
Monday 26 September 2016

America Tax Credits - Suicidal Economics

I had hoped to get organised yesterday for this week ahead. Then a huge planetary wave swept over this empath, and I was drenched in tears for the best part of the day. Later in the evening on Sunday it cleared, then today, its back again, to a lesser degree, and it feels like a bereavement.

In the news today is the American corporation Concentrix, a company contracted to cut tax credit payments from people in the UK. A whistleblower in Belfast, at Concentrix's call centre has told the BBC that they're receiving calls from people that are 'Suicidal', due to their economic situation.

The 'economic woes' of the people due to what the politicians have done. The BBC article says that the contract will not be renewed with Concentrix in 2017. However, that won't help the families that can't afford to live, due to the social policy of austerity, sanctions and robbery. How the Americans taught the politicians how to rob the people. They had practiced it for a long time, that is why America is where it is.

Is it any wonder that empaths are weeping for the people of our nation?

'For I, the LORD, love justice, I hate robbery'. Isaiah 61.

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