
Monday 25 November 2013

Sicily covered in Ash, Lava and Rocks

First there was the Cyclone Cleopatra in Sardinia. [1] Now the rocks are falling upon Sicily. Mt Etna has been erupting, lava, ash and stones are going everywhere, like a blanket over the region. [2]

'must the rocks be moved from their place?' Job 18:4. Isaiah chapter 2 mentions what they do, when the LORD shakes the earth. Obadiah 1:3. 'You who live in the clefts of the rocks'. Nahum 1:6, 'Who can withstand his indignation? 'They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb!'. Rev 6:16. 

I have a strong sense that Italy will be begging for help soon, enough of the 'Loveless Marriage' with humanity. The rich will be brought to account, including the Vatican that they've supported. As the LORD said 'Your designer clothes will not save you'.

No Christmas 2013, homeless people, require loving homes. I just watched a video about India and how the Christian orthodox offer them financial incentives to convert. Yea, the Christians offer the poor an education with strings attached. Remember what they did to the children in Canada, and the rest of the Americas.  Serco are involved in 'detention centres' in the UK. Serco Christians.

The Biggest Company You've Never Heard Of, Serco, 85% of their workforce are ex-government public servants, that's how they get the contacts and contracts. Sourced at universities to work for the government, then head hunted to work for Serco. Serco originated from an American company RCA, when it began it was pioneering cinema. Now it is involved in every aspect of life. [3]




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