
Tuesday 27 September 2016


It was on the 20th of November 1992 when Windsor Castle was on fire. That was a major message for the British monarchy. The private chapel of Elizabeth was being renovated at the time, Elizabeth couldn't save herself from the power of the flame.


The 20th of November was the 'Day of Struggle'. Since that time just look at what her politicians have done to our nation, didn't she get the message that the fire conveyed? Did you read the texts and comprehend why the fire had come upon her Castle? Elizabeth should resign immediately, enough is enough.

Would Diana, our Queen of Hearts have considered the fire upon the castle of Windsor karma, probably. I remember writing to Charles on behalf of Diana some years after the fire, while I was in Australia.

He didn't even respond to the note that was sent to him on her behalf. Diana's instructions were given and passed on.

At that time Diana asked me to go to the media and tell them about our communications together. Diana said that it would help to raise money for the mission of 'compassion and mercy for depressed and suicidal children.'

Mercy said no, I told Diana, that Spirit would have to find another way to financially support the mission, love is not for sale. What Diana shared with me was not for sale. It was our special time together, our shared journey in Australia, in the love of our hearts, united for the children.

When I left England, the Spirit of Diana came with yours truly, and when I returned to England a year later she was still with me.

I was compelled to have Diana's favourite breakfast for supper last night, I know that she is close, when I think of her breakfast, and when I am compelled to eat what she liked. Wonderful memories to hold in our hearts, heavenly, and divine indeed. Her memory lives on in the heart of our nation.

The weekend of Diana's funeral I was exhibiting at the Healing Arts exhibition in London with a colleague, and everyone was still in shock at what had happened. It was a very quite time indeed, a time of contemplation of the events that had unfolded before our nation. We were peaceful, loving, and kind, lots of hugs.

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