
Saturday 7 August 2021


On Rumble you can watch the press conference for the White Coat Summit 2021. The White Coat Summit of America's Frontline Doctors review a year that changed the world and reminded us what matters most. America's Frontline Doctors presents a powerful delivery of accurate scientific data, the law and a critical defence of human rights, and citizen engagement in the necessary process of protecting American freedom. 

Dr Ryan Cole mentions that he found some magnetic element in some of the vials and not others. He also confirms that he found no microchip in the vials that he has examined, Dr Simone Gold gave an absolutely brilliant speech at the press conference. 

At around 26 minutes in the legal team share where they are at with the legal actions in America, they intend to take it all the way to the Supreme Court. My body, my choice, this is beyond politics, left or right etc. This is about the constitution of the United States of America -v- Medical Tyranny. In this context it is about the human rights of the individual over the group. 


After the press conference, individual doctors give their own presentations on their own subject matter. I've listened to three of the individual presentations and they're all worth listening too if you can spare the time to listen to truth. You can access the different short and succinct presentations on America's Frontline Doctors website.

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