Sunday 4 March 2018

Space Weather News

More Space Weather News from Ben at SO. 4th of March, 2018.


March 2018 

So what's for dinner, the shopping has been delivered. I am cooking a roast chicken in fresh lemon, garlic, onion and thyme with sweet orange peppers that have to be roasted. 

I have potatoes in garlic, onions, tomatoes and carrots to go with it and I shall include some fresh coriander and black olives. 

I've picked fresh celery from the garden, to cook with some leek and garden peas, I will also include some steamed spinach to have with these vegetables. I like having some vegetable stock from the vegetables to have a juice for the gravy, and my gravy also includes some brine from the chicken. 

Although this meal probably won't require any gravy, due to how moist the potato dish is with the tomatoes, it's good to keep the integrity of the meal. So I will probably keep the vegetable stock for tomorrow's dinner. 

The chicken, onions, lemon, garlic and thyme also has olive oil and rice bran oil with it in the oven. I like a really moist chicken, cooked slowly, so it just melts in your mouth. With a glass of white wine it digests easily. 

For starters I've made some egg mayonnaise to have with some homegrown mustard cress. I do like egg and cress. 

So my roast chicken today, is not a traditional English roast dinner, as it has a touch of Italian with it, and there is a national election in Italy today. Rise up Italia.

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