
Monday 9 August 2021

NEW MOON IN LEO 8th August 2021

New Moon in Leo, 8th August, 2021 was on the "day of role player". No surprise then that it was Obama's birthday. Insecure Leo Obama that requires validation from his celebrity friends. Hence celebrities invited to his 60th birthday party at Martha's Vineyard. 

Hence ask yourselves do you seek validation outside of yourself or are you entirely happy with who you are and what you found within yourselves? Happiness can be found within, seek and you shall find, know and the door shall open for you. 

Another example, Meghan Markle, has to include celebrities to validate her actions, when in fact, there is no validation of Meghan while she continues to treat her dad the way that she does. 

At the same time Brian May (stands with the globalists) -v- Eric Clapton in the news today due to the injections. Brian May has a belief system that differs to Eric Clapton because Eric has experienced a very negative health impact due to adverse reactions from the two injections that he received. 

Clapton like many others believed the Covid 19 narrative that has now been blown out of the water. Can you believe it that they've put Graphene Oxide into the injections and they're planning to put it into the water supply and sell the technology into the food processing industry. Some are calling it the "Age of Graphene". 

How healthy is your worldview? Have you been overtaken by the narratives or are you standing has an individual in your own uniqueness? Each day has the potential for changing you and your life. 

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