the right questions. Otherwise they're just printing press releases. So what are you asking yourselves today?

What are you examining today in your life? Ponder upon what you have achieved in the last month and where you are going in October. Where do you feel that you are being led to go to achieve more balance in your life? Certainly, the economy and economics is also about balance, making sure that you have a financial balance in your lives, so that you can survive in these last days of the end times.


So if you enjoy reading this blog, please consider making a charitable contribution, to my existence enabling us to get things done. I require financial help to pay for an MRI scan and report at a local private BUPA hospital. As our local hospital have no appointments, and what is on offer from the NHS, patients have advised against. There is also no paid for transport to those locations.

So I have no choice but to make supplication and ask for financial help to attain the attention that I require. The financial transaction can be carried out directly with the hospital, so that I can attend the hospital for investigation.


I also require new glasses at a cost of £89.00 from Spec savers, that provides two sets of glasses, for the price of one. My eyes have been tested, a prescription has been given, I have selected the frames, now I just have to have the money to pay for it.

The opticians are just waiting for the order to go in. A cheque could be written out in the name of the opticians, so that you know it really is for the new glasses, or payment could be done over the phone directly with the opticians. I am happy to provide you with their telephone number.

It's a long time since I've had new glasses, they will be the first new glasses since the late 90's and the first new prescription since the early 90's. I only wear glasses when I have to go out, so they are important too.


I require a new fridge and oven, as the oven cannot be used due to being a fire risk, and the fridge keeps on leaking water. I really have to get this sorted before the wintertime, as I require an oven to cook hot food and my nutrition is essential. Did you know that baked sweet potatoes with their skin on is more nutritional than not? I had to stop using the oven in January 2016, when the electrician was called out, due to it impacting on the fuse box. So its been nine months without an oven.

Will you help when asked?

If you require anymore information, you can contact me by email:

TNK @ orangehome .  co  .  uk

If you email, I am happy to give you my telephone number due to this being an emergency.

George 'Lava' Canada

I must admit, our young George has made me smile in recent days. As soon as he arrived in Canada he refused to do high fives or low fives, or even shake hands with Justin Trudeau. He said, no, to Justin in a very determined way, and that was it. The children are adorable.

Now at a children's party, he shared with the balloon maker that he knows about lava after he was made a volcano.

"George especially asked for a volcano and he was very proud to tell me all about volcanos.
"When I started with the orange flames he was pleased to tell me 'And that's lava'."

I smiled because it reminded me of the 'Lava Prophecy', given by Jesus before he was even born.

That then brings us to what else has been going on in Canada. David is asking where are the animal rights activists now?


Neuroscientist, Greg Gage is on a mission to make brain science accessible to all. Greg has created a fun demo for a TED presentation of his simple, inexpensive, DIY kit, that takes away the free will of an audience member. Two volunteers join him on stage to take part in the experiment, that enables a person's brain to control the other person's arm. In effect, taking away their free will.

Diagnosing Hip Conditions

The Clementine Churchill, Syon Clnic and Bishops Wood Hospital. Samantha Tross, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at BMI presentation on diagnosing Hip Conditions.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Dr Rob Lee - Diagnosing Back Conditions


July 2016

Dr Rob Lee, Consultant Spinal Surgeon at BMI Healthcare, he shares about diagnosing back and spinal conditions in Primary Care. These are the only two surgeons in the country working with this technology, and when this presentation was given, they said that this is the only machine in the country.

These specialist consultants are working with O-Arm technology.

This talk was part of BMI Healthcare's Orthopaedic and Spinal Conference which took place in February, 2013. In this next video, Dr Sean Molloy, Spinal Surgeon at BMI. Sean says that 'x-rays of the spine are useless'. Sean also trained as a Chiropractor. This link provides more information about him.

There are 12 million people in the UK with neurological conditions. This link shared with us what GP's think about the neurological services that are currently on offer from the NHS.

The article is called, 'New Neurological Alliance Report GP's lack confidence in primary care.' We are also aware that over 58% of patients cannot access neurological services in the UK.

The brain and spine foundation have also closed down their helpline. 


I've had an egg week, with different recipes that included fried eggs, scrambled eggs, and omelette. Also felt drawn to have lambs liver, and lambs liver is also important for iron.

Although, this 1950's woman, is not feeling too great today, due to the boulder at the base of my spine. It certainly stops me from going out, and doing the things that I would like to do. The book of Revelation did mention the time when I wouldn't go out anymore. The mystical recluse.

'Be faithful to the point of death, and I will give you life as the victor's crown'. Remember I was tested and put in a cell overnight exactly as the scripture foretold. I was faithful and remembered the word, I was not afraid. Although I knew that I was being 'persecuted' for speaking the truth, in defence of freedom of speech, my people and culture.

I was not allowed to see a doctor, and I was not allowed to make a statement by those that locked me up. The physical trauma to my back deepened due to an accident in 2009, I have suffered deeply ever since, and hopefully, I will have an MRI scan soon. I first began to get what is known as 'Jacob's trouble' while I was in a gym doing a little yoga in 2002. Gentle floor exercises.

That's when I felt something happened to my hips, due to the pain, after that I had a 'trapped nerve', it was at that point that I had the first x-ray of my back at the Chiropractors and they gave their diagnosis at the time.

I carried on the best that I could during the Rev 12 timeline that was completed in December 2008. That timeline also overlapped with Micah 4 with the mission to America.

I have had more x-rays taken since the first Chiropractors took an x-ray in 2002, and there does seem to have been some improvement since that time. In fact both chiropractors and the Rheumatologist said that the bone structure of my back was in good order for a person of my age.

So now we have to look at the nervous system that works with the muscular system. Hence, the MRI scan to come, and why I am feeding the nervous system and muscular system as much as possible, as and when I am able to eat.

What GP's think about the neurological services that are currently on offer an apparently, the brain and spine foundation have closed down their helpline. 12 million people in the UK are living with a neurological condition.

As prophecy foretold, 'I will be quick to testify', and I did give my testimony after I saw the Rheumatologist that purposely caused pain to my back and hips. Those doctors must be tender with this body, and we know in the prophecies that Jesus gave, he warned his followers about the medics.

'Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches, the one that is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death'. In my experience that verse in Rev 2, is about the second passing and I was not 'hurt' by the passing of my mother.

I knew that she had chosen to leave and that she was at peace with it. She and I both embraced that there is life after death during the lives that we shared; and she chose to prove it again, give more evidence of it,  after she passed over. By appearing at the side of me while I was typing. It was the most beautiful experience for mother and daughter. As such, I was prepared for what laid ahead, for she had pre-warned me in advance.

My mother had Rheumatoid Arthritis and she was concerned for my future and that I would get it too, although the doctors cannot find it in the blood tests. My mother and I were very different personalities, and I do think that our characters being so different from each other, that does impact on health. Also the fact that we were born at different times on different days, indicate different susceptibilities to different health conditions. Certainly, I have 'weak ankles' and that is usual for Aquarians.

David Bowie knew about the heavenly harp of faithfulness, (mentioned in the prophecies) and he sang about it in his song, 'Ashes to Ashes'. He gave a warning not to mess with major Tom.

Interesting date for the release of the song being 1980, after I had married in London.

David himself said that he was wrapping up the 70's really, for himself, which seemed a good enough epitaph for it.

He produced the song with Tony Visconti, when he was working with Visconti in London, I was sharing a house with rock musicians in the early 70's that were also working with Visconti. I used to cook for them and they particularly liked their roast dinners on Sunday. I think they would've lived on 'junk food', if it wasn't for yours truly giving them proper food.

It was certainly the end of the 70's when I left London after the wedding. Remember Proverbs 31?

In 1983, David launched 'Golden Years' that was the year that my son was born.

As the LORD said, 'Rock stars sang about you'. 

David and I were both sent to Israel, although he went to Israel before I did.

Today, I shall concentrate on eating raw food, salad and fruit. I have some fresh pineapple, kiwi's, apples, plums, bananas, red grapes and lime to choose from. I can also have some liquorice in goats milk for my back.

'Ehyeh, Ehyeh' he said to me. 

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Hospital Dream

On the 26th of September I had a dream of a woman that I knew in the 80's-90's and she was being rushed to hospital, and there was more than one visit to the hospital. That's all I remember about the dream. I have thought of phoning her since I received that dream, and I am sending positive thoughts.

A dream that includes a hospital can indicate that you could be in imminent danger due to the load you are carrying, if it was you being taken to the hospital and it's important that persons asks for help.

However, if you saw someone travelling to a hospital, or helping out in one, it can indicate that there is some surprising news coming. If you see an ambulance in a dream it can indicate a fulfilment of your hopes in a shorter time than you might think.

Ambulance a new series.

1st Presidential Debate Review

Nobody does it better than Diamond and Silk, they're brilliant 10/10 for Diamond and Silk, and their review of the first presidential debate. They certainly know how to erupt the lava. Its like 100 obsidian spheres being thrown at Lester all at once. Cop for that! Absolutely fabulous, adorable women. Milo loves these women too, real characters.

While the women have been giving their review of the presidential debate, Milo has been in Orlando doing a talk on Islam. The Trump team like to have a giggle and a laugh, at the same time as providing some facts. Since the debate, the BBC report that Trump campaign has received £13M for the campaign and that was in just one day. Another rally in Florida with 1,000's of people, his popularity just keeps on soaring.

The next debate is October 9th, and that is the 'Day of Intuition'.



Jean Houston (USA) and it is written that she has a connection with the Clintons. Houston believes that a person can 'elect' themselves, perhaps that's how Obama got into the white house for a second time, as it surely wasn't based upon the vote of the electorate.

Nor was his second term, allowed in biblical prophecy, e.g Rev 13. There is three people mentioned in Rev 13, two of them that show themselves and then wisdom is called to do the count on the man. Of course, we know that Obama had Clinton's support. So has Jean Houston been telling Clinton to 'elect' herself? We know what the biblical teachings say about that don't we?

What else is shared about Jean Houston? Just take a look then compare it with the Christ teachings.

As we say in England, 'I wouldn't touch that American woman with a barge pole'. In other words, I would not recommend the American Jean Houston to anyone. Nor would I recommend Hilary Clinton for president. I think 30 years of the Clintons is long enough to find out what they could do.

America is certainly a very different country to the one that it once was, due to what the Clintons and Obama's have done to it. Clinton keeps talking about the Russians, who did that? Elizabeth Claire Prophet, ECP told people to build bunkers, buy guns, because the Russians were coming.

Seriously, do Americans really take those people seriously? Remember this that ECP could not save yourself from the power of the flame, and nor could many of her followers.

See David knew, don't mess with major Tom, if you would like to get things done.


This is another lovely sharing from Jeff Benner, Jeff also wrote a lexicon and his work was recommended to me by an English biblical scholar in 2007. In the video he shares his view of the meaning of Zion and Jerusalem and I like what he says about the fact that it is the journey that binds us together. I view it as the spiritual journey through life. For you are certainly bound together with those soul groups that have been with you on your journey, a spiritual connection, and wonderful memories of times shared together in love beyond measure.

We know that some of our ancestors married Christians, we also know from the scriptures that when the followers of Jesus (the spiritual teacher and healer, ) were in danger, he sent them to the other side until it was safe to return. One could view it that some Jewish people were grafted in with Christians, and when it was safe to return they would reunite with their Jewish families to ascertain and regain their spiritual heritage to bring everything to completion. 

It was all included in the journey. As in when it was safe to return to Israel, when acceptance would be given, that was the time that yours truly would arrive on their land. Although the book of Ezekiel foretold that it would happen after the second passing, and it happened the year after my mother passed over, in 2006. Romans 11:29 for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable. 

In Genesis 49, in the family of Joseph a woman is mentioned. 'The Almighty that blesses you, with the blessings of the skies above, blessings of the deep springs below, blessings of the breast and the womb. Your Father's blessings are greater than the ancient mountains, than the bounty of the age old-hills'. 

Prophet Hosea spoke of 'His Blessings in the last days'. Hosea 3:5 The Proverbs speak of the 'Blessings that crown the heads of the righteous' Pro 10:6 

In Jeff's sharing he mentions pointing the way to wholeness and in my life experience and spiritual journey, wholeness can only be attained by healing the soul. And believe it or not, Carl Jung had a great appreciation of how it could be found in the texts of different cultures.

That is the main reason that Jung was gnostic, because he knew that there was a methodology in the healing process on the rite of passage. The other day I shared a video of a woman talking about Jung's work, at Watkins in London, and it was after his NDE that he wrote and did his best work. Although he was elderly in years at the time, and that certainly gives elderly people a lot of encouragement to continue with what you have come to achieve.

His life's work came to its culmination when he was elderly. He was a prolific writer, yet, much of his work wasn't published until after his passing. In my humble view, Jung left a legacy for future generations;  he knew the sheer importance of making sure that help was given for the soul, in the best way that he could.

In my view his great work was largely suppressed within the fields of psychology as it is about the study of the soul. For how could the medics do what Jung could do, unless they were into mysticism as Carl Jung was? Jung appreciated that those that he referred to as Essenes were naturally, spiritual psychologists. Healers that could heal the soul, beyond the practicalities of life, beyond anything that people thought was possible. The miracles of wholeness and completion.

In 2002,  in a 'Review of General Psychology' survey, Jung ranked as the 23rd most cited psychologist of the 20th century. You could call his work a landmark in the life of the spiritual, because the spiritual are drawn to his work like a magnet when they are ready to receive it.

It's the same with Reiki healing, a saying in the Reiki community is that Reiki comes into your life when you are ready for it. It was after I trained in Reiki that I was drawn to the work of Carl Jung, (why wasn't it shared with us at school)  and I was in Australia at time.

I came across a second hand bookshop and in it one of his books. That I still have in my small library of books. I had already trained in soul healing work for my own development in the 90's, so the book about Jung's work, confirmed what I already knew to be true.

Not because Jung was an academic, and intellectual, because he was willing to look in-depth at the spiritual realities and how those spiritual realities impact on different areas of life. Because he was willing to accept the soul, explore its heart, and the Spirit in the creation of wholeness.

Carl Jung was willing to go the extra miles, to find the landmarks, to find what he was looking for, that would give meaning to his life's work and experiences, including spiritual experiences. There were landmarks in his life, turning points, and what great assistance he gave to the spiritual community that were on the journey.

Jeremiah 33:16 'Jerusalem shall dwell safely. She shall be called, 'The Lord our righteousness'. 

Tuesday, 27 September 2016


In recent weeks I am beginning to see positive changes to my physical body, endurance is becoming a lot easier. I have experienced some improvement due to my dietary changes, I appear to have it right now by providing my physical body with the specific nutrients that it requires for the nervous and other systems in my body. During my lifetime my body as experienced a lot of physical trauma, from the day that I was born.

Its a long story, and a long journey. Some of it has been shared on this blog while I've been going through the transformation of the physical. 2016, is a year of spiritual transformation in my life cycle too. During my life experience I shared that first you heal the mind, then you heal the soul, then you heal the physical. The best is saved till last.


At this point I cannot say to you that this is my exact diet, as my dietary requirements change daily, with what is happening with the body to keep a balance in check.

It is also determined by divine guidance that I receive, and what is right for each process of helping the dynamic self-healing processes of the body. Of course some days are far better than others, and I really should write a daily food journal, as yesterday while walking I could feel the boulder at the base of my spine.

Sometimes this 1950's woman, wakes up feeling the boulder, and I find myself immovable and some days, I don't. When I am immovable it usually means the LORD does not wish for me to do something, he doesn't wish for me to go out and walk, he likes me to rest up on those days.

Remember to put your feet up and don't stand on your feet too much, don't walk to much either. Be alert, be aware, be diligent, as these are dangerous times that the elderly live in, walking between the worlds in the last days of the end times.

As per the prophecy in the book of Revelation when she doesn't go out anymore.

However, if you would like to share your food in-take with yours truly, then I could provide you with recommendations on where you could make some improvements to your nutrition.

My smoothie last night, included Coriander, black grapes and pineapple. Coriander and grapes are excellent for detoxifying the body, and fresh pineapple is excellent for the nervous system, of the body.

As such, coriander and black/red grapes are great for the lymphatic system and I have seen a remarkable improvement in recent months of the lymphodema due to the changes that I have made in my life. Remember that raw food has the most energy, fresh live food that the LORD asked for, so eat as much raw food as you can.

I also like my homemade, carrot and coriander soup, of course with fresh carrots and fresh coriander. Celery soup is also one of my favourites for the adrenals. Watercress and salmon for the brain and so many other wonderful foods. Remember this that nutrition is scientific.

Last night I had Diana's favourite breakfast for supper, and for lunch I had a two-egg omelette with mozzarella and basil. I snacked on a mozzarella toasted cheese sandwich. So a protein booster yesterday too with the four eggs eaten.

I will keep you updated while we wait for the MRI scan to be done, and I am boosting my body as much as possible in preparation for some oral surgery. That includes ensuring that I have some cod liver oil everyday for my bones.

Goats milk is on my menu this week and that has been proven to be good for the back too. Watercress and fresh coriander salads are lovely, ( you can also include fresh dill and or chives too)  and I really like it with brie and with marinated raw herring. With a balsamic vinegar and groundnut oil. Hemp oil is also great if you have some. When I have bread, I mostly eat brown bread, in small quantities, because I am allergic to wheat if I have too much. Although I do like my flat breads, tortilla's for wraps.

I quite fancy some liver and mashed potato today, I feel I deserve it, and I have some lovely butter beans to go with it. I can do a butter bean dish to go with it, with herbs, tomatoes, onions, garlic etc. Maybe a little ice cream and raspberries for afters.

Mum liked liver very much, although it will always remind me of David Bowie, I think I could've helped David more than the help that he received. David should've come home to England for his healing time and he should've helped the healers. For that is God's will.

Seriously, where did his ambitions in America get him? An early grave. Some Americans recommend yoga, whereas I recommend the appropriate nutrition that is divinely guided. Sometimes that can include a specific flower essence and or an aromatherapy oil massaged into your body.

Ageing is a natural process, we all agree on that. However, we can defend our bodies and its self-dymanic healing system as much as possible, to keep the body as healthy as we can.

In so doing, we defend our bodies and its systems from disease that can bring your life to an abrupt end. With Reiki healing we can also rejuvenate our physical bodies and systems. One of my students looks ten years younger than she did when I first met her. She has been excellent at keeping up with her spiritual practice and it certainly shows on her face.

I'm still doing my inversion therapy, and putting a lot of effort into my health and recovery.


Artist, Sophie Anderson 

Blessings to the people that have fed me, brought me food, and provided for yours truly in this timeline. Your charity as been essential, as I couldn't live without it at this time. Everything was meant to be for the Spirit of Grace and Supplication. It was Jesus that gave yours truly the name 'Lotus Feet', after my return from Israel in 2006, as such I honour him with this post.

It was that day in 2006, when he said that we were going to Damascus next. Truly we did in 2007, as due to being turned away from Muslim hotels in east Jerusalem. They said there was no room at the inn to this Western woman.

After that I found myself at the Damascus Gate and it is through that gate that I entered the old city. Wonderful memories of being able to walk through the old city and see its different energies with my own eyes and heart in 2007. I knew that he was walking with me, with every step that I took, this healer was never alone on my spiritual journey.

He had delivered me to Israel, for the second time, exactly as he had promised the Israeli's that he would. Jesus kept his promise to the Jewish people, a vessel of his love beyond measure.

That is when they knew that they were truly loved and have his blessing.

Love beyond measure


It was on the 20th of November 1992 when Windsor Castle was on fire. That was a major message for the British monarchy. The private chapel of Elizabeth was being renovated at the time, Elizabeth couldn't save herself from the power of the flame.


The 20th of November was the 'Day of Struggle'. Since that time just look at what her politicians have done to our nation, didn't she get the message that the fire conveyed? Did you read the texts and comprehend why the fire had come upon her Castle? Elizabeth should resign immediately, enough is enough.

Would Diana, our Queen of Hearts have considered the fire upon the castle of Windsor karma, probably. I remember writing to Charles on behalf of Diana some years after the fire, while I was in Australia.

He didn't even respond to the note that was sent to him on her behalf. Diana's instructions were given and passed on.

At that time Diana asked me to go to the media and tell them about our communications together. Diana said that it would help to raise money for the mission of 'compassion and mercy for depressed and suicidal children.'

Mercy said no, I told Diana, that Spirit would have to find another way to financially support the mission, love is not for sale. What Diana shared with me was not for sale. It was our special time together, our shared journey in Australia, in the love of our hearts, united for the children.

When I left England, the Spirit of Diana came with yours truly, and when I returned to England a year later she was still with me.

I was compelled to have Diana's favourite breakfast for supper last night, I know that she is close, when I think of her breakfast, and when I am compelled to eat what she liked. Wonderful memories to hold in our hearts, heavenly, and divine indeed. Her memory lives on in the heart of our nation.

The weekend of Diana's funeral I was exhibiting at the Healing Arts exhibition in London with a colleague, and everyone was still in shock at what had happened. It was a very quite time indeed, a time of contemplation of the events that had unfolded before our nation. We were peaceful, loving, and kind, lots of hugs.

Monday, 26 September 2016


It's some years ago now when I was shown a vision of the four directions and in the south was dancing shoes. So it is a pleasure to see the WASPI's dancing in Salisbury. Nimble dancing feet, to keep you fit in the peak. Love to all of the WASPI's, my mum would love it, she loved rock and roll.

I once wore a ball gown in black and yellow, it was beautiful, I hired it for a charity event that I was organising in the 90's. The charity ball and formidable women.

In the north was a white rabbit with long loppy ears, the rabbit pulled out of the hat. 

In the West there were fireworks on the left, and in the East, there was a rescue mission with a parachute on the right. Arrows were firing left and right.

In 2014, after the Brad Pitt dream, during the Mother of Mothers Solar Eclipse, I was given 2016, 2016 and it certainly arrived. Perfect timing. There has certainly been some fireworks in Brad's life and in America, after Nigel Farage arrived at the Trump rally.

Jews for Judaism on Prophecy

Jews for Judaism respond to Christians with their view and understanding of the Tanakh. In this video he mentions Jeremiah 33:16. 'Jerusalem shall dwell safely. She shall be called, 'The Lord our righteousness'.

Then there is Jeff Benner that provides his view of it.

The archer that shoots the arrow.

Jeff mentions the 'Landmark', and it's interesting that a group of women from Landmark in the UK were sent to yours truly, they travelled a long way from Yorkshire, they came to my location to engage with a 'Divine Mother' workshop. We had a wonderful time together during the Rev 12 timeline, and they enjoyed the meditation very much. Yes, he was with us, and he was seen on the workshop. He even danced with one of the women, that wept all the way through it for nearly an hour. I took the tissues to her face, and gently wiped her tears away, and I placed more tissues in her hands. So that I could sit back down again in my seat, while she was joyfully in his presence. As we know, only the heavenly Father can send him to you.

Each had their own experiences, each enjoyed our time together in their own way. Each were at different levels of attainment of wholeness and completion, each individual was given directly and divinely, what they required for the next phase of their journey. If I remember correctly, after the workshop we went out to eat together, more sharing of spiritual joy in our hearts.

Completion of truth exists.

King David received a revelation that three instruments would come. That the person that Moses spoke about would come second, and that another person would come first. David was told that a person would be born on Jesses land, and Jesse owned land in northern Israel in the Jezreel Valley.

Where David did his courting between the Sea of Galilee and Mount Carmel. The revelation that David was given and is recorded in the Tanakh made David very happy, as he knew that one of the people that was coming would be born on an Island, as the prophecies of Isaiah foretold. The Islands would await the law.

During the Rev 12 timeline that was completed in December 2008, circumstances co-created situations whereby I was compelled to say to some of the students on different training courses, to be silent before me. For they had come to learn from the sharing that could help them with their lives and spiritual development; and we had a lot to get through together.

They were training to be empowered healers, and to walk in integrity, to be pure in their intentions, and give it their utmost attention; so that miracles could become a reality in their lives. So what anyone thinks of yours truly, matters not to me, for those that required help were sent to receive it.

People flew in from different countries to receive healing, from America, the Canaries, from New Zealand, Norway, and even from the Philippines, plus a lot more. It was a wonderful journey, sharing my heart of love beyond measure with many people. It included people from different and diverse backgrounds. From professionals with glowing careers, to underprivileged families. all were treated equally. Each were given the same opportunities to make the right choices for themselves and their families, for their children and their future. A future whereby people would heal together, help each other in every way that is possible to do. To embrace the kingdom of love, and its wisdom.

America Tax Credits - Suicidal Economics

I had hoped to get organised yesterday for this week ahead. Then a huge planetary wave swept over this empath, and I was drenched in tears for the best part of the day. Later in the evening on Sunday it cleared, then today, its back again, to a lesser degree, and it feels like a bereavement.

In the news today is the American corporation Concentrix, a company contracted to cut tax credit payments from people in the UK. A whistleblower in Belfast, at Concentrix's call centre has told the BBC that they're receiving calls from people that are 'Suicidal', due to their economic situation.

The 'economic woes' of the people due to what the politicians have done. The BBC article says that the contract will not be renewed with Concentrix in 2017. However, that won't help the families that can't afford to live, due to the social policy of austerity, sanctions and robbery. How the Americans taught the politicians how to rob the people. They had practiced it for a long time, that is why America is where it is.

Is it any wonder that empaths are weeping for the people of our nation?

'For I, the LORD, love justice, I hate robbery'. Isaiah 61.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Journalist Richard Dyson -v- 1950's Women

A journalist at the Daily Telegraph has written his response to 1950's women. He concludes with his headline, 'I'm sorry for women hit by pension age changes but they're asking for too much'.

How can it possibly be too much when the date for retirement was agreed when these women started work. How can it be too much when Cameron committed to put away £50,000 for each Syrian child?

'For I, the LORD love justice, I hate robbery'. Isaiah 61:8

How can it be too much, when some of these women cannot afford to feed themselves, or get themselves to hospitals? Many of these women cannot afford to live, and yet, a journalist as the audacity to say it's too much for the women to have their human rights to food and housing.

I've seen the politicians 'destroy and dismantle' so much, I have wept tears beyond measure over the people of my nation. Women in their 60's are living one day at a time, they cannot make any plans. They cannot afford holidays, some cannot afford transport, or a car, they cannot afford to go out, or go anywhere. Some of these women are suicidal.

Believe it or not Richard, many of these women couldn't afford to save up for a retirement. Salaries didn't increase in real terms after the late 80s' and recession. Some people never recovered after the recession, businesses went, homes went, any investments that anyone had, went, and for some their future went.

Let me ask you this Richard, did you have three jobs at the age of 13? Did you work six days a week at the age of 15 with two jobs? How old were you when you started work Richard, and who paid for your education?

£11BN Smart Meters

They say that they can't afford financial arrangements for the 1950's women, yet, they can afford £11BN for Smart metres. "MPs have joined in the attack on £11BN 'inefficient', smart meter plan as they estimate savings of just 2%.

Energy firms have been told to install 53 million meters in 30 million premises, with consumers paying the cost of it." What planet are they on?


American, Ron Bard is listed as an actor and producer.   Born on the 22nd October, 1959, his profile says that he passed over on the 23rd January, 2016. Family Facebook posts say he passed over on the 22nd and he was 56 years old. So he was born on the 22nd, and passed over on the 22nd. The 22nd of January was the 'Day of Vortex'. 

Ron Bard on Facebook

His last posts on Twitter were on the 19th January.

He passed over in LA, although his residence is listed on his profile as New York.

Ron Bard Obituary

Ron Bard Wikipedia Profile

His profile mentions earnings of $1M. Although after he passed over his family were crowd funding for his funeral as posted on Facebook. In the interview in the video below he mentions a product that he developed and that he spent 3-6 months a year in Japan. In fact his last tweets were about Japan. He looks like a sumo wrestler doesn't he? Hence, strong past life connections with Japan.

In this interview he says he was helping celebrities to select film scripts.

The date of his birthday is interesting, as it is the same day that I received the dream about Brad Pitt,  22nd October 2014.

Brad Pitt Dream

The day I received the dream with Brad Pitt, there was also a solar eclipse, and I kept on being given the date, 2016, 2016.

Mother of Mothers Solar Eclipse

Ron Bard's film profile also says that he was chairman of PMI Psychic Media Int'l.

Brad Pitt Divorce

His website is listed as and it looks like he had been reading some of my writings. In the meantime! Brad Pitt clearly finds himself in that now.

The national media in the UK had published articles about Ron Bard and what he had to say about Brad's relationship with Angelina in August, 2014. Articles have appeared in the Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Express, and the Daily Mirror. It was reported that he had been advising Brad for some time, and forewarned him that the end of his relationship was coming. That Angelina would leave him. The story goes that Brad was introduced to Ron by his first wife, and as you can see in this photograph, Brad looks quite young in it.

Who else was he involved with, apart from Brad Pitt? This news report mentions Actor, Kelsey Grammar and Japanese actor, Ken Watanabe and their plans to launch an interactive TV channel globally.

Ken Watanabe mentioned in that brief report from the UK about the TV project, as also been in the news this year. With his announcement in February, that he had been battling 'stomach cancer' since January.

The same month that Ron Bard passed over,  'no cause of death' as been posted on any of his profiles etc. Ron Bard was also ex-military. What happened to the business launch of the TV project, that Ron, Kelsey and Ken were involved in, and mention in that UK report?

Then there is the fact that Angelina Jolie was given a job at the London School of Economics, (LSE) and Kelsey found himself a new young wife. Angelina and her political ambitions. Seriously, what woman in her right mind would wish to take her children to war zones?

What's also interesting that I received another dream on the 15th September, 2016. The same day that Angelina began her proceedings against Brad with the divorce. In that dream I was on top of a mayan pyramid in the UK with a couple of fair haired Americans, and a woman that had driven me to the top of it. The pyramid was a new discovery.


Saturday, 24 September 2016


"The Hungarian Foreign Minister has hit out at the unelected Brussels officials for denying that "uncontrolled migration" has wreaked havoc across the EU".

"We will NEVER accept EU telling us what to do".

"Europe is Christian. There is no debate about it. You cannot challenge this".

Hungary are on track for their referendum in October.

Jeremy Corbyn Won

How the Labour party raised millions from its membership, cause a rumpus in the party, then get its membership to pay £25 per person to vote again for their leader. Whoever thought of that? Sounds like one of Simon Cowell's PR stunts, perhaps he has been advising the Labour Party on their PR strategy and business model implementation.

Pay to be a member of the Labour party, and pay to vote for your leader, sounds like a tax to me.

Tax the people for loving their leader, the membership don't pay for his wages do they, the people already pay for politicians wages in their taxes. So pay twice if you would like the man of your dreams, isn't there a Jewish biblical figure that had to pay twice for the woman that he wished to marry?

That's Simon Cowell's business model, he's appeared in my dreams too.

Does Jeremy seriously think that Labour MP's can stop squabbling amongst themselves over policy?

Can any of them agree on policy and the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn? Have they ever? How would they get any publicity if they didn't squabble? I read that some that left him, would reconsider going back on the front bench if he was re-elected, they must think that wisdom was born yesterday.

The watchtower for the flock, knew that Corbyn would win, he has the hearts of the membership.

At least Jonathan Pie and Owen Jones will be happier now.

506,438 votes and Corbyn received 313,209 of them. That's a lot of £25',s isn't it? Require some fundraising, just look how the Labour party managed to get people to donate millions into politics. The same party that introduced "Work Assessments" that Corbyn now calls "Cruelty".

Not everyone can afford to pay £25 to vote can they in this so-called, "democracy". It reminds me of the Sjogren's website, you can't access the research unless you pay £25.00. What about the poorest of the nation?

Least of all those that are suffering the most due to what the politicians have done during successive cabinet administrations.

What will they do with all that money? Will they put it back into the economy, the NHS, give it to the WASPI's, or how about the prophets and healers? Did Corbyn ever fund a healer and make one healer into a 1,000 healers? How about Simon Cowell? The next time someone complains about Simon Cowell, I shall ask them if they voted for Corbyn.

'For I the LORD love justice, I hate robbery'. Isaiah 61:8.