
Monday 25 November 2013


I am feeling something major is about to happen, and my heart is heavy this night. When I saw what Reuters had written about the agreement between the USA and Iran, my eyes nearly popped out of my head.

You may remember that I had a dream, that included three women, and it was called 'USA-Oriental' message. In the description of the dream, and in its explanation, I shared the importance of taking the pulse of another. How it can mean to be cautious in communication with acquaintances.

This evening I saw the song and news of 'Impossible', sung by a young 16 year old on the X-Factor. My heart went out to her as she sung her heart out about caution in love, how her heart was happy and now her heart is broken. How her scars had been opened.

That was a very emotional song for a 16 year old child to sing, it brought tears to my eyes while Tamera Foster was singing it. The song was originally sung by singer-songwriter Shontelle and she was born in Barbados. [1]  Barbados is also linked to Chicago and Illinois. As we know, no Island is safe in this timeline.


The only word that I am feeling clairsentiently, is 'Trepidation'. Like something that has been coming for a long time and cannot be put off any longer. Trepidation can be found in astronomy and it is described in De motu octavae sphaerae (On the Motion of the Eighth Sphere). [3] It does indicate a shift in the Earth's axis, and I would really like to hibernate for the winter until its all over. 




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