
Wednesday 15 January 2020


Mercury enters Aquarius on the 16th, and it is sunny in the UK today. Venus is still in sensitive Pisces until the 7th of February. The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th of January, 2020. We also have a new moon in Aquarius on the 24th.

The journalists in the UK have said no to the Leo Meghan and her demands on the website that was created 10 months ago. Plus now there is a court case in the High Court in London and her dad Thomas Markle is standing in defence of the Daily Mail against Meghan. Thomas the name of an Apostle.

Celt News on the Leo Meghan the American Liberal Democrat feminist.

Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn.

It is written that Elton John has been in constant contact with Meghan and Harry, in fact, it is written that Elton John knew about the announcement prior to the monarchy. Interesting that George Michael refused the influence of Elton John in his life. Although Elton John is now denying that he knew before the monarchy did.

As we know an English comedian called out all the Hollywood celebrities at the Globes recently for their "hypocrisy", and Meghan is being called out for it too, not only that but the British people are throwing the "American race card" straight back at Meghan and her team.

Canadian Globe and Mail tell Harry and Meghan, "NO", not welcome to live in Canada.

I heard today that Meghan's new north American PR company has been sacked, Sunshine Sachs, not so sunny after all. The way that Sun Sachs does their PR doesn't work with journalists in the UK like it does with the Liberal Democrat media in America. Hence, the backlash from the British media.

George Michael came home to the England that he loves and Elton chose to live mostly in America. So Elton has been supporting the Liberal Democrat feminist agenda and we know what scripture says about the Obama supporters. Not surprised that this came up for review once more, as it is written, this calls for wisdom with insight, this calls for a mind of wisdom.

Funny that George Michael asked wisdom more precious than rubies to sit on his lap, big smiles!

I didn't sit on George's lap, although I did sit next to him on the train.

Our English girl Taz looks just like the girl that was on the train with George and I in that recent dream, she looks just like Mrs Kemp. The Liberal Democrat globalists have already de-monetised this video that was uploaded this morning on youtube. It includes a lot of facts about the case today, including the British media saying "NO" to Meghan, "Not acceptable", say the British journalists.

Meghan can't restrict the freedom of speech of our journalists, bloggers etc. Freedom of speech is international law. The more the American globalists try to stop our English team, the more I will promote and support the English team's videos and sharing.

Remember what calamity Clinton said in 2010, "America is losing the information war", what she should've said was the "Liberal Democrats are losing the information war". 

That would've been more accurate!

"The point of the sword of truth is prick the conscience of those that are sleeping" Archangel Michael. Are you awake Harry and Meghan? "NO, NO, NO!".

William and Kate looking happy in the north in Yorkshire with the public today. William was born in the year of the dog, he loves his homeland and he prefers to stay close to home. Diana is so pleased with William and Katherine. They are just as she had hoped that they would be, a happy family, their children are adorable too. William definitely married the right woman for him, a woman that honours our historical culture.

The "MEWS" Message.

Are you keeping your heart in peak performance? I made oat cakes for my heart last night. Oats are great for the heart and for the skin. I included a banana, orange, dried apricots, sultanas, dates, cranberries, and coconut with coconut oil and two eggs. 

Fresh ginger, vanilla essence, maple syrup and ginger syrup with some allspice and cinnamon. Lovely and moist for the body, and easy on the digestion system. Lots of healthy nutrients for my heart, arteries and skin. 

Last night I also put some chicken breasts in the fridge marinating in lemon juice, garlic and olive oil, so it is chicken for dinner this evening, although I shall have some "New Life Soup" as a starter. 

I have some capsicum to eat up so I shall cook the capsicum with chilli's in the same dish. Served with some leeks, kale and peas. Chicken and vegetables for this evening's meal. 

On the 13th of February, it will be my birthday again, and I move into a three year, the natural home for wisdom, a new cycle of time begins for yours truly.  So less involvement with individuals and more involvement in my own life and with the bigger picture. It is more positive change in my life as Mercury and the Sun moves into Aquarius this week. 

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