
Saturday 23 November 2013


On the 16th of November, 2013, blog post 'Omega Legend', it features the 'Red Dog' painting and it explains that it is a sign. [1] So when I saw the artists impression of the gamma ray burst that has astounded scientists, it did make me smile. Isaiah 29 prophecy, wonders will astound them.

An exploding star 3.8 billion light-years away and I can see the sign of the 'RED DOG'. 

Apparently this happened in April, so why are they releasing this information now? To capture your attention, like a massive PR campaign that is all about space news? All planned out strategically for NASA, for 'social engineering' and 'data mining'. The picture actually reminds me of the ancient cave paintings.

The article from the Christian Science Monitor, mentions 'the range of wavelengths has provided scientists with an unprecedented opportunity to explore the workings of one of the more extreme ends a star can inflict on itself.'  And they say that they 'don't understand it'.  

If that doesn't tell you that the scientists are observing you all, I don't know what does.

No surprise then that there is other observation mentioned today as well by 'Common Dreams'.

According to the study by the Center for Corporate Policy—a project of the Ralph Nader-affiliated Essential Action, today’s ‘Pinkerton Thugs’ are staffed by former law enforcement, CIA, NSA, FBI and military employees, funded by some of the biggest-name corporations in the world, and backed by highly-secretive investigative firms that operate as a shadow CIA for the private sector.

Titled Spooky Business, the 53-page study pieces together nearly 20 years of information exposing this hidden wing of the private sector, which its author Gary Rustin says “is just the tip of the iceberg.” While targets run the gambit, from anti-war to workers’ rights groups to environmental organizations, they appear to have one thing in common: they are perceived as a threat to the corporate bottom-line.

“The key finding of the report is that corporations are conducting espionage against nonprofit organizations,” said Rustin in an interview with Common Dreams. “This is entirely veiled in secrecy and is a threat to an active citizenry, democracy, and the right to privacy.”

Numerous case studies show that multinational corporations, trade associations and big banks have attempted to or actively conducted acts of espionage. This includes (but is not limited to) the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Walmart, Monsanto, Bank of America, Dow Chemical, Kraft, Coca-Cola, Chevron, Burger King, McDonald’s, Shell, BP, BAE, Sasol, Brown & Williamson and E.ON.




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