
Saturday 24 September 2016

Jeremy Corbyn Won

How the Labour party raised millions from its membership, cause a rumpus in the party, then get its membership to pay £25 per person to vote again for their leader. Whoever thought of that? Sounds like one of Simon Cowell's PR stunts, perhaps he has been advising the Labour Party on their PR strategy and business model implementation.

Pay to be a member of the Labour party, and pay to vote for your leader, sounds like a tax to me.

Tax the people for loving their leader, the membership don't pay for his wages do they, the people already pay for politicians wages in their taxes. So pay twice if you would like the man of your dreams, isn't there a Jewish biblical figure that had to pay twice for the woman that he wished to marry?

That's Simon Cowell's business model, he's appeared in my dreams too.

Does Jeremy seriously think that Labour MP's can stop squabbling amongst themselves over policy?

Can any of them agree on policy and the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn? Have they ever? How would they get any publicity if they didn't squabble? I read that some that left him, would reconsider going back on the front bench if he was re-elected, they must think that wisdom was born yesterday.

The watchtower for the flock, knew that Corbyn would win, he has the hearts of the membership.

At least Jonathan Pie and Owen Jones will be happier now.

506,438 votes and Corbyn received 313,209 of them. That's a lot of £25',s isn't it? Require some fundraising, just look how the Labour party managed to get people to donate millions into politics. The same party that introduced "Work Assessments" that Corbyn now calls "Cruelty".

Not everyone can afford to pay £25 to vote can they in this so-called, "democracy". It reminds me of the Sjogren's website, you can't access the research unless you pay £25.00. What about the poorest of the nation?

Least of all those that are suffering the most due to what the politicians have done during successive cabinet administrations.

What will they do with all that money? Will they put it back into the economy, the NHS, give it to the WASPI's, or how about the prophets and healers? Did Corbyn ever fund a healer and make one healer into a 1,000 healers? How about Simon Cowell? The next time someone complains about Simon Cowell, I shall ask them if they voted for Corbyn.

'For I the LORD love justice, I hate robbery'. Isaiah 61:8.

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