
Wednesday 15 January 2020

"KEY is BEHIND" Message

When Jesus hears the call for help I am often led to respond, the message that he gave this night to the person that called out for help is the "Key is Behind", it is often the case that if and when people become deeply hurt by tragedy or tragic circumstances in their lives, it becomes easy for people to throw the key to their hearts away.

It is often the case that people are not even consciously aware that they've thrown the key of their hearts away until Lord Jesus decides it is time to retrieve it for the next phase of the healing and the healing of the heart. It was nearly 20 years ago when Jesus showed me the key to my heart and where it was, he also shared why I had thrown the key away due to a relationship. With Venus in Pisces until the 7th of February, it is a very sensitive time for everyone due to the recent lunar eclipse in Cancer too.

Going back to the soul that called out for help, sometimes accidents happen to season the soul and its pole. Sometimes there is a reason for being, a bigger picture. If you live then there is a purpose for you to live, a reason for being and seeing.

It is really important that people count their blessings in life in the present, you can't spend your lives consumed by the past experiences and circumstance that had a negative or detrimental impact upon you and your personal life. There has to be positive change in your life, for the healing and health of your soul and its physical being.

Remember Lord Jesus can help you to find the key to your heart if and when your hearts are closed, ask him to help you with your healing. He will listen in pure intention, he will guide you in purity if you trust him fully to where he will take you on your journey. Sometimes he will lead you to further than you thought you would go with him, sometimes he can really surprise you with what he reveals to you, as the spiritual journey unfolds before you.

Remember the power of his love is immense, more powerful than most can stand, so sometimes he sends one or more of his healers to respond to the call because we can withstand the power of his love beyond measure, embrace it and live in it. Remember his words where two or three gather together in my name, there I shall be amongst them. He was talking about his healers that walk and heal in his name with his help.

Remember what is written in scripture; "We have this hope has an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the hidden sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a High Priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek". Hebrews 6:19-20. 

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