
Friday 29 November 2013

Post Trauma Forgetfulness

The LORD said 'Coma', and then I saw a thread posted, 'ISON regaining coma and tail, she lives'. This week on the bus, I met a lady that was going to visit her young son. He was living at home after recovering from a rare condition, that created a coma, that he had come out of. I suggested that she might like to have some information on soups that I have developed for the nervous system. I also recommended the coconut oil.

So that is the third message with the word 'coma', this week.

So what is the LORD trying to show us?

In Greek the word is κῶμα koma, means "deep sleep". The best man at my wedding, Paul, went into a coma after he was run over by a police car in London. In his case, the family had no choice but to turn the machine off that was keeping him alive. My mother also went into a coma like state, due to a stroke in 2005. 

I was subjected to a traumatic experience on the 3rd of January, 2011, following the bereavement of Michael, the British police also took my DNA against my will. 

When the nervous system is impacted upon due to a traumatic experience, it impacts on functionality. 

It creates what one can refer to as 'Post-Traumatic Amnesia', PTA. So you can find yourself in a situation whereby, what you did naturally before, you don't do anymore. For instance, attending to paperwork and financial matters. Housework, and other aspects of human life, like socializing. 

Its like a forgetfulness, and you can forget appointments with doctors and dentists, dinner arrangements, its like there is a world that does not exist for you anymore, because you are not consciously in that world. You are only consciously in your own world and realities. I would not call it a 'deep sleep' as the Greek translation of coma is given. Its like a system shut down, and a part of the system of the body shuts down, and shuts off to those that live within the systems of the world outside. When that happens following a 'traumatic' experience, the 'reclusive' state of being comes into effect. Its a self-protection mechanism, instructed by the soul unconsciously. 

It is to give the body time to recover and heal, it takes a long time to recover from any traumatic experience that has followed a bereavement. Even more so, if and when a woman is in a menopausal state of being.  

When this type of amnesia begins, it can take a long time for a person to work out what is going on with their body. Especially, if they experience that the traumatized nervous system impacts on many different areas of their body e.g. hair, teeth, blood vessels, circulation, skin, nails, eyes, feet, hands, back, facial bones. You can begin to have migraines, that you have never ever experienced before. Blood vessels exploding on your face, arms, and legs. The body is showing you, that the body is expressing the trauma that it has experienced. Its trying to show you what is going on. 

Depending on the seriousness of the traumatic experience, it can also impact on your speech, and your remembrance. So for instance you can forget what you were saying, while speaking about something important. You can put the washing in the washing machine, and then forget to remove it. You can find yourself washing the same clothes three times, cos you keep on forgetting to remove the clothes to dry them. You can forget to eat or forget to cook. 

Your attention span is shortened, and that can be a difficult phase for a person that has always been able to manage many tasks at the same time. In the beginning it is very hard to accept that you are not living the way that you used to live. Especially if you have been a high powered business woman during your lifetime, and very independent. Then you get used it, and it becomes a way of life. Just existing in your light of peace and love. 

However, the time comes after intensive healing and recovery, to recover those areas of your life that you once loved. That is when the person starts to reconnect. Once they start to reconnect, they then regain their lives in a more balanced way. However, it is a slow process, and it has to be gentle steps, due to the fragility of the soul and its being, 

Close friends are brilliant, when they allow you to come to them to share your journey, or when they just pop in, to see if you are doing OK. 

Painting, spreading the paint, is an excellent expression and it does bring the color back into your life. I also recommend sound healing for the nervous system, and reflexology to see where the pain is being held in the body. Acupuncture, and deep tissue massage with aromatherapy is also good. You will probably find that you also have a weak spleen. 

Developing healthy recipes with healing foods is good for the recovery of PTA. Hence, I began to create new recipes for different ailments for myself and others. I like cooking, it is very creative. 

The internet social network and community, has been very therapeutic, because if you keep yourself busy, you do not have time to dwell on the traumatic experience while you are clearing it. First you have to clear it from you, and then you have to clear it in other realities as well. 

In the beginning of the PTA, I was bathing twice and sometimes three times a day, it was like the Spirit was trying to wash what the police had done to my body away. I would soak in the water for hours, and I would often drift off to sleep there. 

I can see how the PTA, is related to what the police did to Paul. The police triggered a memory in me of them killing someone that I loved. The police force are a corporation, and Michael also suffered at the hands of the corporations. The legal terminology,  'criminal negligence', and 'corporate manslaughter'. 

As the heavenly Father said 'The corporations create carnage wherever they go'. The American police force would not investigate the death of Michael, even though there was enough evidence to do so.  Michael had been dead for three weeks before anyone found him. He had no food, and all of his services had been cut off. He did predict, that if he went down, he would take them all with him. 

Now the corporation would like my home, so it is human rights time. The solicitors can deal with it, and we have some of the best in our community. The best have always done right by me in the past. The reflexologist was happy, that we had made such excellent progress since we began the treatment. 

I was ready to move forward to get the legal side of my life sorted. 

It is clear that QOM, is a state of being, for it is related to my name. In Hebrew it is QUM and it means 'rise', 'raised up', 'arising' just like the comet.  My name is written in the Torah, and Jesus also spoke my name when he healed the child as featured in the NT.  It made sense then that the day came, when I would also work and help children. 

I can see the bigger picture of this with PTA, and how when children are traumatized by any situation, they then switch off from earthly realities. They can switch off from education, home life, friends, etc etc. I wonder how many children that are said to have ADD, have experienced some trauma in their lives? The children of our nations, the little day dreamers. 

May the good will of the LORD be done, may the vindication begin and justice be done. 

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