Saturday 3 March 2018

The IGBO Forum

This discussion has happened at the young IGBO forum in London.

The question being analysed "Is Christianity erasing the Igbo culture". Maybe they should ask themselves is the Igbo culture erasing the British culture.

I think these people have to be reminded that England is a Judeo-Christian nation and if they don't like it; then they should go back to Nigeria and save their own culture. The fact is that they're living in England, yet they talk about what Christians are doing to the Nigerian culture.

The last time that I looked white Nigerian farmers were having their purchased land and farms taken from them, and they were left with the mortgage and debt. That farm was then given to a Nigerian doctor living in England. What does he know about farming, in fact, what do the Igbo living in London know about farming.

They raise the issue about women, and what history did they learn whilst in our country, did they not learn that we had queens prior to the romans arriving, and we still have a female queen. Jesus also gave equality to women, and he had a serious discussion with his male followers about his love for women that helped him with his mission of healing. 

One of the reasons that the people of our country of England accepted Christianity in ancient times, is because the peasants living in the countryside were promised equality financially, with those that were taxing those people to the hilt. There was also a battle between the Romans and our people on where the central point for Christianity in Europe should be. The Romans were intent on it being in Rome, and the English said England, there was a major battle on the east coast of England in a location that is known as "Little Nazareth". 

In part two they discuss that Christianity is a "white man's religion", now who is promoting that, the philosophy about the "white man's religion", came from America. 

How can that be true, perhaps they should all go to Ethiopia and meet the Ethiopian Christians that have existed since ancient times.  It's more likely that the early Christians went to Africa from the African continent. In fact, the word "religion" doesn't exist in biblical Hebrew. 

I can tell them this that when Peter appeared before me in the 90's, in Spirit, he was from the African continent and he was incredibly tall, with tight curly hair. He had a wonderful smile and eyes. When he appeared before me in my bedroom, he stood right in front of me, on my right, and he said, "I am Peter, I have come to heal you".

Real spiritual experience counts when we are discussing such issues. Now in the NT it was written that it was Jesus that cursed the fig tree. However, in a different text it was Peter that did that and Jesus rebuked him for doing so. In the biblical prophecies, there is a prophecy about two different baskets of figs, some that are good enough to embrace, and some that are not. So decide carefully what you choose because your lives and length of days could depend upon it.

I think the young Igbo are really just searching for their roots; seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall open for you. The identity crisis when people live in a different country to their parents heritage, country of birth and culture. Another reason why the UN must not bring in another 100 million economic migrants to the west. People have a right to live in their own cultures, with their own histories, and languages.

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