
Sunday 1 August 2021


The cameraman tells the doctor that he is filming for Abruzzo and the doctor tells him that she is going to speak the truth. During her massive outpouring of truth she says that those that took the injections have roughly 18 months left. At the end of the filming with her, he then says he's going to get fired. 

It sounded like he was doing a promotional commercial for Abruzzo in Italy prior to the doctor approaching him with her facts. She is furious at what is happening to humanity and the doctor tells everyone to speak up and take your masks off. Just four minutes of your time, listen to what this doctor has to say.

I liked Abruzzo, lovely people. 

So how do doctors, scientists and virologists come up with the timing? It is based upon the fact that the humanised mice that were injected with the Nanotechnology mRNA all died within two months. 

One month of the life of a mouse is the equivalent of a year in a human. So what they're saying is that those that were injected six months ago now only have 18 months based upon previous scientific evidence from the animal studies. Monkeys were also humanised for the animal trial, and they all died too. 

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