
Wednesday 28 September 2016



Jean Houston (USA) and it is written that she has a connection with the Clintons. Houston believes that a person can 'elect' themselves, perhaps that's how Obama got into the white house for a second time, as it surely wasn't based upon the vote of the electorate.

Nor was his second term, allowed in biblical prophecy, e.g Rev 13. There is three people mentioned in Rev 13, two of them that show themselves and then wisdom is called to do the count on the man. Of course, we know that Obama had Clinton's support. So has Jean Houston been telling Clinton to 'elect' herself? We know what the biblical teachings say about that don't we?

What else is shared about Jean Houston? Just take a look then compare it with the Christ teachings.

As we say in England, 'I wouldn't touch that American woman with a barge pole'. In other words, I would not recommend the American Jean Houston to anyone. Nor would I recommend Hilary Clinton for president. I think 30 years of the Clintons is long enough to find out what they could do.

America is certainly a very different country to the one that it once was, due to what the Clintons and Obama's have done to it. Clinton keeps talking about the Russians, who did that? Elizabeth Claire Prophet, ECP told people to build bunkers, buy guns, because the Russians were coming.

Seriously, do Americans really take those people seriously? Remember this that ECP could not save yourself from the power of the flame, and nor could many of her followers.

See David knew, don't mess with major Tom, if you would like to get things done.

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