
Sunday 24 November 2013

Child Psychology - As Bright As A Button

We have a saying in the UK, when a child is intelligent, 'As bright as a button'. As we know scientifically, intelligence comes from the heart. It has now come to light that the 'Serco Corporation', are involved in 'detention centres' in the UK. 


Hence I am compelled to share this life experience, because yours truly stands against Serco and what it is co-creating in the world. 

I was asked to provide a consultation for a child when I was working as a consultant to Sure Start. 

The child was on his way to a detention centre, if I wasn't able to help him, that is where he was going.  Spiritual psychology and my implementation of it, was his last resort. 

Prior to meeting him, I had asked for his date of birth, and I looked into his astrological sign, to comprehend where he was coming from, and the traits that he was born with. 

The child was a Gemini, and I knew from personal experience that Gemini children have photographic memory, highly intelligent, and very fast. They love finding out how things work. 

As soon as I met him, the light shone from his beautiful eyes, I knew in his heart, this was a good child.


At first he turned his back on me, he had seen so many different specialists, from the medical profession. He started, by looking around over his shoulder at me, when I began speaking to him. 

When I began to speak to him from my heart, he started to turn around to look at me. I beamed the love to him from my eyes and heart. I smiled a lot with genuine and sincere love for him. 

I had made a flower essence combination remedy for him to take prior to meeting him, and had given it  to his mother. When they arrived at the meeting, I asked him about the flower essences. 

His mother spoke and she said 'He drank it all down in one go'. 

I asked the mother to let him speak for himself.

I asked the child, 
'Why did you drink it all down in one go?". 

He replied, 'I want to be a good boy, and I don't want to take Ritalin anymore'. 

Oh, I could've cried my heart out there and then. The medical profession had put that child on mind altering drugs.

Then we found our mutual holy ground of trust and love, and when he trusted me, he was listening and responding. 

I asked him if he knew anything about energy, he responded that he did. 

The eight-nine year said, 'Yea, I do, when your tired, you've got none'. 

Then the child and I worked with energy, and I showed him how to feel the energy. 

After that, I was able to explain to him, the basics of the spiritual law of cause and effect. 

It was so simple to reach his heart, and connect with him and his heart. Where he was coming from in his reality. He was as bright as a button. 

The mother had to come to understand that the child was pushing her buttons, he was her teacher. The child was the image of his father, and that impacted on the mother, and how she responded to him sub-consciously, and unconsciously. It was also clear to me that their relationship was a past life connection, and this lifetime they had to make a breakthrough.  The young child was setting fire to phone boxes, phone boxes are about communication, and Gemini’s have to be allowed to express themselves. They are the communicators. So his soul was communicating, what he was trying to impart to his guardians and carers, in the only way that the child knew how at that point. 

He was one of five children, and a sixth was on the way. 

He didn't just require attention, he required the right attention. Attention that could help him, and his mother to make a breakthrough. The mother did make many breakthroughs at that time. She became awesomely positive. 

She had the humility and courage to do six months intensive self-development, that then finished with a two-day reiki healing training course. The mother took part in the 'New Empowerment Model', that Sure Start had commissioned me to design and implement, for the family project. 

After she gave birth to the sixth child, she said that it was the easiest pregnancy and birth that she had ever experienced. She joyfully shared with me, that she was giving herself Reiki the whole time of the labour. His mother Sarah, is as bright as a button. I hope that she writes a book about her life with the children. 

The mother and her children always in my heart. 

So perhaps you can understand why I stand against Serco, detention centres and pharmaceutical companies. 

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