
Tuesday 27 September 2016


In recent weeks I am beginning to see positive changes to my physical body, endurance is becoming a lot easier. I have experienced some improvement due to my dietary changes, I appear to have it right now by providing my physical body with the specific nutrients that it requires for the nervous and other systems in my body. During my lifetime my body as experienced a lot of physical trauma, from the day that I was born.

Its a long story, and a long journey. Some of it has been shared on this blog while I've been going through the transformation of the physical. 2016, is a year of spiritual transformation in my life cycle too. During my life experience I shared that first you heal the mind, then you heal the soul, then you heal the physical. The best is saved till last.


At this point I cannot say to you that this is my exact diet, as my dietary requirements change daily, with what is happening with the body to keep a balance in check.

It is also determined by divine guidance that I receive, and what is right for each process of helping the dynamic self-healing processes of the body. Of course some days are far better than others, and I really should write a daily food journal, as yesterday while walking I could feel the boulder at the base of my spine.

Sometimes this 1950's woman, wakes up feeling the boulder, and I find myself immovable and some days, I don't. When I am immovable it usually means the LORD does not wish for me to do something, he doesn't wish for me to go out and walk, he likes me to rest up on those days.

Remember to put your feet up and don't stand on your feet too much, don't walk to much either. Be alert, be aware, be diligent, as these are dangerous times that the elderly live in, walking between the worlds in the last days of the end times.

As per the prophecy in the book of Revelation when she doesn't go out anymore.

However, if you would like to share your food in-take with yours truly, then I could provide you with recommendations on where you could make some improvements to your nutrition.

My smoothie last night, included Coriander, black grapes and pineapple. Coriander and grapes are excellent for detoxifying the body, and fresh pineapple is excellent for the nervous system, of the body.

As such, coriander and black/red grapes are great for the lymphatic system and I have seen a remarkable improvement in recent months of the lymphodema due to the changes that I have made in my life. Remember that raw food has the most energy, fresh live food that the LORD asked for, so eat as much raw food as you can.

I also like my homemade, carrot and coriander soup, of course with fresh carrots and fresh coriander. Celery soup is also one of my favourites for the adrenals. Watercress and salmon for the brain and so many other wonderful foods. Remember this that nutrition is scientific.

Last night I had Diana's favourite breakfast for supper, and for lunch I had a two-egg omelette with mozzarella and basil. I snacked on a mozzarella toasted cheese sandwich. So a protein booster yesterday too with the four eggs eaten.

I will keep you updated while we wait for the MRI scan to be done, and I am boosting my body as much as possible in preparation for some oral surgery. That includes ensuring that I have some cod liver oil everyday for my bones.

Goats milk is on my menu this week and that has been proven to be good for the back too. Watercress and fresh coriander salads are lovely, ( you can also include fresh dill and or chives too)  and I really like it with brie and with marinated raw herring. With a balsamic vinegar and groundnut oil. Hemp oil is also great if you have some. When I have bread, I mostly eat brown bread, in small quantities, because I am allergic to wheat if I have too much. Although I do like my flat breads, tortilla's for wraps.

I quite fancy some liver and mashed potato today, I feel I deserve it, and I have some lovely butter beans to go with it. I can do a butter bean dish to go with it, with herbs, tomatoes, onions, garlic etc. Maybe a little ice cream and raspberries for afters.

Mum liked liver very much, although it will always remind me of David Bowie, I think I could've helped David more than the help that he received. David should've come home to England for his healing time and he should've helped the healers. For that is God's will.

Seriously, where did his ambitions in America get him? An early grave. Some Americans recommend yoga, whereas I recommend the appropriate nutrition that is divinely guided. Sometimes that can include a specific flower essence and or an aromatherapy oil massaged into your body.

Ageing is a natural process, we all agree on that. However, we can defend our bodies and its self-dymanic healing system as much as possible, to keep the body as healthy as we can.

In so doing, we defend our bodies and its systems from disease that can bring your life to an abrupt end. With Reiki healing we can also rejuvenate our physical bodies and systems. One of my students looks ten years younger than she did when I first met her. She has been excellent at keeping up with her spiritual practice and it certainly shows on her face.

I'm still doing my inversion therapy, and putting a lot of effort into my health and recovery.


Artist, Sophie Anderson 

Blessings to the people that have fed me, brought me food, and provided for yours truly in this timeline. Your charity as been essential, as I couldn't live without it at this time. Everything was meant to be for the Spirit of Grace and Supplication. It was Jesus that gave yours truly the name 'Lotus Feet', after my return from Israel in 2006, as such I honour him with this post.

It was that day in 2006, when he said that we were going to Damascus next. Truly we did in 2007, as due to being turned away from Muslim hotels in east Jerusalem. They said there was no room at the inn to this Western woman.

After that I found myself at the Damascus Gate and it is through that gate that I entered the old city. Wonderful memories of being able to walk through the old city and see its different energies with my own eyes and heart in 2007. I knew that he was walking with me, with every step that I took, this healer was never alone on my spiritual journey.

He had delivered me to Israel, for the second time, exactly as he had promised the Israeli's that he would. Jesus kept his promise to the Jewish people, a vessel of his love beyond measure.

That is when they knew that they were truly loved and have his blessing.

Love beyond measure

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