
Sunday 22 August 2021


While resting today I had a dream of being in a different county, a friend, the puppy and I had driven to Suffolk. We were going for a drink with a mutual friend to a country pub. 

When we arrived, I was driving backwards and forwards in the car park while parking the car. Eventually when the car was parked we then went into the house where two ladies were. My puppy was running around the country cottage, while I was chatting with the ladies.  We were picking up someone else from the cottage. 

In this dream interpretation the car is just a mode of transport to take us from one place to another, and we were going to a country village in a different county for a meet-up. 

A dog is a symbol of companionship, unconditional love, loyalty and faithfulness. The puppy was running around the historic country cottage that was owned by a local businessman, he is a generation younger than I. I used to know his mother and Valerie was one of my clients in a couple of different businesses that I ran in the 80s and 90s. 

I had company in the car along with the puppy, and to dream of distant friends can indicate some news is coming has a dream of this type is often a forerunner to unexpected news. Dreaming of friends/acquaintances can also indicate happy social times ahead with good companions. 

There was four of us in the dream plus the puppy, and if you remember the number of people that were in the dream it can signify an increase in personal power and/or prestige. I often have dreams of people that I knew in the past. 

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