
Wednesday 28 September 2016


This is another lovely sharing from Jeff Benner, Jeff also wrote a lexicon and his work was recommended to me by an English biblical scholar in 2007. In the video he shares his view of the meaning of Zion and Jerusalem and I like what he says about the fact that it is the journey that binds us together. I view it as the spiritual journey through life. For you are certainly bound together with those soul groups that have been with you on your journey, a spiritual connection, and wonderful memories of times shared together in love beyond measure.

We know that some of our ancestors married Christians, we also know from the scriptures that when the followers of Jesus (the spiritual teacher and healer, ) were in danger, he sent them to the other side until it was safe to return. One could view it that some Jewish people were grafted in with Christians, and when it was safe to return they would reunite with their Jewish families to ascertain and regain their spiritual heritage to bring everything to completion. 

It was all included in the journey. As in when it was safe to return to Israel, when acceptance would be given, that was the time that yours truly would arrive on their land. Although the book of Ezekiel foretold that it would happen after the second passing, and it happened the year after my mother passed over, in 2006. Romans 11:29 for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable. 

In Genesis 49, in the family of Joseph a woman is mentioned. 'The Almighty that blesses you, with the blessings of the skies above, blessings of the deep springs below, blessings of the breast and the womb. Your Father's blessings are greater than the ancient mountains, than the bounty of the age old-hills'. 

Prophet Hosea spoke of 'His Blessings in the last days'. Hosea 3:5 The Proverbs speak of the 'Blessings that crown the heads of the righteous' Pro 10:6 

In Jeff's sharing he mentions pointing the way to wholeness and in my life experience and spiritual journey, wholeness can only be attained by healing the soul. And believe it or not, Carl Jung had a great appreciation of how it could be found in the texts of different cultures.

That is the main reason that Jung was gnostic, because he knew that there was a methodology in the healing process on the rite of passage. The other day I shared a video of a woman talking about Jung's work, at Watkins in London, and it was after his NDE that he wrote and did his best work. Although he was elderly in years at the time, and that certainly gives elderly people a lot of encouragement to continue with what you have come to achieve.

His life's work came to its culmination when he was elderly. He was a prolific writer, yet, much of his work wasn't published until after his passing. In my humble view, Jung left a legacy for future generations;  he knew the sheer importance of making sure that help was given for the soul, in the best way that he could.

In my view his great work was largely suppressed within the fields of psychology as it is about the study of the soul. For how could the medics do what Jung could do, unless they were into mysticism as Carl Jung was? Jung appreciated that those that he referred to as Essenes were naturally, spiritual psychologists. Healers that could heal the soul, beyond the practicalities of life, beyond anything that people thought was possible. The miracles of wholeness and completion.

In 2002,  in a 'Review of General Psychology' survey, Jung ranked as the 23rd most cited psychologist of the 20th century. You could call his work a landmark in the life of the spiritual, because the spiritual are drawn to his work like a magnet when they are ready to receive it.

It's the same with Reiki healing, a saying in the Reiki community is that Reiki comes into your life when you are ready for it. It was after I trained in Reiki that I was drawn to the work of Carl Jung, (why wasn't it shared with us at school)  and I was in Australia at time.

I came across a second hand bookshop and in it one of his books. That I still have in my small library of books. I had already trained in soul healing work for my own development in the 90's, so the book about Jung's work, confirmed what I already knew to be true.

Not because Jung was an academic, and intellectual, because he was willing to look in-depth at the spiritual realities and how those spiritual realities impact on different areas of life. Because he was willing to accept the soul, explore its heart, and the Spirit in the creation of wholeness.

Carl Jung was willing to go the extra miles, to find the landmarks, to find what he was looking for, that would give meaning to his life's work and experiences, including spiritual experiences. There were landmarks in his life, turning points, and what great assistance he gave to the spiritual community that were on the journey.

Jeremiah 33:16 'Jerusalem shall dwell safely. She shall be called, 'The Lord our righteousness'. 

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