Thursday 21 December 2017


27th of November, 2017, I had a dream of giving out boiled sweets in a local pub.

Then yesterday, someone else mentioned boiled sweets, so I found myself discussing boiled sweets, after that I bought some clear mint boiled sweets. Do you remember these TV commercials for glacier mints, the power of animation. The company that launched the glacier sweet was based in Leicester, and it is written that Joseph Rowntree acquired the company. Glacier mints have been made in Leicester since 1918. Although I bought the stores own brand, glacier mints are meant to resemble ice, clear and translucent.

Sucking is important for the muscles in the face. If you've ever been in hospital, they used to give out boiled sweets to patients.

After I gave out the sweets I saw two brides in wedding gowns in their wedding cars in the dream.

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