
Tuesday 31 August 2021


These are 7 experienced veterinary surgeons speaking about why a raw diet is good for dogs. A new veterinary society was launched in the UK in 2014 by Dr Nick Thompson, the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society includes members from other countries.

I must say that I have been impressed by the quality and ranges of raw food meals available in the UK. 

We have some great small producers that are providing incredibly healthy food for the dogs. 

Monday 30 August 2021


People on the march in London at the weekend were asked how is the resistance in your local area? Some have said that 20K people attended this weekend. I watched some of the march, a great crowd that includes all ages. 

David Kurten, Christian leader and founder of the Heritage Party was also walking with the march in London. People were carrying crosses and Jesus for Freedom placards, it was great to see the people in action. 

The people being interviewed in this video say that the resistance is definitely growing in our local areas in the UK. 



My five month old puppy has been trying different foods, proteins and veggies. This evening I tried him on a little kale mixed in with his beef and turkey ready raw meal. He took the kale out of his bowl and then put the kale in the hall way, the raw kale was definitely not eaten by the puppy.  

We have to read the food labels because some ready raw meals do include kale, which is one of the reasons I gave him a little this evening. 

Some raw feeders do give their dogs a little kale too.  However, I trust my puppy and his knowing where his food is concerned, it is no to kale. 

This is what the American Kennel Club have to say about kale and vegetables from the same family. He's not keen on broccoli either, although he did eat a very little of raw cauliflower this weekend.

He is willing to try different foods but it is important to check whether different foods are safe prior to offering them to your dog. He likes some fruit, raspberries, banana, blueberries, strawberries, apple if it is cut up really tiny. He likes some veggies, so far he has tried grated carrot, grated swede, a few peas and raw sweet potato. I don't give him the same food everyday, throughout the week he has a mix of different proteins and I include some extra veg for him sometimes. His menu's are full of variety, no two weeks are the same.  

Although his frozen raw ready meals tend to have a whole load of different nutrients in them to support his health with the meat, offal and bone. He enjoys salmon and this weekend he also had sardines. I gave him some salmon last week because I received a dream of him eating a salmon steak with the bone. 

There is a huge range available in the UK and I have been impressed by the quality of the raw dog food and the contents provided by different producers. It is certainly a huge growth market and the organic growth of the market is in direct response to customer demand. 

Dog owners, many people turned to alternatives due to the desire to improve the health of their pets, it is the same for humans, a majority of humans change their lifestyle and turn to alternatives to improve their own health. 


During a recent acting job in New Orleans, actress Sally Kirkland (79 years old) was rushed to hospital where a doctor reportedly told her the following: "You're not the first person. We've had other people who got the Moderna vaccine, which attacked the nerve in their brain, causing all these symptoms". 

Sally said, "In my 79 years, I've never experienced this level of pain".

I've met other people that took flu jabs every year with vertigo. They didn't have vertigo prior to taking flu jabs. 


This morning during dream state I was receiving a massage, healing and tender loving care. The massage therapist that I could see had blonde hair, although there was more than one young woman in the room. There was three of us in the massage room. 

In dream interpretation, to dream of giving a massage can indicate approaching good news. Getting my car back would certainly be good news, then I can go for a massage. 

My muscles were being massaged and a dream with your muscles in it can indicate some "frustration" in the body that has to be released. Frustration of any type can manifest has tension in the body, especially in the root of your being. I remember the days when the Holy Mother spoke of her son's frustration, in ancient days he was frustrated with some of the men that chose to be trained by him. It was a very intense time due to Israel being occupied by the Romans. 

In this video, the scientists examine tantric energy healing and they find there is a major difference in the energies of two different people and the women on the bed respond differently to the energy of the different guys working on them. 

The healer isn't even touching their bodies, yet, the bodies of the women respond to the healers energy infusion inside their auric field. Even whilst in the MRI scanning machine, the change in energy is seen.  My view based upon my extensive energy experience has a giver and receiver of energy,  is that the women could feel the heat of the hands of the healer, they could feel the energy from him. 

Sunday 29 August 2021


Some say there were 20K people marching in London this weekend. Great to see the Jesus banners and placards,  Jesus for Freedom. Ruptly say that London was clogged by protestors. We stand against Boris Johnson and his medical tyranny. 

Eric Clapton that was harmed by the Nanotechnology mNRA injections has launched this song. 

Wednesday 25 August 2021


The Daily Mail report that Health Chiefs have recalled a batch of a common diabetes medication. 

Metaformin contains a cancer-causing chemical once used to make rocket fuel. It is being withdrawn immediately from Pharmacists due to the "unacceptable levels of nitrosodimethylamine." The product is supplied by Rosemont Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Monday 23 August 2021


On the 9th of August I received the name pronounced "Dani-el". In the UK, the name pronounced that way, is the way that the female name is pronounced.  From memory, during my life, I've only met one young woman with the name, Danielle. 


Dr Vernon Cole shared that the masks can cause cancer. The FDA told people to put the PCR tests being used in the UK in the trash bin, they can also harm you. Virologist, Dr Bhakdi said do not inject your children, it is a crime. Three children died in Australia after being injected recently. 32,000 people have died in Brazil after receiving the Nanotechnology mRNA jab. It is genocide! 

Today, Daily Expose has reported on a "study conducted by the Francis Crick Institute in the United Kingdom. The researchers found that Pfizer-Biotech jab destroys T-cells and weakens the immune system."

Healthy T-cells and immune system are imperative to help to defend the body.

Sunday 22 August 2021


While resting today I had a dream of being in a different county, a friend, the puppy and I had driven to Suffolk. We were going for a drink with a mutual friend to a country pub. 

When we arrived, I was driving backwards and forwards in the car park while parking the car. Eventually when the car was parked we then went into the house where two ladies were. My puppy was running around the country cottage, while I was chatting with the ladies.  We were picking up someone else from the cottage. 

In this dream interpretation the car is just a mode of transport to take us from one place to another, and we were going to a country village in a different county for a meet-up. 

A dog is a symbol of companionship, unconditional love, loyalty and faithfulness. The puppy was running around the historic country cottage that was owned by a local businessman, he is a generation younger than I. I used to know his mother and Valerie was one of my clients in a couple of different businesses that I ran in the 80s and 90s. 

I had company in the car along with the puppy, and to dream of distant friends can indicate some news is coming has a dream of this type is often a forerunner to unexpected news. Dreaming of friends/acquaintances can also indicate happy social times ahead with good companions. 

There was four of us in the dream plus the puppy, and if you remember the number of people that were in the dream it can signify an increase in personal power and/or prestige. I often have dreams of people that I knew in the past. 

SPACE NEWS 22nd August, 2021

Space news, space weather, solar flares, new sun spots on this full moon in Aquarius. How are you today? Puppy and I have been resting and dreaming. 


Canadian, holistic veterinary surgeon, Dr Jones, alerted us to the fact that 130 dogs have died, plus 220 sick dogs, toxic mould was found in Sportsmix and other dry pet brands. The FDA have given the manufacturer's, Midwestern Pet Foods, 15 days to fix the violations. 

This is a great link, it lists the companies and brands that have had to recall dog and cat food.

Another reason people should switch from dry food to raw, pet owners take responsibility for what you are feeding your dogs and cats. 

In the UK we've had an issue with kibble for cats, lawyers are representing 350 cat owners and over 1,000 cats are involved to date. 

See this blogpost for more information.

Saturday 21 August 2021


Has I was coming out of sleep state this morning, I thought it was Tuesday. Hence, ahead of myself. Now the Daily Mail are reporting that on Tuesday, it could be the last flights out of Kabul.

Tuesday will be the 24th of August, 2021, it is the "Day of Examination". 

So what will you be examining on the 24th? 


Sometimes I'm given location names if and when there is going to be an event in the location. Montecito means "little mount" in Spanish. The Guardian newspaper refer to it as the super-wealthy enclave where Harry and Meghan bought their $11M estate. 

Perhaps Harry and Meghan might like to help these poor Californian chaps, they should see what happened to them after they took the Moderna Nanotechnology mRNA. Harry and Meghan have been promoting the jabs to Americans, so it is only right that they should look at the consequences of their public relations efforts.

Montecito is not exactly a safe area to buy a house for your family. Remember the forest fires, boulders the size of cars, 23 fatalities, flash floods and mudslide where Oprah was standing. The rich are not immune to nature, nor are they immune to criticism. Harry has been called out again for his "eco hypocrisy", this time for flying on a friends plane from Aspen, Colorado to Santa Barbara, California, after a polo match.


The police have arrested a woman outside 4 Matthew Parker Street for writing "Fear Creators", on what is being called the "Behavioural Insights Psy-Ops Building". 

Has far as I am aware, the "Behavioural Insights Team" have offices in America and in other locations too, London is the HQ. BIT was set-up in 2010 by the 2010-2015 coalition government, it was established by the Tories and Liberal Democrats and headed by a psychologist David Halpern. 

In 2013, it was partially privatised in a mutual joint venture. It also has a partnership with Harvard.

They've been advising governments on how to "inflict mind control and manipulation" of our populations regarding the biggest "crime against humanity". 

Governments are in breach of the Nuremberg Codes due to the experimentation upon the people with spike proteins that are in the Nanotechnology mRNA injections with graphene oxide. 

This video was provided by GB Resistance. In scripture, Jesus warned us in advance about the "arrests" of the people that would happen. Those that can think for themselves stand against "Project Fear", that Obama spoke about after he left the White House. The prophecies indicated in the book of Revelation that this would call for wisdom with insight when Obama came on the scene. 

Wisdom more precious than rubies, Clinton wore rubies at the Trump dinner after he won the election in 2016. 

The Behavioural Insights Team are social engineering the people, it is based upon what they call "nudge theory". 

Thursday 19 August 2021


At dawn this morning, I dreamt that my puppy was roaring into a couple of raw salmon steaks on the kitchen floor. He is 4.5 months old and so far he has liked a tin of tuna fish, he didn't like tinned mackerel, and ate a little of tinned sardines in brine. 

I haven't tried him on raw fish yet, (I eat raw fish myself, I eat marinated anchovies and herrings) although I do give him a cod liver oil and evening primrose oil supplement each day especially for dogs. 

Last night I was listening to holistic vet Dr Nick Thompson and he recommended a book by an Australian holistic vet, Clare Middle, for people that are starting out with feeding raw food. This is a link to her website. Natural diet for dogs, cats and puppies.

When I picked up my puppy from the breeder at 12 weeks old he was on kibble, a couple of weeks later I switched him to raw food and I've been buying the prepared raw food from a local creche. 

He began on Benyfitnatural complete raw food meals for puppies, chicken and turkey. Then Beef and tripe. Dr Nick Thompson is now a consultant to Benyfitnatural. This food is great for puppies because it has Verm-X in it. It is so popular that it is out of stock.

It is so easy, buy it frozen, keep it in the freezer until you require it. I buy a weeks supply at a time because my freezer only has that spare capacity. I also made chicken brine ice cubes and keep those for him too. An easy way to store chicken brine for myself and the pup. 

Last week I found a local farm shop that has a huge range and variety of ready raw food meals with different proteins etc. So my puppy is now trying the Naked Dog raw food brand, Goose, Duck and Lamb.

Nick Thompson's advice of introducing new proteins slowly is imperative to successful raw feeding. One new protein per week gives puppies bodies the opportunity to get used to the new protein at their pace. 

Although it is also essential to listen to your pet and your intuition. Sometimes my pup will eat his food raw, sometimes, he likes it cooked prior to eating it. Then sometimes he will refuse cooked, so I then offer him raw again and then he will eat it.  

It is amazing how he knows what his body requires, when and how he likes to have a choice. He likes a frozen raspberry and blueberry has treats in the evening after his meal, he even goes to the freezer to ask for his treats. 

On chewing, he has been much happier since I gave him pigs ears to chew. He now refuses the dental chews especially for teeth. His biting has subsided too, he is a lot more gentle, (a lot of training) although he is still teething. Yesterday he was in the bath for a shampoo and I put some healing oils in his coat around his neck, to smell nice. 


In dream interpretation, a dog is a symbol of a faithful friend, unconditional love, affection and loyalty. I did name my puppy after a beloved friend and I did share with him in advance that I would do so.  

Eating fish in a dream is considered to be a good sign, the puppy is doing good. 

Salmon specifically in dreams can mean an increase in activity and prestige and has we know salmon can swim upstream. The puppy is already on Instagram and Facebook, big smiles, he had a great time at creche where they took the photographs of him. 

The Dog Creche has been very important too him because it helps him to get used to not always being by my side, 24/7. That it is OK to be apart from each other and that he can still have fun with his buddies. 

Creche is really important for helping puppies to mature appropriately and for their socialisation. Has some puppies are far more confident than others. I've been blessed with a very confident Aries pup and he has been blessed with an Aquarian holistic healer has a companion. 

Dreaming of a kitchen can also indicate good news. Puppy in the kitchen eating raw salmon, good news. Today, he had goose for lunch and that one is 90% meat and bone, 10% veg. 

The moon enters Aquarius tomorrow, hopefully, I will have my car back today and am ready to go and get the pup some salmon tomorrow. However, what was important about today? The 19th of August is the "day of surprise". 

Sunday 15 August 2021


While I was posting the article on the 28th report from MHRA reporting system, yellow card scheme in the UK. In this article, some radio interviews have been included in this article. People are phoning in to radio stations and giving their views and experiences.

I received this message, "Carcinogens". That means that the Nanotechnology mRNA injections can cause cancer due to the contents of the medical intervention.


The FDA has issued a "Black Box Warning" about the jabs due to serious heart issues that have exploded in numbers, heart attacks and strokes in 12-17 years old. Dr Jane Ruby giving her feedback on the latest information.

In Hawaii, Attorney, Michael Green has filed a Class Action Lawsuit, representing 1,200 first responders against the Governor and Mayor to stop the mandating of the injections.

Saturday 14 August 2021


Canadian, holistic veterinary surgeon, Dr Jones shares the latest on the FDA investigation of "grain-free dog food" due to some breeds getting a heart condition, DCM. There is a genetic component and there is an amino acid deficiency in the dried food. It does appear to impact on some breeds and not others. 

I'm feeding my puppy a raw food diet and he appears to be doing great. He is still teething and he also likes chewing his pigs ear. Although we have both had an allergic reaction to the Kennel Cough vax. 

I did speak to his vet about it and he said that the sludge from his red eyes could keep going for another week or two. When a puppy has its vaccinations, it is best not to allow your pet near your face and mouth and remember that the Kennel Cough is a live virus that they put it in. 

In north America generally, like their children, they receive far more vaccinations than ours do in the UK. Vaccinations do impact upon their immune systems and the more vaccinations that they receive, the greater the adverse impact upon their bodies and their functioning. 

Prior to human consumerism, did dogs eat grains? In ancient times the Romans fed their dogs bread and pearl barley. Although the quality of Italian bread is far superior to what most people eat today. So when my pup asked for some homemade Italian bread with Rosemary, I did allow him to have some crusts from it. When his tummy wasn't getting on with kibble, I gave him rice, a little pearl barley and chicken to settle his digestive system. After that I switched him on to raw food at around 3.5 months old. 

Animal nutritionist, Dr Conor Brady, recommends cooked oats and tuna fish if your pup is having any digestive issues. In December 2020, he launched his book, FEEDING DOGS, on the scientific debate on dry -v- raw. In the UK, his book is available from W.H.Smith. 

Raw food advocates recommend raw eggs for dogs, at this point my puppy doesn't like the consistency of egg and he also turned his nose up at scrambled egg. He likes tuna fish but not mackerel, he tried the sardines and only ate a little of it. He's getting fussy now about what he will eat at 4.5 months old, he does have a mind of his own, he will give it a sniff and then he decides whether he will eat or not. 

So far he has had raw chicken, turkey, beef and tripe, goose with bone and offal. He likes chicken brine ice cubes, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries has treats. I'm monitoring him closely has due to teething his gums could be inflamed. My view is he will eat when he is hungry and it is advised to take them out for a walk prior to eating to build up an appetite. 

He's not eating again this morning, offered, him some goose and duck, then some yoghurt with a sprinkle of cinnamon, then some cooked oats with a little honey and tuna fish. Nope, he's not going to eat this morning and I won't give him any treats unless he eats his main meals. He ate one meal of a goose mix yesterday, some cooked chicken last night and hasn't eaten anything since. 

Friday 13 August 2021


A veteran paratrooper attended an anti-medical apartheid protest in London on the 9th of August, 2021.  He speaks about recognising and standing up to tyranny, fighting for the people of our country for truth about what is actually happening. The veteran said, "I can see it, so I will stand, because I vowed to protect the people". He also said, "its psychological warfare". 

Thursday 12 August 2021


During dream state last week I was being given a cauliflower. Then on Sunday, whilst visiting friends with a dog they offered me some roasted cauliflower. 

I usually steam cauliflower to retain the nutrients. It is written that cauliflower originated in Cyprus. 

In dream interpretation cooking or serving vegetables suggests that although success may be slow it will be sure. That's interesting because yesterday, I visited a raw food pet shop on a farm and they have sure in their name. Hence, I'm on track and I shared with the owner of the shop that she is in the right place at the right time. 

Tuesday 10 August 2021


Last night I was given the name "Dani-el", then at dawn I was given a dream of a friend, life took us in different directions although we always held each other in high regard. 

Teresa was with loads of women, they looked younger, they were all dressed up. It looked like they were going to her party. Maybe a retirement party, she is a few years younger than yours truly. The women in her group were following her. 

I asked a member of the group if they would pass on a message to her, "I'd like to meet up with her when she has time." 

In dream interpretation, "dreaming of distant friends is generally a forerunner of unexpected news, good or sad, depending on whether they were in trouble in the dream." To dream of a party can have an impact upon the interpretation of a dream, "it is more fortunate to go to a party than to dream of giving one. The less pretentious the function the better the augury. In either event, the dream takes its meaning from the general atmosphere of the function and the degree of pleasure experienced by the dreamer."

She looked very serious in the dream, like something was bothering her. It looked like she was there more out of duty than pleasure. The 10th of August, is the "Day of Voice" and we've had the New Moon in Leo this week. 

Monday 9 August 2021

NEW MOON IN LEO 8th August 2021

New Moon in Leo, 8th August, 2021 was on the "day of role player". No surprise then that it was Obama's birthday. Insecure Leo Obama that requires validation from his celebrity friends. Hence celebrities invited to his 60th birthday party at Martha's Vineyard. 

Hence ask yourselves do you seek validation outside of yourself or are you entirely happy with who you are and what you found within yourselves? Happiness can be found within, seek and you shall find, know and the door shall open for you. 

Another example, Meghan Markle, has to include celebrities to validate her actions, when in fact, there is no validation of Meghan while she continues to treat her dad the way that she does. 

At the same time Brian May (stands with the globalists) -v- Eric Clapton in the news today due to the injections. Brian May has a belief system that differs to Eric Clapton because Eric has experienced a very negative health impact due to adverse reactions from the two injections that he received. 

Clapton like many others believed the Covid 19 narrative that has now been blown out of the water. Can you believe it that they've put Graphene Oxide into the injections and they're planning to put it into the water supply and sell the technology into the food processing industry. Some are calling it the "Age of Graphene". 

How healthy is your worldview? Have you been overtaken by the narratives or are you standing has an individual in your own uniqueness? Each day has the potential for changing you and your life. 

Saturday 7 August 2021


On Rumble you can watch the press conference for the White Coat Summit 2021. The White Coat Summit of America's Frontline Doctors review a year that changed the world and reminded us what matters most. America's Frontline Doctors presents a powerful delivery of accurate scientific data, the law and a critical defence of human rights, and citizen engagement in the necessary process of protecting American freedom. 

Dr Ryan Cole mentions that he found some magnetic element in some of the vials and not others. He also confirms that he found no microchip in the vials that he has examined, Dr Simone Gold gave an absolutely brilliant speech at the press conference. 

At around 26 minutes in the legal team share where they are at with the legal actions in America, they intend to take it all the way to the Supreme Court. My body, my choice, this is beyond politics, left or right etc. This is about the constitution of the United States of America -v- Medical Tyranny. In this context it is about the human rights of the individual over the group. 


After the press conference, individual doctors give their own presentations on their own subject matter. I've listened to three of the individual presentations and they're all worth listening too if you can spare the time to listen to truth. You can access the different short and succinct presentations on America's Frontline Doctors website.

Friday 6 August 2021


The 26th British government report from the Bill Gates funded MHRA in the UK show that there have been 223,979 nervous system adverse reactions. The injections are having an adverse impact upon the neurological workings of the body. It is known fact that only between 1-10% of adverse reactions are reported so the total number is bound to be far higher. 

These stats are has at the 21st July, 2021.

A recent autopsy from Germany showed that the spike proteins were found in every organ in the body of an injected man. 

Thursday 5 August 2021


Manufacturer's, Fold Hill Foods are recalling their dried cat food, the Daily Mail wrote that 1,000's of cats have died from the pet food. Their cat food is sold at Sainsbury's and PetsatHome, although I'm sure there are other pet food shops too on the list. 

This is a government recall of these brands that includes AVA and Applaws.

The breeders of my pup had him on AVA, thank goodness I switched him to a raw food diet. Although it does apply to other dried food brands too. 

Although the manufacturer's, a family farming business, Fold Hill state in their public statement that a definitive cause of the fatality in the cats has yet to be determined and their recall is a safety measure.

UPDATE 7.8.2021

Belfast report that 24 different brands of dried cat food has been recalled due to a rare blood condition impacting upon so many cats, it goes into the 1,000's. It was due to more than one cat having the condition in some households that there has been the recall of the brands that the cats ate.

However, due to the health condition being "Feline Pancytopenia", and the fact that we know that there has been transmission from the jabbed to the unjabbed in humans specifically with bleeding, it is certainly food for thought whether there has been spike protein transmission from jabbed humans to their cats. 

Has far as the possibility of "myotoxins" in the dried food, I found this Science Direct article that claims that "many of the toxins identified has myotoxic have not been studied in detail and no single investigator has studied in depth, using standardized techniques, the range of myotoxic phospholipases. Much comparative information is therefore missing".

A new book has been written by an animal nutritionist. Dr Conor Brady, titled the book, FEEDING DOGS, the Science Behind the Debate. He wrote on his Irish website: "After a doctorate studying the effects of nutrition on the behaviour and gut morphology of animals, five years with Guide Dogs has a trainer and supervisor, some success on Dragons Den with the finest raw dog food company, and the last few years both writing and speaking on canine nutrition and health, I can say with some confidence that the pet food and drug industry cares not a jot for the health of your pet".

Monday 2 August 2021


The last time that humanity experienced this major conjunction was in the 1800s and there was major flooding in France and some other countries in Europe.  2022 there is going to be a major conjunction with Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces a water sign. The planetary configuration is presented by Roland Legrand from Australia. He wrote "Fortunate them who can swim, for from the swells they will be freed". I found this interesting because years ago I was given a message "Ice caps 22" and at that time I didn't know anything about this major conjunction and its connection to water. 

Sunday 1 August 2021


The cameraman tells the doctor that he is filming for Abruzzo and the doctor tells him that she is going to speak the truth. During her massive outpouring of truth she says that those that took the injections have roughly 18 months left. At the end of the filming with her, he then says he's going to get fired. 

It sounded like he was doing a promotional commercial for Abruzzo in Italy prior to the doctor approaching him with her facts. She is furious at what is happening to humanity and the doctor tells everyone to speak up and take your masks off. Just four minutes of your time, listen to what this doctor has to say.

I liked Abruzzo, lovely people. 

So how do doctors, scientists and virologists come up with the timing? It is based upon the fact that the humanised mice that were injected with the Nanotechnology mRNA all died within two months. 

One month of the life of a mouse is the equivalent of a year in a human. So what they're saying is that those that were injected six months ago now only have 18 months based upon previous scientific evidence from the animal studies. Monkeys were also humanised for the animal trial, and they all died too. 


In this 12 minute video, a legal beagle explains "Common Law" in the UK and how to respond to the police.


While visiting a friend at the beach with the 4 month old male puppy yesterday, the healer shared that she had received a dream of of yours truly and I was holding a baby boy in my arms.  

In dream interpretation to dream of a lovely baby indicates that you will get help from a friend. The following day after the she received the dream, my puppy and I turned up with a picnic. 

Dreams of a baby can also indicate new beginnings, fresh starts, a new project, due to a baby being symbolic of new life. 

In spiritual symbology the symbol of the baby is also associated with the cherubim. "They signify the presence of divinity and are guardians of the sacred and of the threshold. They appear at the centre of paradise which is inaccessible to unregenerate man. In heraldry a cherub is depicted as a child's head symbolic of purity and innocence.". 

Then on the morning of the 1st of August I could hear motown music clairaudiently. Music that is uplifting and joyous being sent to remind us of our time together. Great music memories of being with a beloved friend, his message was received.