
Monday 26 September 2016

Jews for Judaism on Prophecy

Jews for Judaism respond to Christians with their view and understanding of the Tanakh. In this video he mentions Jeremiah 33:16. 'Jerusalem shall dwell safely. She shall be called, 'The Lord our righteousness'.

Then there is Jeff Benner that provides his view of it.

The archer that shoots the arrow.

Jeff mentions the 'Landmark', and it's interesting that a group of women from Landmark in the UK were sent to yours truly, they travelled a long way from Yorkshire, they came to my location to engage with a 'Divine Mother' workshop. We had a wonderful time together during the Rev 12 timeline, and they enjoyed the meditation very much. Yes, he was with us, and he was seen on the workshop. He even danced with one of the women, that wept all the way through it for nearly an hour. I took the tissues to her face, and gently wiped her tears away, and I placed more tissues in her hands. So that I could sit back down again in my seat, while she was joyfully in his presence. As we know, only the heavenly Father can send him to you.

Each had their own experiences, each enjoyed our time together in their own way. Each were at different levels of attainment of wholeness and completion, each individual was given directly and divinely, what they required for the next phase of their journey. If I remember correctly, after the workshop we went out to eat together, more sharing of spiritual joy in our hearts.

Completion of truth exists.

King David received a revelation that three instruments would come. That the person that Moses spoke about would come second, and that another person would come first. David was told that a person would be born on Jesses land, and Jesse owned land in northern Israel in the Jezreel Valley.

Where David did his courting between the Sea of Galilee and Mount Carmel. The revelation that David was given and is recorded in the Tanakh made David very happy, as he knew that one of the people that was coming would be born on an Island, as the prophecies of Isaiah foretold. The Islands would await the law.

During the Rev 12 timeline that was completed in December 2008, circumstances co-created situations whereby I was compelled to say to some of the students on different training courses, to be silent before me. For they had come to learn from the sharing that could help them with their lives and spiritual development; and we had a lot to get through together.

They were training to be empowered healers, and to walk in integrity, to be pure in their intentions, and give it their utmost attention; so that miracles could become a reality in their lives. So what anyone thinks of yours truly, matters not to me, for those that required help were sent to receive it.

People flew in from different countries to receive healing, from America, the Canaries, from New Zealand, Norway, and even from the Philippines, plus a lot more. It was a wonderful journey, sharing my heart of love beyond measure with many people. It included people from different and diverse backgrounds. From professionals with glowing careers, to underprivileged families. all were treated equally. Each were given the same opportunities to make the right choices for themselves and their families, for their children and their future. A future whereby people would heal together, help each other in every way that is possible to do. To embrace the kingdom of love, and its wisdom.

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