
Monday 30 August 2021


My five month old puppy has been trying different foods, proteins and veggies. This evening I tried him on a little kale mixed in with his beef and turkey ready raw meal. He took the kale out of his bowl and then put the kale in the hall way, the raw kale was definitely not eaten by the puppy.  

We have to read the food labels because some ready raw meals do include kale, which is one of the reasons I gave him a little this evening. 

Some raw feeders do give their dogs a little kale too.  However, I trust my puppy and his knowing where his food is concerned, it is no to kale. 

This is what the American Kennel Club have to say about kale and vegetables from the same family. He's not keen on broccoli either, although he did eat a very little of raw cauliflower this weekend.

He is willing to try different foods but it is important to check whether different foods are safe prior to offering them to your dog. He likes some fruit, raspberries, banana, blueberries, strawberries, apple if it is cut up really tiny. He likes some veggies, so far he has tried grated carrot, grated swede, a few peas and raw sweet potato. I don't give him the same food everyday, throughout the week he has a mix of different proteins and I include some extra veg for him sometimes. His menu's are full of variety, no two weeks are the same.  

Although his frozen raw ready meals tend to have a whole load of different nutrients in them to support his health with the meat, offal and bone. He enjoys salmon and this weekend he also had sardines. I gave him some salmon last week because I received a dream of him eating a salmon steak with the bone. 

There is a huge range available in the UK and I have been impressed by the quality of the raw dog food and the contents provided by different producers. It is certainly a huge growth market and the organic growth of the market is in direct response to customer demand. 

Dog owners, many people turned to alternatives due to the desire to improve the health of their pets, it is the same for humans, a majority of humans change their lifestyle and turn to alternatives to improve their own health. 

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