
Thursday 29 September 2016


I've had an egg week, with different recipes that included fried eggs, scrambled eggs, and omelette. Also felt drawn to have lambs liver, and lambs liver is also important for iron.

Although, this 1950's woman, is not feeling too great today, due to the boulder at the base of my spine. It certainly stops me from going out, and doing the things that I would like to do. The book of Revelation did mention the time when I wouldn't go out anymore. The mystical recluse.

'Be faithful to the point of death, and I will give you life as the victor's crown'. Remember I was tested and put in a cell overnight exactly as the scripture foretold. I was faithful and remembered the word, I was not afraid. Although I knew that I was being 'persecuted' for speaking the truth, in defence of freedom of speech, my people and culture.

I was not allowed to see a doctor, and I was not allowed to make a statement by those that locked me up. The physical trauma to my back deepened due to an accident in 2009, I have suffered deeply ever since, and hopefully, I will have an MRI scan soon. I first began to get what is known as 'Jacob's trouble' while I was in a gym doing a little yoga in 2002. Gentle floor exercises.

That's when I felt something happened to my hips, due to the pain, after that I had a 'trapped nerve', it was at that point that I had the first x-ray of my back at the Chiropractors and they gave their diagnosis at the time.

I carried on the best that I could during the Rev 12 timeline that was completed in December 2008. That timeline also overlapped with Micah 4 with the mission to America.

I have had more x-rays taken since the first Chiropractors took an x-ray in 2002, and there does seem to have been some improvement since that time. In fact both chiropractors and the Rheumatologist said that the bone structure of my back was in good order for a person of my age.

So now we have to look at the nervous system that works with the muscular system. Hence, the MRI scan to come, and why I am feeding the nervous system and muscular system as much as possible, as and when I am able to eat.

What GP's think about the neurological services that are currently on offer an apparently, the brain and spine foundation have closed down their helpline. 12 million people in the UK are living with a neurological condition.

As prophecy foretold, 'I will be quick to testify', and I did give my testimony after I saw the Rheumatologist that purposely caused pain to my back and hips. Those doctors must be tender with this body, and we know in the prophecies that Jesus gave, he warned his followers about the medics.

'Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches, the one that is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death'. In my experience that verse in Rev 2, is about the second passing and I was not 'hurt' by the passing of my mother.

I knew that she had chosen to leave and that she was at peace with it. She and I both embraced that there is life after death during the lives that we shared; and she chose to prove it again, give more evidence of it,  after she passed over. By appearing at the side of me while I was typing. It was the most beautiful experience for mother and daughter. As such, I was prepared for what laid ahead, for she had pre-warned me in advance.

My mother had Rheumatoid Arthritis and she was concerned for my future and that I would get it too, although the doctors cannot find it in the blood tests. My mother and I were very different personalities, and I do think that our characters being so different from each other, that does impact on health. Also the fact that we were born at different times on different days, indicate different susceptibilities to different health conditions. Certainly, I have 'weak ankles' and that is usual for Aquarians.

David Bowie knew about the heavenly harp of faithfulness, (mentioned in the prophecies) and he sang about it in his song, 'Ashes to Ashes'. He gave a warning not to mess with major Tom.

Interesting date for the release of the song being 1980, after I had married in London.

David himself said that he was wrapping up the 70's really, for himself, which seemed a good enough epitaph for it.

He produced the song with Tony Visconti, when he was working with Visconti in London, I was sharing a house with rock musicians in the early 70's that were also working with Visconti. I used to cook for them and they particularly liked their roast dinners on Sunday. I think they would've lived on 'junk food', if it wasn't for yours truly giving them proper food.

It was certainly the end of the 70's when I left London after the wedding. Remember Proverbs 31?

In 1983, David launched 'Golden Years' that was the year that my son was born.

As the LORD said, 'Rock stars sang about you'. 

David and I were both sent to Israel, although he went to Israel before I did.

Today, I shall concentrate on eating raw food, salad and fruit. I have some fresh pineapple, kiwi's, apples, plums, bananas, red grapes and lime to choose from. I can also have some liquorice in goats milk for my back.

'Ehyeh, Ehyeh' he said to me. 

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