
Saturday 30 November 2013


A video was posted of the meteor that has hit a Greek Island Zakynthos. I didn’t like Zante very much, it rained the whole time that I was there for a week. We were literally rained into our apartment for five days. It was certainly a warning that I did not comprehend at that time. It was warning me about a Leo man that I was with, and he worked in shoes. 

The meteor over the Island, is also a warning to the Greek Islands. When comets and their meteor’s come, it is always a sign to do with pending judgement. As we know ISON is major at this point in time, and it is clear there has been a massive media cover-up that NASA are involved in. They seriously do not wish for people to know how big it is. Although I did share with people prior to its entry into the sun that there would be a dispersion.

I felt a strong connection with St Andrew’s day and the meteor in the Greek Islands. So certainly a sign for the apostles and saints.

Then I was given the name of the Island of 'Mykonos'. Its nickname ‘Island of the Winds’. 
Followed by the words ‘FLEET ON MYKONOS’. 

On Mykonos there is ELIAS BEACH.

Russell Crowe loves Mykonos and as we know he is appearing in the biblical film NOAH that is being released in 2014.

I never made it to Mykonos, although it is one of the Islands that I would've liked to have visited in my Island hopping days, in the land of Greece that I loved and hold in my heart.

One can never forget beauty or joy. I did find a reference to ‘forget’ in the book of Genesis, and it is to do with Joseph. The day came when he forgot all of his troubles, may Israel be able to do the same for the flame of Joseph. David is crying for the two blessed instruments Israel, Psalm 88. The Lute of Lovingkindness and the Harp of Faithfulness.

The other news today is that

$14.2M was paid for a Psalm Book in an in auction in New York.

142 is the gematria value of Hashem.

El Shaddai 


Behold Lamb

Anat is the name of a spiritual lady that picked me up by car from Tel Aviv airport in the middle of the night, on the first mission to Israel. Prior to Anat contacting me I had sent out an email to some contact names that had been given to me. After the email had been sent at the beginning of the week, Jesus shared with me that they would come on Sunday.

When the email from Anat in Israel arrived on Sunday.

I was overjoyed.

Wonders will never cease.

As I was posting that I could smell 'Potatoes'. Time to eat. 

So maybe its time to make some potato, leak and celery soup. Celery is good for the adrenals and kidneys. Did you know that potatoes have more potassium than banana? Potatoes are also recommended for people with high blood pressure due to its impact on salt. 

There was some research done that found that those that ate a diet with potassium rich foods, compared with a group that carried on eating what they do usually. 81% of the group that ate the potassium rich diet, were able to cut their high blood pressure medication by over half.  That's amazing!

Friday 29 November 2013

Post Trauma Forgetfulness

The LORD said 'Coma', and then I saw a thread posted, 'ISON regaining coma and tail, she lives'. This week on the bus, I met a lady that was going to visit her young son. He was living at home after recovering from a rare condition, that created a coma, that he had come out of. I suggested that she might like to have some information on soups that I have developed for the nervous system. I also recommended the coconut oil.

So that is the third message with the word 'coma', this week.

So what is the LORD trying to show us?

In Greek the word is κῶμα koma, means "deep sleep". The best man at my wedding, Paul, went into a coma after he was run over by a police car in London. In his case, the family had no choice but to turn the machine off that was keeping him alive. My mother also went into a coma like state, due to a stroke in 2005. 

I was subjected to a traumatic experience on the 3rd of January, 2011, following the bereavement of Michael, the British police also took my DNA against my will. 

When the nervous system is impacted upon due to a traumatic experience, it impacts on functionality. 

It creates what one can refer to as 'Post-Traumatic Amnesia', PTA. So you can find yourself in a situation whereby, what you did naturally before, you don't do anymore. For instance, attending to paperwork and financial matters. Housework, and other aspects of human life, like socializing. 

Its like a forgetfulness, and you can forget appointments with doctors and dentists, dinner arrangements, its like there is a world that does not exist for you anymore, because you are not consciously in that world. You are only consciously in your own world and realities. I would not call it a 'deep sleep' as the Greek translation of coma is given. Its like a system shut down, and a part of the system of the body shuts down, and shuts off to those that live within the systems of the world outside. When that happens following a 'traumatic' experience, the 'reclusive' state of being comes into effect. Its a self-protection mechanism, instructed by the soul unconsciously. 

It is to give the body time to recover and heal, it takes a long time to recover from any traumatic experience that has followed a bereavement. Even more so, if and when a woman is in a menopausal state of being.  

When this type of amnesia begins, it can take a long time for a person to work out what is going on with their body. Especially, if they experience that the traumatized nervous system impacts on many different areas of their body e.g. hair, teeth, blood vessels, circulation, skin, nails, eyes, feet, hands, back, facial bones. You can begin to have migraines, that you have never ever experienced before. Blood vessels exploding on your face, arms, and legs. The body is showing you, that the body is expressing the trauma that it has experienced. Its trying to show you what is going on. 

Depending on the seriousness of the traumatic experience, it can also impact on your speech, and your remembrance. So for instance you can forget what you were saying, while speaking about something important. You can put the washing in the washing machine, and then forget to remove it. You can find yourself washing the same clothes three times, cos you keep on forgetting to remove the clothes to dry them. You can forget to eat or forget to cook. 

Your attention span is shortened, and that can be a difficult phase for a person that has always been able to manage many tasks at the same time. In the beginning it is very hard to accept that you are not living the way that you used to live. Especially if you have been a high powered business woman during your lifetime, and very independent. Then you get used it, and it becomes a way of life. Just existing in your light of peace and love. 

However, the time comes after intensive healing and recovery, to recover those areas of your life that you once loved. That is when the person starts to reconnect. Once they start to reconnect, they then regain their lives in a more balanced way. However, it is a slow process, and it has to be gentle steps, due to the fragility of the soul and its being, 

Close friends are brilliant, when they allow you to come to them to share your journey, or when they just pop in, to see if you are doing OK. 

Painting, spreading the paint, is an excellent expression and it does bring the color back into your life. I also recommend sound healing for the nervous system, and reflexology to see where the pain is being held in the body. Acupuncture, and deep tissue massage with aromatherapy is also good. You will probably find that you also have a weak spleen. 

Developing healthy recipes with healing foods is good for the recovery of PTA. Hence, I began to create new recipes for different ailments for myself and others. I like cooking, it is very creative. 

The internet social network and community, has been very therapeutic, because if you keep yourself busy, you do not have time to dwell on the traumatic experience while you are clearing it. First you have to clear it from you, and then you have to clear it in other realities as well. 

In the beginning of the PTA, I was bathing twice and sometimes three times a day, it was like the Spirit was trying to wash what the police had done to my body away. I would soak in the water for hours, and I would often drift off to sleep there. 

I can see how the PTA, is related to what the police did to Paul. The police triggered a memory in me of them killing someone that I loved. The police force are a corporation, and Michael also suffered at the hands of the corporations. The legal terminology,  'criminal negligence', and 'corporate manslaughter'. 

As the heavenly Father said 'The corporations create carnage wherever they go'. The American police force would not investigate the death of Michael, even though there was enough evidence to do so.  Michael had been dead for three weeks before anyone found him. He had no food, and all of his services had been cut off. He did predict, that if he went down, he would take them all with him. 

Now the corporation would like my home, so it is human rights time. The solicitors can deal with it, and we have some of the best in our community. The best have always done right by me in the past. The reflexologist was happy, that we had made such excellent progress since we began the treatment. 

I was ready to move forward to get the legal side of my life sorted. 

It is clear that QOM, is a state of being, for it is related to my name. In Hebrew it is QUM and it means 'rise', 'raised up', 'arising' just like the comet.  My name is written in the Torah, and Jesus also spoke my name when he healed the child as featured in the NT.  It made sense then that the day came, when I would also work and help children. 

I can see the bigger picture of this with PTA, and how when children are traumatized by any situation, they then switch off from earthly realities. They can switch off from education, home life, friends, etc etc. I wonder how many children that are said to have ADD, have experienced some trauma in their lives? The children of our nations, the little day dreamers. 

May the good will of the LORD be done, may the vindication begin and justice be done. 

Thursday 28 November 2013

Big Eagle Earthquake - Nuclear Plant Iran

The other day I wrote about the 'Trepidation', [1] there has now been a 5.6 earthquake in Iran. 56 is the magnitude gematria of 'Big Eagle'. RT shares with us that there are 7 dead, 45 injured due to the earthquake that has hit 60km from Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant.

In the 5th century AD, this was the seat of the Nestorian Christians. It was also in this region where the Prophet Nehemiah, and Daniel lived, near Susa. [2] Daniel also spoke about Iran, when he spoke of the Prince of Persia. A prophecy fulfilled. Michael (USA) did arrive as the prophecy predicted, so did the Prince of Greece. Another reminder to Iran, to be silent, or the LORD will silence you, once and for all.

When Samson killed the Lion, he found the honey in the 'carcass'. Michael was a Leo sun sign, and he defended Israel at my side. He passed over in June 2010.

Samson stood against the 'Philistines. He set fire to the 'jackals' and put them in the direction of the crops. All of the crops burned down. It won't be long now, mosques will fall upon their heads, just like when Samson was in the temple. Then you will know what the LORD has done.

The tribe of Dan in the USA, are legion, they do not forgive. Jesus also predicted what would happen if anyone stood against this Holy Spirit. He warned them that they would not be forgiven, when the Spirit of Truth arrived. As blue as a cornflower, as bright as a sapphire, the flame of truth.

As the LORD said 'ELOKIM'.




Lewis Collins RIP

British actor, Lewis Collins passed over on the 27th of November, 2013. That was the 'Day of Excitement', and he certainly led an exciting life. He is another one that leaves on a comet. He came to the attention of the British public in his starring role in 'The Professionals'. His character was 'Bodie' and he passed peacefully in his LA home surrounded by his family.

He was so fit and healthy, it makes you wonder why? 

He was turned down for the role of James Bond,  he would have been a perfect James Bond. Maybe he was too close to the knuckle for the film makers. 

The word 'Bond' is also written in his healing song that is for the Gemini North Node soul that he was.  He was born on the 26th May, 1946, what is known as a 'War Baby'. 26 is the gematria value of the name of God. 26th May is the 'Day of Protection'. He was a Gemini 1, Sun sign, born in the week of 'Freedom'. 

Lewis held a 'Black Belt' in Ju-Jitsu and was trained in karate, clearly he liked martial arts and comprehended the energy in the body.  In addition to being a musician, he could also sing. 

The SAS also rejected him, due to his fame as an actor. 

As a North Node Gemini he was a powerful communicator with a great voice. Jan Spiller shares with us that Gemini North Nodes have had many past lives as a Sadhu. Their souls journey on the planet is to teach and to write. He could've been a great martial arts teacher, and role model for young boys of his British nation. Maybe he will reincarnate again in the future, to England and his people. Maybe next time, he will align his will with the will of God, and turn his heart to the children. 


The healing song of Lewis Collins.


Between you and me there is a memory of trusting.
And being let down at the end.
Between you and me there is misunderstanding.
Ready to come up again.

Yet, between you and me there is a magnet that draws us.
Between you and me there is a path and a promise.
Between you and me are the feelings that bond us.
Between you and me there is LOVE!

Jan Spiller - Astrology of the Soul. 

It is written that if a person does not align with their soul's purpose by the age of 49, rarely do they do so afterwards. It is also often the case that a 'personal crisis' arrives around age 62-63 to be overcome if a person did not align their will at an earlier age.

That is why it is imperative that people come to know what their soul purpose is, and what the divine plan of their individual soul is. Interesting that we were talking about this last night on a chat forum prior to us hearing about 'Lewis Collins'. 

In the texts, Jesus warned that if people did not bring forth what was within them, then what was within them would 'kill' them. He warned about 'cancer', and 'tasting death'.

In the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28, it also mentions how and why it is important for people to align their will with the will of God. What happens if people do not do so. The soul has a choice whether to stay or go, if human self, is not implementing the divine plan of the individual soul, then it can decide to leave the planet.

What happened to a fit and healthy man like Lewis Collins, must be taken seriously, his leaving on a comet has an important message for everyone. The professional medics could not save him, only righteousness saves from death. 

When people heal themselves, the divine plan of their souls is revealed to them. It is the unveiling, a revelation. It does require courage and humility, it also requires a massive amount of self-effort into the healing process. 100% effort into the love that can create miracles. 

Stage roles include 'City Sugar', and 'Penny Opera', that then links us to the message of Omega once again. 

May Lewis Collins rest in peace in the hall of healing, until he is ready, and there is space and opportunity for him to reincarnate again. 

May his wife, children, and family be comforted at this time. 

Wednesday 27 November 2013


Following on from the 'Tinnitus Healing Project' on this blog. I am still waiting for an MRI scan, and also an appointment with the eye specialist. Today, I had some more reflexology and it was wonderful to have my feet touched. It felt like these feet had walked a million miles. I felt a little breathless today, and it was all around the heart. The Reflexologist found pain related to the neck, chest and back area while she was working on my feet.

While she was working on the feet, I could also feel the energy in my lower back, and then the tops of buttocks. It felt like the heat was in the tissues, and it was like a sharp prickly heat. I still say that my body requires deep tissue therapeutic massage with aromatherapy.

After the reflexology treatment, I was comparing the price of coconut oil, for when I have to get some more. That led me to reconnect with a healer that I once knew, and worked with. We had, and have a lot to share. While I was in the Alternative Medicine shop, I picked up some Cod Liver Oil for my eyes, my body was intuitively drawn to take that supplement now. I managed to get 180 capsules, 1000mg for £6.29. It is on special offer and made by Quest. I am certainly on a quest with different physical health issues.

So why Cod Liver Oil? My mother used to take it all the time. However, I do not agree with taking supplements all of the time, I prefer to take them when my body most requires them, for maximum impact. To give the body a booster.


'cod liver oil was discovered in the sewers of England several hundred years ago by starving children who drank it and scientists noticed they did not get rickets. Cod liver oil is in fact a highly processed food that was never consumed by humans prior to this.' 

Well that's past life. As one of the past lives that I healed years ago was to do with a child in Victorian England. The children in Victorian England, were swept up off the streets and put into homes where people could afford to bring them up. I discovered that it was due to that lifetime, that I had become a workaholic in this lifetime. So we can see that in our past life healing work, we can also come to comprehend the supplements and foods that are required.

The 'starving children' in London, were being guided to drink what their bodies required, from wherever they could find it. They were clearly drinking a light source due to what London was covered in at that time. The sun couldn't get to their little bodies, wherever they were. So the oil from the cod liver, was the supplement that offered them help when they required it. This is about vibration, and frequency, it is beyond 'Vitamins'. Cod liver oil works with 'memory', and as Dr Ursula Anderson (USA), so rightly wrote, that we must put memory in the context of the environment.

It does relate to the 'Mission of Deprivation', and what the Colonial rich have done to the poor. That then impacts on the generations, in the way that the bible shares with us that it does. Those that are responsible for what has taken place, will be held accountable in cosmic spiritual law. Its not just about one generation, due to it impacting on 3-4.

I cannot embrace the research featured by Mercola in the context of 'Cod Liver Oil', impacting on bones and the weakening of them; due to their being many other factors involved.  For the following reasons and life evidence shows me different.

1. My mother took high quantities of cod liver oil all of her life, and she grew up in a 'war torn' era. She also spent a lot of time working in shops, standing on her feet all day. I have also worked in retail to supplement my income, at different times of my life.

2. Mums bones were as strong as mine have proven to be, my only astrological weakness trait is the ankles. The only reason that she died in her early 70's, was because she stopped taking her blood pressure tablets.

So I have to wonder what is going on at Mercola? Have they gained your trust now, so that you will embrace whatever they say? Always do a reality check, to see if it resonates with your heart of conscience, body intuition, and life experience.

Children in London in the Victorian era, experienced an environment that is not as healthy as it should've been. Those children were also in an existence, like our children today. Always being faced with 'stop and search' by the police. The children were always on the run from the police, to ensure their freedom to exist. This also shows me that the children were drinking cod liver oil, to help them to counteract and transmute their 'memories of the adversity' of their life experiences. Another reason why my mother was taking it 'unconsciously' for that factor. She grew up in a 'war torn' era of WW2'.


Today I saw women wearing 'Burkas' in my location, and there has been research carried out that has shown that burkas impact on the health of the person wearing it and any 'unborn' child. 'Rickets' that had been eliminated, as also returned to England in the Islamic communities. So it is to do with allowing light and energy to get to the body in the right way. If a person becomes a 'recluse' for any reason, they are not getting a sufficient amount of sunlight from its rays, that people would normally receive.

Its also often the case, that a person can become a recluse due to their 'memories of adverse' circumstances, many do not wish to look at the world and what governments, politicians, corporations and its agencies are doing to it.

Just like the little children in London in Victorian times. The eyes of children are pure, it is the environment that they live in, and what the children have to view, that changes that.  Many children witness aspects of life, that they would rather not see. For instance, children do not like to see their parents have an 'argument'. They also do not like to hear it, even when they are in the womb. It has been proven by the scientists that the baby in the womb responds to what it hears. Evidence of what happens, and how the baby responds to people 'shouting', has been seen on screen.

The vibrational frequency of children, is much lighter than that of their parents. What parents do, and how they live their lives, impacts on the frequencies of the children. It impacts on their memories of life. When the adverse memories of life experience, outweigh the positive memories of life, it can then impact on the health of the children, and how they view the world. Even in the womb, it impacts on them.

That is another reason why the LORD sent me to live in Australia for a year. It was essential that I sat in the sun everyday, to give the body a booster after I had turned 40. I had spent my life working in an office. That also tells me that 30 years working, is the maximum that any government can ask from anyone. I began full-time work at the age of 15, as such, I've done my time, and that is why I was given freedom from it.

When I was first involved in healing my baby, I was facilitated to enable me to access the baby in the womb. The baby that was in the womb, did not wish to be born because it knew the life that was predestined for it to help humanity to make a breakthrough. It didn't wish to be born to its mother either, because the baby knew what was ahead of it after it arrived. The medics 'cut the cord' of the baby 'too short.'  That resulted in a baby being 'in pain', for ten days, prior to the medics doing an urgent operation for an hernia. The birth process is a 'painful' operation in itself, without the medics intervention of it.

I am now going to begin a trial with the Cod Liver Oil, and I will give you my feedback.

It was also shared with me today, that the reason why St John's Wort is not available at Sainsbury's anymore, is due to what the pharmaceutical companies have done. St John's Wort is excellent for the nervous system. That is why the pharmaceutical companies have campaigned against it. Its about 'social control', and 'social engineering'. Now if you ask your GP, for any supplements, they won't prescribe them either, nor was I given a mineral blood test when I asked for it.  This shows us, that the Medical profession are not in the business of helping people to get well. Otherwise the medics, would not support the pharmaceutical companies to do what they do.

Enough really is enough!

An Aspergers man keeps on texting me about how concerned he is about the 'Welfare Reform Act'.

The human rights lawyers have to get this sorted, I assured him that I am on to it.


Tuesday 26 November 2013

Message for Stock Market Investors

This message is for all stock market investors and their brokers around the world. 

You have given financial aid, and support to the 'corporations that create carnage wherever they go'. 

You were given warnings to teshuvah and return to the sacred for many years. Alas, a majority of you, just carried on doing what you were doing. 

Instead of being merciful to the poorest nations and the poorest people in your nation. Instead of seeking wisdom as the prophecies instructed you to do in this timeframe. You chose to do what you did. As such, you, and people like you shall be held accountable in cosmic spiritual law. 

For the act of depriving of food and subjecting to famine; "the besiegers used starvation to induce surrender", to globalization of the nations. 

Food was the 'weapon' used against children and their parents in the developing countries. Food was also used as a 'weapon', in your own nations. In the divine court, you are charged with the 'starvation of children', in the care of your nation. While you were giving your children the best education that money could buy. Other children, had no shoes on their feet, no warm coats on their backs, and no food in their bellies. 

Always remember that you had a choice, to align your will, with the will of God. 

As the LORD said 'ELOKIM'.  

Monday 25 November 2013


I am feeling something major is about to happen, and my heart is heavy this night. When I saw what Reuters had written about the agreement between the USA and Iran, my eyes nearly popped out of my head.

You may remember that I had a dream, that included three women, and it was called 'USA-Oriental' message. In the description of the dream, and in its explanation, I shared the importance of taking the pulse of another. How it can mean to be cautious in communication with acquaintances.

This evening I saw the song and news of 'Impossible', sung by a young 16 year old on the X-Factor. My heart went out to her as she sung her heart out about caution in love, how her heart was happy and now her heart is broken. How her scars had been opened.

That was a very emotional song for a 16 year old child to sing, it brought tears to my eyes while Tamera Foster was singing it. The song was originally sung by singer-songwriter Shontelle and she was born in Barbados. [1]  Barbados is also linked to Chicago and Illinois. As we know, no Island is safe in this timeline.


The only word that I am feeling clairsentiently, is 'Trepidation'. Like something that has been coming for a long time and cannot be put off any longer. Trepidation can be found in astronomy and it is described in De motu octavae sphaerae (On the Motion of the Eighth Sphere). [3] It does indicate a shift in the Earth's axis, and I would really like to hibernate for the winter until its all over. 




Sicily covered in Ash, Lava and Rocks

First there was the Cyclone Cleopatra in Sardinia. [1] Now the rocks are falling upon Sicily. Mt Etna has been erupting, lava, ash and stones are going everywhere, like a blanket over the region. [2]

'must the rocks be moved from their place?' Job 18:4. Isaiah chapter 2 mentions what they do, when the LORD shakes the earth. Obadiah 1:3. 'You who live in the clefts of the rocks'. Nahum 1:6, 'Who can withstand his indignation? 'They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb!'. Rev 6:16. 

I have a strong sense that Italy will be begging for help soon, enough of the 'Loveless Marriage' with humanity. The rich will be brought to account, including the Vatican that they've supported. As the LORD said 'Your designer clothes will not save you'.

No Christmas 2013, homeless people, require loving homes. I just watched a video about India and how the Christian orthodox offer them financial incentives to convert. Yea, the Christians offer the poor an education with strings attached. Remember what they did to the children in Canada, and the rest of the Americas.  Serco are involved in 'detention centres' in the UK. Serco Christians.

The Biggest Company You've Never Heard Of, Serco, 85% of their workforce are ex-government public servants, that's how they get the contacts and contracts. Sourced at universities to work for the government, then head hunted to work for Serco. Serco originated from an American company RCA, when it began it was pioneering cinema. Now it is involved in every aspect of life. [3]




Sunday 24 November 2013

Child Psychology - As Bright As A Button

We have a saying in the UK, when a child is intelligent, 'As bright as a button'. As we know scientifically, intelligence comes from the heart. It has now come to light that the 'Serco Corporation', are involved in 'detention centres' in the UK. 


Hence I am compelled to share this life experience, because yours truly stands against Serco and what it is co-creating in the world. 

I was asked to provide a consultation for a child when I was working as a consultant to Sure Start. 

The child was on his way to a detention centre, if I wasn't able to help him, that is where he was going.  Spiritual psychology and my implementation of it, was his last resort. 

Prior to meeting him, I had asked for his date of birth, and I looked into his astrological sign, to comprehend where he was coming from, and the traits that he was born with. 

The child was a Gemini, and I knew from personal experience that Gemini children have photographic memory, highly intelligent, and very fast. They love finding out how things work. 

As soon as I met him, the light shone from his beautiful eyes, I knew in his heart, this was a good child.


At first he turned his back on me, he had seen so many different specialists, from the medical profession. He started, by looking around over his shoulder at me, when I began speaking to him. 

When I began to speak to him from my heart, he started to turn around to look at me. I beamed the love to him from my eyes and heart. I smiled a lot with genuine and sincere love for him. 

I had made a flower essence combination remedy for him to take prior to meeting him, and had given it  to his mother. When they arrived at the meeting, I asked him about the flower essences. 

His mother spoke and she said 'He drank it all down in one go'. 

I asked the mother to let him speak for himself.

I asked the child, 
'Why did you drink it all down in one go?". 

He replied, 'I want to be a good boy, and I don't want to take Ritalin anymore'. 

Oh, I could've cried my heart out there and then. The medical profession had put that child on mind altering drugs.

Then we found our mutual holy ground of trust and love, and when he trusted me, he was listening and responding. 

I asked him if he knew anything about energy, he responded that he did. 

The eight-nine year said, 'Yea, I do, when your tired, you've got none'. 

Then the child and I worked with energy, and I showed him how to feel the energy. 

After that, I was able to explain to him, the basics of the spiritual law of cause and effect. 

It was so simple to reach his heart, and connect with him and his heart. Where he was coming from in his reality. He was as bright as a button. 

The mother had to come to understand that the child was pushing her buttons, he was her teacher. The child was the image of his father, and that impacted on the mother, and how she responded to him sub-consciously, and unconsciously. It was also clear to me that their relationship was a past life connection, and this lifetime they had to make a breakthrough.  The young child was setting fire to phone boxes, phone boxes are about communication, and Gemini’s have to be allowed to express themselves. They are the communicators. So his soul was communicating, what he was trying to impart to his guardians and carers, in the only way that the child knew how at that point. 

He was one of five children, and a sixth was on the way. 

He didn't just require attention, he required the right attention. Attention that could help him, and his mother to make a breakthrough. The mother did make many breakthroughs at that time. She became awesomely positive. 

She had the humility and courage to do six months intensive self-development, that then finished with a two-day reiki healing training course. The mother took part in the 'New Empowerment Model', that Sure Start had commissioned me to design and implement, for the family project. 

After she gave birth to the sixth child, she said that it was the easiest pregnancy and birth that she had ever experienced. She joyfully shared with me, that she was giving herself Reiki the whole time of the labour. His mother Sarah, is as bright as a button. I hope that she writes a book about her life with the children. 

The mother and her children always in my heart. 

So perhaps you can understand why I stand against Serco, detention centres and pharmaceutical companies. 

Saturday 23 November 2013


On the 19th of November, 2013, I wrote about 'Proserpine', and the 'Proserpine Winter'. The 'goddess in captivity', like Moses and the souls of his people.

Just like Princess Diana, our Queen of Hearts, when she said that there were three people in her marriage. Diana was a spur in the hand of diligence. Her noble love, and compassionate action, spurred many onto have good will and pure intention in their hearts. How many wept for Diana, how many truly came to her aid, when it really mattered? A few years ago, I contacted a friend of hers, and he refused to help his nation.

Remember what they did to her? Her life was just like the 'Proserpine Winter'. Incredible, a true British classic, that walked in beauty.  How many could truly see beyond appearances of her true nature? How awesome, and courageous she was; to speak the truth for the people of the nations? To put her life on the front line like that. When Diana went down, the sun came up, the real people of our nations loved her so much.

One can also view it in terms of Joseph, and what his brothers did to him, because he was wearing the rainbow coat of many colors, his Father adored the righteous one. Yet, we also know that Joseph had a life purpose in Egypt, to save a nation from 'death.'

Hence the biblical quote, 'Righteousness delivers from death', and England is the land of Joseph, its flame of truth, that burns brightly with divine love. As blue as a cornflower, as bright as a sapphire, the flame of truth. This happened on the 29th of July, 2013.

Today there is news of a 'Star of David'.

A six star mandala (Star of David) will form around the Sun with a Uranus Pluto Square on November 23-24 and 2013 is a six year.

‘There are seven exact Uranus Pluto squares between June 2012 and 2015. The last series of squares was between 1932 and 1934. Many astrologers fear that this series of squares will trigger generational upheaveal because of the great depression, the rise of dictators and extremism happening in the last series.

"Uranus represents change, invention, revolution, and higher awareness. Pluto represents globalization, destruction, transformation, and renewal. The square is the most challenging of the planetary aspects, representing tests and challenges

'Amazement never ceases for the enlightened mind'. 

'At every moment it views in astonishment the wonder of an entire world renewed out of the void, and asks, “How could it be that anything at all exists?”

'Wonders will astound them' Isaiah 29

How does the Aquarian respond to the tiny planet of Pluto?

Why did Walt Disney call a dog with floppy ears 'Pluto'?

How to love a dog that defends you and your home?

How to love a dog that loves you beyond measure?

How to love a dog that goes walkabout while you are sleeping, and comes home before you wake up?

How to love a dog that adores children harmlessly?

How to love a dog that allows a toddler to sit on him/her to ride it for a few minutes in time?

How to love a dog that barks if a child is crossing the dog's boundaries?

How to love the pluto child beyond measure.

Pluto is all about helping people to 'let go', so that will impact on those that live in the 'old paradigm'. 

It will be a tough six months ahead, for those that are doing their utmost to get people to shift. Pluto strips away that which we have outgrown, and that can happen in many marriages, relationships and communities. Its been interesting to watch, who has moved on recently, where from, and where they went. 

Uranus Pluto Square, will impact on nature and environments. It is about transpersonal change, and the planet pluto does relate to 'sex' and 'death', due to past life experiences. Memories held in the unconscious fields.  In my own life, it related to a past life in a Nazi concentration camp, yes I was a woman, in the 'captivity', of a wooden shed. 

Its no surprise then to witness people in the USA, in Alabama calling for 'castration' of its citizens.  

'2nd Sign of Fascism - Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights'
As predicted, Saturn in Scorpio was also bound to impact on that as well. As I wrote to an American, where will it end? Will you be campaigning to 'castrate' gays next? Or how about cutting off the limbs of poor children that take a loaf of bread? Did you burn healers at the stake? Did you know that 12 million innocent people died in Europe?

It is the 'Proserpine Winter'. The planet is in an 'unhappy marriage', with the 'bloodthirsty', just like Diana knew in her heart what was going on in her marriage. 
That is why so many nations walked out of the UN Climate Change Conference. Those nations that walked out, are fully aware of the requirements of mother earth, and what is required to achieve a healthy balance in the love union.

They know that love and trustful loyalty is essential to life, yet the wealthy nations that have 'raped' and 'pillaged' their nations, simply refuse to change their ways. So it is, humanity is experiencing the 'Proserpine Winter', and there shall be 'No Christmas Island', homeless people require loving homes.

The wealthy can sit in their comfortable homes, in their 'loveless marriage' with humanity. This winter they can count the cost of the way, that they chose to live their lives on the 'backs of the poor'. Austerity will impact on everyone, in one reality or another.

Pluto is all about helping people to understand the function and the power of life purpose. It compels people to recognize the root causes, and to explore the depths of their being. To enable people to emerge into new life. People being transformed when the time is right.

For many it will come at a time when there is a matter of 'personal crisis' that has to be resolved, and that can happen in any area of life. With some people it has been self-inflicted, with others it has been done to them due to the 'social engineering' that has taken place in our nations. It is about the financial environment, in which our people of the nations, have had to live in, all of their lives. 

On a health level it is also to do with 'minerals' and 'agriculture'. Those that gained wealth from our natural resources and effort, will feel the impact on this astrological and planetary configuration.  

Remember the LORD spoke of the 'Trade Winds' prior to the UN walk out.

'Righteousness delivers from death'.

So you will also see the seeds of regeneration sprouting in late spring. A lot of cleansing is going on, people have no choice. The Aquarian Age of the water carrier of purification is on.

Pluto was discovered by Percival Lowell in 1930.

As we know, 'Percival', is also to do with what is essential for ascension of the being and the planet on which we live. The holy grail, that can only be attained once people have found what is known as the three 'mysterious wounds'. It can relate to the 'spiritual or military warrior' from past lives. Hence a person that wishes to 'castrate' another, (Alabama, USA) will have past life issues to resolve within themselves. They also have sub-conscious work to do with forgiveness, to open their hearts to a new reality.

Pluto is about the 'unconscious' energetic fields, and a person can only access the memories successfully to heal them, in altered state of being. Preferably with a good past life healing therapist.
So in this timeframe, you will see the big difference between those that have already healed their past lives in this Aquarian Age, and those that have not. The word 'injustice', is coming up a lot with a lot of people. That will also be past life connected. The never ending cycles, the wheels within wheels, until people heal it in their lives.

When people have healed their past lives, it can be to do with simply clearing out the memories from the physical, like clearing out the cupboards. It is a time to get rid of everything that is no longer required. A time to let go, only keep what is essential for life. 

Many are defending their corner, recovery or extinction, that includes the barristers, lawyers and other professionals. Uranus is ensuring that integrity comes to the fore. It is essential for life and for justice to be done.

While the politicians are 'name calling', each other, as more and more pressure is put upon them. They reveal themselves to us.

Due to Pluto being to do with the 'unconscious', it will impact on those involved in the medical profession. It has been disclosed by yours truly, what Serco have been involved in, in addition to British education.

Only those that truly comprehend the 'unconscious' energetic fields, are worthy to serve humanity in any health environment. That includes the politicians that make decisions based upon what policy makers say. Sack the lot of them.

Enough of the ‘atheist’ medical professionals. Enough, really is enough, Uranus Pluto Square will impact on them.

The impact of the outcome, will be that you will see a lot more of Carl Jung's philosophy coming to the fore in a helpful way. In addition, to those that comprehend the past life, 'unconscious' energetic fields the impact on present day activities unconsciously for those that are not conscious of them.

'Pluto promises a new lease of life, for those that are willing to accept a new worldview. Pluto's gift is to open up hidden sources of wisdom, enabling people to acquire a rich storehouse of inner experience.'  

Its about soul growth, and transformational experiences, some people will feel like they're 'dying', for it is the 'death of the old self', or way of being in relationship with this planet and the nations. It reminds me of the 90's recession, when I had to leave the offices, operate my business from home, due to having to cut my overheads to a minimum. Of course, the poor can't cut their overheads anymore than they have. This winter will impact hugely on those, that have just sat by, while the poor have suffered immensely. It will appear in every reality of life, for only the merciful, will receive mercy now. Their eyes will see, what they did not wish to see before.

The holy grail is to do with the 'soil', so 'GMO', those involved in anything that is impacting on our natural environment, and the food that the people eat shall be called to account. You can include the toothpaste manufacturers in that as well. As I said to my holistic dentist, I shall not use toothpaste on my teeth again, I am using coconut oil to clean my teeth with a very soft brush.  People ask me why I don't drink enough water, I respond to them, 'have you seen what's in it?'. How many of the poor can afford to drink spring water from the supermarkets? How about those water bills that have doubled in the last decade? 

The global corporations, will feel it heavily upon them, like a celestial sledgehammer that came down on Serco. Serco is a British division of an American company that has impacted on the British medical profession. Education, Prisons, Detention Centres, you name it, they've got their fingers in every pie.

Pluto is also to do with finding the hidden treasure. The treasure that arrived when the Aquarian Age of the humanitarian began. People will wonder why they never saw it before. The treasure was only given to those that put the real effort in. This people must comprehend, because the treasure can transform people and humanity in the twinkling of an eye.

There shall be no 'civil war', on my watch. However, as predicted, 'emotive social evolution', and 'energizing people to innovate change' is a reality on a planetary level. 2014, is the Chinese Year of the Horse, it will be a 7 year, the life number of the spiritual teacher. In Hebrew it is the ZAYIN, the Jewish sages call it the 'woman of valor'. Big smiles, they weren't anticipating a woman were they?
