
Sunday 25 September 2016


American, Ron Bard is listed as an actor and producer.   Born on the 22nd October, 1959, his profile says that he passed over on the 23rd January, 2016. Family Facebook posts say he passed over on the 22nd and he was 56 years old. So he was born on the 22nd, and passed over on the 22nd. The 22nd of January was the 'Day of Vortex'. 

Ron Bard on Facebook

His last posts on Twitter were on the 19th January.

He passed over in LA, although his residence is listed on his profile as New York.

Ron Bard Obituary

Ron Bard Wikipedia Profile

His profile mentions earnings of $1M. Although after he passed over his family were crowd funding for his funeral as posted on Facebook. In the interview in the video below he mentions a product that he developed and that he spent 3-6 months a year in Japan. In fact his last tweets were about Japan. He looks like a sumo wrestler doesn't he? Hence, strong past life connections with Japan.

In this interview he says he was helping celebrities to select film scripts.

The date of his birthday is interesting, as it is the same day that I received the dream about Brad Pitt,  22nd October 2014.

Brad Pitt Dream

The day I received the dream with Brad Pitt, there was also a solar eclipse, and I kept on being given the date, 2016, 2016.

Mother of Mothers Solar Eclipse

Ron Bard's film profile also says that he was chairman of PMI Psychic Media Int'l.

Brad Pitt Divorce

His website is listed as and it looks like he had been reading some of my writings. In the meantime! Brad Pitt clearly finds himself in that now.

The national media in the UK had published articles about Ron Bard and what he had to say about Brad's relationship with Angelina in August, 2014. Articles have appeared in the Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Express, and the Daily Mirror. It was reported that he had been advising Brad for some time, and forewarned him that the end of his relationship was coming. That Angelina would leave him. The story goes that Brad was introduced to Ron by his first wife, and as you can see in this photograph, Brad looks quite young in it.

Who else was he involved with, apart from Brad Pitt? This news report mentions Actor, Kelsey Grammar and Japanese actor, Ken Watanabe and their plans to launch an interactive TV channel globally.

Ken Watanabe mentioned in that brief report from the UK about the TV project, as also been in the news this year. With his announcement in February, that he had been battling 'stomach cancer' since January.

The same month that Ron Bard passed over,  'no cause of death' as been posted on any of his profiles etc. Ron Bard was also ex-military. What happened to the business launch of the TV project, that Ron, Kelsey and Ken were involved in, and mention in that UK report?

Then there is the fact that Angelina Jolie was given a job at the London School of Economics, (LSE) and Kelsey found himself a new young wife. Angelina and her political ambitions. Seriously, what woman in her right mind would wish to take her children to war zones?

What's also interesting that I received another dream on the 15th September, 2016. The same day that Angelina began her proceedings against Brad with the divorce. In that dream I was on top of a mayan pyramid in the UK with a couple of fair haired Americans, and a woman that had driven me to the top of it. The pyramid was a new discovery.


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