
Saturday 23 November 2013


On the 19th of November, 2013, I wrote about 'Proserpine', and the 'Proserpine Winter'. The 'goddess in captivity', like Moses and the souls of his people.

Just like Princess Diana, our Queen of Hearts, when she said that there were three people in her marriage. Diana was a spur in the hand of diligence. Her noble love, and compassionate action, spurred many onto have good will and pure intention in their hearts. How many wept for Diana, how many truly came to her aid, when it really mattered? A few years ago, I contacted a friend of hers, and he refused to help his nation.

Remember what they did to her? Her life was just like the 'Proserpine Winter'. Incredible, a true British classic, that walked in beauty.  How many could truly see beyond appearances of her true nature? How awesome, and courageous she was; to speak the truth for the people of the nations? To put her life on the front line like that. When Diana went down, the sun came up, the real people of our nations loved her so much.

One can also view it in terms of Joseph, and what his brothers did to him, because he was wearing the rainbow coat of many colors, his Father adored the righteous one. Yet, we also know that Joseph had a life purpose in Egypt, to save a nation from 'death.'

Hence the biblical quote, 'Righteousness delivers from death', and England is the land of Joseph, its flame of truth, that burns brightly with divine love. As blue as a cornflower, as bright as a sapphire, the flame of truth. This happened on the 29th of July, 2013.

Today there is news of a 'Star of David'.

A six star mandala (Star of David) will form around the Sun with a Uranus Pluto Square on November 23-24 and 2013 is a six year.

‘There are seven exact Uranus Pluto squares between June 2012 and 2015. The last series of squares was between 1932 and 1934. Many astrologers fear that this series of squares will trigger generational upheaveal because of the great depression, the rise of dictators and extremism happening in the last series.

"Uranus represents change, invention, revolution, and higher awareness. Pluto represents globalization, destruction, transformation, and renewal. The square is the most challenging of the planetary aspects, representing tests and challenges

'Amazement never ceases for the enlightened mind'. 

'At every moment it views in astonishment the wonder of an entire world renewed out of the void, and asks, “How could it be that anything at all exists?”

'Wonders will astound them' Isaiah 29

How does the Aquarian respond to the tiny planet of Pluto?

Why did Walt Disney call a dog with floppy ears 'Pluto'?

How to love a dog that defends you and your home?

How to love a dog that loves you beyond measure?

How to love a dog that goes walkabout while you are sleeping, and comes home before you wake up?

How to love a dog that adores children harmlessly?

How to love a dog that allows a toddler to sit on him/her to ride it for a few minutes in time?

How to love a dog that barks if a child is crossing the dog's boundaries?

How to love the pluto child beyond measure.

Pluto is all about helping people to 'let go', so that will impact on those that live in the 'old paradigm'. 

It will be a tough six months ahead, for those that are doing their utmost to get people to shift. Pluto strips away that which we have outgrown, and that can happen in many marriages, relationships and communities. Its been interesting to watch, who has moved on recently, where from, and where they went. 

Uranus Pluto Square, will impact on nature and environments. It is about transpersonal change, and the planet pluto does relate to 'sex' and 'death', due to past life experiences. Memories held in the unconscious fields.  In my own life, it related to a past life in a Nazi concentration camp, yes I was a woman, in the 'captivity', of a wooden shed. 

Its no surprise then to witness people in the USA, in Alabama calling for 'castration' of its citizens.  

'2nd Sign of Fascism - Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights'
As predicted, Saturn in Scorpio was also bound to impact on that as well. As I wrote to an American, where will it end? Will you be campaigning to 'castrate' gays next? Or how about cutting off the limbs of poor children that take a loaf of bread? Did you burn healers at the stake? Did you know that 12 million innocent people died in Europe?

It is the 'Proserpine Winter'. The planet is in an 'unhappy marriage', with the 'bloodthirsty', just like Diana knew in her heart what was going on in her marriage. 
That is why so many nations walked out of the UN Climate Change Conference. Those nations that walked out, are fully aware of the requirements of mother earth, and what is required to achieve a healthy balance in the love union.

They know that love and trustful loyalty is essential to life, yet the wealthy nations that have 'raped' and 'pillaged' their nations, simply refuse to change their ways. So it is, humanity is experiencing the 'Proserpine Winter', and there shall be 'No Christmas Island', homeless people require loving homes.

The wealthy can sit in their comfortable homes, in their 'loveless marriage' with humanity. This winter they can count the cost of the way, that they chose to live their lives on the 'backs of the poor'. Austerity will impact on everyone, in one reality or another.

Pluto is all about helping people to understand the function and the power of life purpose. It compels people to recognize the root causes, and to explore the depths of their being. To enable people to emerge into new life. People being transformed when the time is right.

For many it will come at a time when there is a matter of 'personal crisis' that has to be resolved, and that can happen in any area of life. With some people it has been self-inflicted, with others it has been done to them due to the 'social engineering' that has taken place in our nations. It is about the financial environment, in which our people of the nations, have had to live in, all of their lives. 

On a health level it is also to do with 'minerals' and 'agriculture'. Those that gained wealth from our natural resources and effort, will feel the impact on this astrological and planetary configuration.  

Remember the LORD spoke of the 'Trade Winds' prior to the UN walk out.

'Righteousness delivers from death'.

So you will also see the seeds of regeneration sprouting in late spring. A lot of cleansing is going on, people have no choice. The Aquarian Age of the water carrier of purification is on.

Pluto was discovered by Percival Lowell in 1930.

As we know, 'Percival', is also to do with what is essential for ascension of the being and the planet on which we live. The holy grail, that can only be attained once people have found what is known as the three 'mysterious wounds'. It can relate to the 'spiritual or military warrior' from past lives. Hence a person that wishes to 'castrate' another, (Alabama, USA) will have past life issues to resolve within themselves. They also have sub-conscious work to do with forgiveness, to open their hearts to a new reality.

Pluto is about the 'unconscious' energetic fields, and a person can only access the memories successfully to heal them, in altered state of being. Preferably with a good past life healing therapist.
So in this timeframe, you will see the big difference between those that have already healed their past lives in this Aquarian Age, and those that have not. The word 'injustice', is coming up a lot with a lot of people. That will also be past life connected. The never ending cycles, the wheels within wheels, until people heal it in their lives.

When people have healed their past lives, it can be to do with simply clearing out the memories from the physical, like clearing out the cupboards. It is a time to get rid of everything that is no longer required. A time to let go, only keep what is essential for life. 

Many are defending their corner, recovery or extinction, that includes the barristers, lawyers and other professionals. Uranus is ensuring that integrity comes to the fore. It is essential for life and for justice to be done.

While the politicians are 'name calling', each other, as more and more pressure is put upon them. They reveal themselves to us.

Due to Pluto being to do with the 'unconscious', it will impact on those involved in the medical profession. It has been disclosed by yours truly, what Serco have been involved in, in addition to British education.

Only those that truly comprehend the 'unconscious' energetic fields, are worthy to serve humanity in any health environment. That includes the politicians that make decisions based upon what policy makers say. Sack the lot of them.

Enough of the ‘atheist’ medical professionals. Enough, really is enough, Uranus Pluto Square will impact on them.

The impact of the outcome, will be that you will see a lot more of Carl Jung's philosophy coming to the fore in a helpful way. In addition, to those that comprehend the past life, 'unconscious' energetic fields the impact on present day activities unconsciously for those that are not conscious of them.

'Pluto promises a new lease of life, for those that are willing to accept a new worldview. Pluto's gift is to open up hidden sources of wisdom, enabling people to acquire a rich storehouse of inner experience.'  

Its about soul growth, and transformational experiences, some people will feel like they're 'dying', for it is the 'death of the old self', or way of being in relationship with this planet and the nations. It reminds me of the 90's recession, when I had to leave the offices, operate my business from home, due to having to cut my overheads to a minimum. Of course, the poor can't cut their overheads anymore than they have. This winter will impact hugely on those, that have just sat by, while the poor have suffered immensely. It will appear in every reality of life, for only the merciful, will receive mercy now. Their eyes will see, what they did not wish to see before.

The holy grail is to do with the 'soil', so 'GMO', those involved in anything that is impacting on our natural environment, and the food that the people eat shall be called to account. You can include the toothpaste manufacturers in that as well. As I said to my holistic dentist, I shall not use toothpaste on my teeth again, I am using coconut oil to clean my teeth with a very soft brush.  People ask me why I don't drink enough water, I respond to them, 'have you seen what's in it?'. How many of the poor can afford to drink spring water from the supermarkets? How about those water bills that have doubled in the last decade? 

The global corporations, will feel it heavily upon them, like a celestial sledgehammer that came down on Serco. Serco is a British division of an American company that has impacted on the British medical profession. Education, Prisons, Detention Centres, you name it, they've got their fingers in every pie.

Pluto is also to do with finding the hidden treasure. The treasure that arrived when the Aquarian Age of the humanitarian began. People will wonder why they never saw it before. The treasure was only given to those that put the real effort in. This people must comprehend, because the treasure can transform people and humanity in the twinkling of an eye.

There shall be no 'civil war', on my watch. However, as predicted, 'emotive social evolution', and 'energizing people to innovate change' is a reality on a planetary level. 2014, is the Chinese Year of the Horse, it will be a 7 year, the life number of the spiritual teacher. In Hebrew it is the ZAYIN, the Jewish sages call it the 'woman of valor'. Big smiles, they weren't anticipating a woman were they?


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