
Tuesday 26 November 2013

Message for Stock Market Investors

This message is for all stock market investors and their brokers around the world. 

You have given financial aid, and support to the 'corporations that create carnage wherever they go'. 

You were given warnings to teshuvah and return to the sacred for many years. Alas, a majority of you, just carried on doing what you were doing. 

Instead of being merciful to the poorest nations and the poorest people in your nation. Instead of seeking wisdom as the prophecies instructed you to do in this timeframe. You chose to do what you did. As such, you, and people like you shall be held accountable in cosmic spiritual law. 

For the act of depriving of food and subjecting to famine; "the besiegers used starvation to induce surrender", to globalization of the nations. 

Food was the 'weapon' used against children and their parents in the developing countries. Food was also used as a 'weapon', in your own nations. In the divine court, you are charged with the 'starvation of children', in the care of your nation. While you were giving your children the best education that money could buy. Other children, had no shoes on their feet, no warm coats on their backs, and no food in their bellies. 

Always remember that you had a choice, to align your will, with the will of God. 

As the LORD said 'ELOKIM'.  

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