
Thursday 5 August 2021


Manufacturer's, Fold Hill Foods are recalling their dried cat food, the Daily Mail wrote that 1,000's of cats have died from the pet food. Their cat food is sold at Sainsbury's and PetsatHome, although I'm sure there are other pet food shops too on the list. 

This is a government recall of these brands that includes AVA and Applaws.

The breeders of my pup had him on AVA, thank goodness I switched him to a raw food diet. Although it does apply to other dried food brands too. 

Although the manufacturer's, a family farming business, Fold Hill state in their public statement that a definitive cause of the fatality in the cats has yet to be determined and their recall is a safety measure.

UPDATE 7.8.2021

Belfast report that 24 different brands of dried cat food has been recalled due to a rare blood condition impacting upon so many cats, it goes into the 1,000's. It was due to more than one cat having the condition in some households that there has been the recall of the brands that the cats ate.

However, due to the health condition being "Feline Pancytopenia", and the fact that we know that there has been transmission from the jabbed to the unjabbed in humans specifically with bleeding, it is certainly food for thought whether there has been spike protein transmission from jabbed humans to their cats. 

Has far as the possibility of "myotoxins" in the dried food, I found this Science Direct article that claims that "many of the toxins identified has myotoxic have not been studied in detail and no single investigator has studied in depth, using standardized techniques, the range of myotoxic phospholipases. Much comparative information is therefore missing".

A new book has been written by an animal nutritionist. Dr Conor Brady, titled the book, FEEDING DOGS, the Science Behind the Debate. He wrote on his Irish website: "After a doctorate studying the effects of nutrition on the behaviour and gut morphology of animals, five years with Guide Dogs has a trainer and supervisor, some success on Dragons Den with the finest raw dog food company, and the last few years both writing and speaking on canine nutrition and health, I can say with some confidence that the pet food and drug industry cares not a jot for the health of your pet".

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