
Friday 30 September 2016

Are You Offered the BEST?

This video is of an American politician, Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul, and he is calling out the FDA. He mentions how Japan's medical profession provides a better service and alleviation for health conditions than is currently available in America and for Americans. Rand is asking the question why and says that we are supposed be living in a free country.

Rand makes another important point about clinical trials, and how some people are willing to engage with those clinical trials if they think that it can help them with their serious condition. He even cites a case within his own family to express and stress the importance of it.

Another important point that he makes is that not everyone is the same, and he can see a future whereby people are treated as individuals. Individual cases that have to be treated in a unique and individual way. 

I totally agree with him on that point and that is why the plans of the EU to harmonise healthcare throughout Europe, cannot possibly work. The medical profession have tried to do that for decades, give the same treatment to people for the same diagnosis, that is not appropriate in the timeline of new technology. 

When I decided that it was time to take my own healing process seriously, the first place that I was sent was to MBS and complimentary medicine. MBS, Mind, Body and Spirit. That was in the 90's, after that the journey really began in earnest. I had stepped on the healing path, the highway to holiness and wonderful spiritual help was given, truly divine. It was an excellent renewal of the foundation for all areas of my life, a foundation of love beyond measure. 

What this mystical recluse is looking at today, what progress as this spiritual psychologist made, what have I achieved in my own life in the last two weeks, even the last month, as this month draws to a close, it's important to do regular reviews, to keep you on track and moving forward. The 30th of September, is also the 'Day of Glaring Truth'.

We've given support to the WASPI campaign, as I am a 1950's woman and that impacts on yours truly. We've given support to the Native Americans and 'Water is Life' campaign, because fresh water is important to everyone on the planet. I've received the blessing of food that was delivered to my door, and that aligns with the Malachi prophecy for Elijah.

I've spoken to local and national charities and groups defending the disabled. A visit to a surgeon, and two visits to the dentist and a plan worked out and agreed.

I've filled out a research questionnaire for the neurological alliance, to help our people to get improved neurological services in the UK. I have also offered to let them explore my case with a further investigation. I give my support to the best neurologists and neuroscientists that are doing their utmost to put patients first. Transportation is still an issue for many patients, including myself, due to the NHS sending people out of their own local area. 'I will be quick to testify'.

We know that over 58% of patients in the UK cannot access neurological services. We also know that in 2013, there was only one O-Arm machine in the country, and only two consultant surgeons that are qualified and trained to use it. That reminds me of the 70's when there were only six laser machines in the country, I was fortunate that I was born close to that hospital in London where I received treatment.

So I do feel that we are moving forward. However slowly, and as Jesus said in 2011, 'We are moving into awesomeness'. In 2015, he spoke of the timeline of the 'Heart of Repose' and that overlapped with 2016 in my cycle of spiritual transformation.

Now we have the new moon energies in Libra, and that is all about balance, so how do I keep a balance in my life? I have concentrated on and focussed on healing foods to keep some balance with the health conditions that my age group of women maybe facing. Still juicing, souping, and salads, its been brilliant preparation for what is ahead.

As health is my priority, also the most recent dream that I received prior to this new moon was also about women, health and a hospital. So my focus is clearly women's health in this timeline, the mother of mothers, that taught mothers how to be mothers.

It's been a long journey to get the appropriate help. So what's next, more engagement with the GP and engagement with those that are on the 'brink of homelessness', due to what David Cameron and his associates have been involved in. Remember what David Bowie sung in 1980, in 'Ashes to Ashes',  'Don't mess with major Tom'. He said that he was wrapping up the 70's for himself and that it was a good epitaph.

News today is that children that were born in the 1980's are worse off than those that were born in the 70's. Usually it is the case that the next generation are better off than the previous generation, although due to the recession the children born in the 80's have suffered the most economically.

Of course they have as the recession impacted upon their parents ability to provide them with the prosperity that they could have enjoyed. It impacted upon small business people, the ability to grow their businesses and provide jobs for the children.

Although I did try to engage my son in business, with some part-time work when he was a teenager, he did enjoy working with his mum to earn some pocket money. However, the older he got and the more that the computer took over his life, the less interested in business he became. I think he made the right move to go into the public sector in this timeline as it suits his humanitarian Aquarian personality.

New moons usually bring endings and new beginnings, and I am seeing that manifest on a local level, one historic site closes down and is going to be demolished, another historic site is rejuvenated, both venues served food. So food is certainly still on the menu and nutrition is still very, very important.

I'm staying on it, are you? I have noted that many journalists have to ask more questions and the right questions. Otherwise they're just printing press releases. So what are you asking yourselves today?

What are you examining today in your life? Ponder upon what you have achieved in the last month and where you are going in October. Where do you feel that you are being led to go to achieve more balance in your life? Certainly, the economy and economics is also about balance, making sure that you have a financial balance in your lives, so that you can survive in these last days of the end times.


So if you enjoy reading this blog, please consider making a charitable contribution, to my existence enabling us to get things done. I require financial help to pay for an MRI scan and report at a local private BUPA hospital. As our local hospital have no appointments, and what is on offer from the NHS, patients have advised against. There is also no paid for transport to those locations.

So I have no choice but to make supplication and ask for financial help to attain the attention that I require. The financial transaction can be carried out directly with the hospital, so that I can attend the hospital for investigation.


I also require new glasses at a cost of £89.00 from Spec savers, that provides two sets of glasses, for the price of one. My eyes have been tested, a prescription has been given, I have selected the frames, now I just have to have the money to pay for it.

The opticians are just waiting for the order to go in. A cheque could be written out in the name of the opticians, so that you know it really is for the new glasses, or payment could be done over the phone directly with the opticians. I am happy to provide you with their telephone number.

It's a long time since I've had new glasses, they will be the first new glasses since the late 90's and the first new prescription since the early 90's. I only wear glasses when I have to go out, so they are important too.


I require a new fridge and oven, as the oven cannot be used due to being a fire risk, and the fridge keeps on leaking water. I really have to get this sorted before the wintertime, as I require an oven to cook hot food and my nutrition is essential. Did you know that baked sweet potatoes with their skin on is more nutritional than not? I had to stop using the oven in January 2016, when the electrician was called out, due to it impacting on the fuse box. So its been nine months without an oven.

Will you help when asked?

If you require anymore information, you can contact me by email:

TNK @ orangehome .  co  .  uk

If you email, I am happy to give you my telephone number due to this being an emergency.

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