Saturday 3 March 2018


Jesus said to yours truly, "They thought that you were a novice". Jesus chose an experienced woman to carry the light of truth for him, Jesus chose a business woman with spiritual interests, and serious personal health experience, as he had foretold, when he chose wisdom, he said, "You have been chosen for your integrity", that was back in the 90's.

I did lay down my own business and personal life to help others, although that is difficult for many people that know me to understand and appreciate the sheer immensity of it; and what has taken place in recent decades. It happened slowly, one step at a time, gently letting go and moving on from each phase of the journey in different realities and sphere of influence. It has been a dynamic era, and as he said in 2011, "We are moving into awesomeness".

Quality was crucial, and paramount, in everything that we did together. Yes, people were called out in different realities, if and when they didn't provide the quality that was essential for success. Eighteen years of campaigning against "political correctness" on the internet. Millions and millions of views of blog posts and postings on internet forums, views from millions of people from many different countries.

What an awesome time we had, we really had a party on-line. Articles distributed internationally, as the information was spread at home and abroad. I remember the days and nights we were sending out numerous emails to large distribution lists, it was non-stop, waking people up and sharing the divine truth. People used to say to yours truly, "you send out the best information on the planet".

Do you remember the days when Americans were asked, "Can you raise the standard". Due to the way that they communicate with each other. Quality in communication is a vital key to success and impacts on more realities than most people are aware of. Communication skills and being a skilled writer was paramount in making the real Christ teachings a success with individuals. When you inspire people with the truth, they are then inspired to look at the truth in a serious way to help themselves and their mind, body and souls.

There is a time to lay down your own life for others, and there is a time when Jesus helps you to get your life back again. How he chooses for that to manifest remains to be seen as we still have something important to do together in a different reality.

Always remember that quality of life is essential. The quality of the nutrients that you consume is also essential for the flora of your bodies. Science is now proving that what you eat impacts upon your brain, so will you put quality first in your life. There was a time when the medical profession thought that babies were born sterile, the scientific truth is known that babies are not born sterile.

That then confirms another biblical truth.

The flora of the mother impacts upon the flora of the child, and the flora develops in a child from birth to age three and that can pre-determine what will happen to a child health wise, during their lives. The flora of the doctors and midwives, the flora of the nursery nurses, the flora of the dad, the flora of grandparents, anyone that holds the child between 1-3 also impacts upon the developing child and what was once referred to as it's constitution. My mother used to say "we have a strong constitution, we do".

2nd of March, 2018

How about the quality of your governments, consider it seriously, anything and everything that impacts upon you and your lives. I'm glad to hear that Jacob Rees-Mogg has made some shifts as far as America and it's impact upon our nation's national healthcare system is concerned.

Now ponder upon the fact that mass immigration as impacted upon the quality and standard of living of the lives our people in Europe. Maggie Thatcher warned parliament, that the EU plan was to make the "Poor, poorer", and that is why she kept on saying, NO to the EU.

What was Maggie Thatcher most interested in, quality in increasing manufacturing output, improving quality in design, and improving the quality of our people. More British youngsters were given on the job training opportunities during the Thatcher era than any other that I can remember. "Investors in people", was the line.

1st March, 2018 

Our people don't require the EU to tell us and our people about quality, we already had quality food prior to the EU parliament. Our people don't require EU regulation, we have quality farmers in the UK, although Italy is the most organic and ecological country in Europe as far as farming is concerned. 

It is better to eat less and eat high quality food, and I have always lived my life like that, as food is essential to life and living it. The quality of what you eat and it's nutrients impacts upon your health and your health is your greatest wealth.

What I have been shown in recent years is how different systems in the body, and different health conditions require different nutrients at different times in your lives. What the doctor's don't tell you. It isn't the same for every individual, as each individual and their flora is unique to each person.

We've been sharing that for decades haven't we, you are uniquely made, you're made to be unique. Just as different cultures are unique and have something special.

In the UK we also have the launch of a new range of British 10 pence coins. Really great selection from the Royal Mint. No coincidence then that the E coin has food on it, and K is in the centre of the round table. During my life I had a great time with members of the round table, and the fundraising events raising money for local charities.

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