
Wednesday 31 May 2023


Have a listen to this; Andrew Bridgen speaking to trial lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich for an hour. 11 minutes in Reiner shares that he is stranded in Mexico and can't get back home to his ranch in California because the American government won't let him back in. Has far as I'm aware Reiner has an American passport and a German one. He says he can't return to Germany either due to the persecution of him standing up for the truth.

Has we know all of the governments are involved in the Covid cover-up, so we're not surprised that the British government is refusing to hand over Boris Johnson's WhatsApp messages. Although Reiner shares that 500 people in India are suing Bill Gates.


It has been quite a journey since my dog was ill with Giardia in January, 2022. Giardia gets everywhere which is why you have to take your dog's coat off and wash all of the fabrics. I kept my dog in doors too for three weeks so that he didn't infect any other animals or the environment. He was treated by the vet. 

After that in August I suffered an E.Coli Kidney infection, then in September 2022 my dog suffered Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis, that condition makes dogs bleed, it is a very dangerous intestinal condition and emergency treatment is essential. You have to get them to the vets within 24 hours of it starting.

Then in October I started to get diarrhoea. I rejected having a colonscopy due to the harm that they can do to the colon and intestines, and chose to do a parasite cleanse instead, plus improved my microbiome has much has I could. It did help a lot. 

Last week I contacted the GUT UK charity due to my GP suggesting that I go private for help. I telephoned a local hospital and they didn't call me back, so I then contacted GUT UK and they pointed me in the direction of the possibility of Post-Infection IBS. A very worthwhile charity to support in the UK.

I then found an excellent article by Dr Aathavan Loganayagam on the condition and some of it's causes. He says that post infection IBS e.g. IBS caused by an infection can take up to 12 months to manifest after having an infection.

Felt inspired to take some Loperamide Hydrochloride and that has helped a lot. However, today I did some research on Loperamide and found this research from Goethe University in Frankfurt from 2020. 

"Anti-Diarrhoea drug drives cancer cells to cell death". Yes, Loperamide can do that too. 

"In cell culture, loperamide a drug commonly used against diarrhoea, proves effective against glioblastoma cells. A research team at Goethe University has now unravelled the drug's mechanisms of action of cell death induction and in so doing have shown how this compound could help attack brain tumours that are otherwise difficult to treat".

Monday 29 May 2023


After typing on-line about a woman who committed a crime in my location in England, I immediately received this message, "ZACHARIAH". 

Translated it means "Yah Remembers".

Friday 26 May 2023

Covid-19 Biological Warfare

Kim Dotcom has posted a video clip on Twitter of Dr David Martin speaking to members of the European Parliament. Kim wrote: "This is the most important video you will watch this year. Millions were killed with Covid-19 for profit". 

Quote from from Dr David Martin, "Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked, Science was hijacked".

During the video clip, Dr David Martin mentions 1966, it was in 2011 when I was given the date of 1966 and shown a vision of gas masks that a child would wear.

They made children wear masks didn't they! 

Sandringham Estate Lambs

This is ironic, an eco mob have taken lambs from King Charles Appleton farm at Sandringham in Norfolk. 

So what will the eco warrior King Charles say to them? The police will have to arrest those that took the property of the King, whatever way you look at it, the fanatical have trespassed upon someone else's land and theft is breaking the law again. There has to be a clampdown on the nutty activists.

Google Malfunctioning

It's looking like I might have to blog somewhere else because blogger owned by Google is malfunctioning. I will let you know if and when I start a new blog somewhere else. I will await divine guidance and instruction because that is how my blogging began in December 2008. 


Queen of Rock, Tina Turner has passed over age 83 on the 24th May, 2023. Interesting that Tina was a bigger star in Europe than in America. When American radio stations weren't playing her music, European radio stations were. 

Rest in peace Tina Turner and thank you for the music and the memories, simply the best has we danced the night away.

Condolences to her husband, family and friends. 

I can't post any pics or upload any videos, something is up with blogger functionality. 

Tuesday 23 May 2023


Steve Judd posted this video three weeks ago on what he can see in the planetary configuration for May, 2023. We've just had a new moon in Taurus on the 19th May, 2023. I mislaid my car/home keys today so thought it would be a good idea to have a look at what's happening planetary wise. Fortunately, I have a spare set. 

Booked the dog in for a groom tomorrow and the car is booked into the garage towards the end of June to fix an oil leak. 

Steve's video is 11 mins, if you have the time and inclination to have a listen. 

Yesterday and today there has been the Jeff Beck 2 day tribute concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London. 

Prince Harry lost his court case against the Home Office in the UK after being refused Met Police protection for payment every time he chooses to pop into the UK. The police are not hired guns and Harry could not be given precedence within the law of the land. It's ironic isn't it with Meghan being a Liberal Democrat that would like to ban guns in America. 

His legal fees are £500,000 for this one case and he has numerous legal cases going on in the UK. He should have thought it through prior to giving up his job in the UK. When you change jobs you don't get to keep the perks of the previous job to take with you to the next job. Queen Elizabeth said NO to Harry when he tried to make it a half in and half out. She even gave him a year's grace in case he changed his mind about leaving the UK. Has the reality check sunk in yet? He's not meant to use HRH anymore either and yet that was on the court papers.

Harry walks behind Meghan when he attends events, he looks more like her bodyguard than her husband. He goes from one disaster to another, from Oprah to everything since. Harry reminds yours truly of scripture the "despairing Prince" in the prophecy of Ezekiel with the King of mourning. It's judgement time Harry. 

Author Salman Rushdie was given an honour by Princess Anne at Windsor Castle. A Companion of Honour for his service to literature. I still have fond memories of working with Salman in London. 

News today is that Russia has blown up the uranium that the British government gave to Ukraine, he did warn them that he's not bluffing. 


Recent studies by Taiwanese and Stanford found there is increased blindness associated with the mRNA injections. Dr Been presents the research in this 27 minute video presentation. 

Sunday 21 May 2023

"HgO is PRESIDENT" Message

Last night I was tossing and turning finding it difficult to get off to sleep, I was receiving images of the film industry.  Then I received this message; 

"HgO is President"

This morning I posted the message on-line. 

Then this evening I was watching a short clip of the press conference at Cannes for the American film, "Killers of the Flower Moon". 

During the press conference, the stars of Hollywood couldn't help themselves, they started calling out President Trump, he is clearly living in their heads even during their own press conference on their latest film. 

Then the message received last night after images of the film industry made sense. 

Mercury II Oxide is RED or ORANGE colour. Mercury II Oxide is an inorganic compound with the formula of HgO. The mineral form of it is rarely found and it has the name MONTROYDITE. It was named after the owner of the Texas mine where it was first found, Montroyd Sharpe.

Picture courtesy of Wikipedia 

Mercury is a chemical element with the symbol Hg and an atomic number of 80. No surprise then that Donald Trump is the star sign Gemini that is ruled by Mercury. 

Thursday 18 May 2023


In the Daily Mail report Harry and Meghan broke New York State law because neither Harry, Meghan or Doria were wearing seat belts has shown by the film footage and pictures.

Their demand for all film footage and pictures has been denied. The celebrity news agency that holds the copyright is Backgrid. Their lawyer gave Harry and Meghan this reply. "In America, as I'm sure you know, property belongs to the owner of it: Third parties cannot just demand it be given to them, as perhaps Kings can do. Perhaps you should sit down with your client and advise them that his English rules of royal prerogative to demand that the citizenry hand over their property to the Crown were rejected by this country long ago. We stand by our founding fathers" 

Backgrid say that they had 4 photographers, 3 in cars and one on a bike, adding "they had no intention of causing any distress or harm, as their only tool was their cameras".

New York lawyer, Nate the Lawyer (former police officer) gives his view of the data. 

I have to say that Meghan looked smug and was smiling in the taxi, she had definitely been instrumental in pulling off another drama that enabled international press coverage and attention. It also looked like there was some kind of sponsorship deal with HERTZ, because why go through the back entrance when you can go through the front door to arrive at an event? The Hertz logo was plastered all over the world's media. 

Celebrities often call the celebrity news agency to be photographed by their photographers and it wouldn't be the first time that Meghan has instigated a publicity stunt in recent years. People that have worked with the media and public relations know how it works. Of course she has recently been signed up with the William Morris artist management agency too. So it is likely people will see corporate sponsorship in photographs. Hertz being a perfect example of how that can be seen. 

Having listened to the taxi driver, and looked at the available evidence, including the statement from the NPD, I don't think that Meghan has a leg to stand on with a complaint. Journalists in America are protected by the US Constitution. Black Belt Barrister has been following the story from the UK. 

In 2016, three celebrity photo agencies converged to become the world's largest agency, Backgrid was launched. Backgrid's logo is also the shape of a crown.

Has Queen Elizabeth said, "recollections may vary", that is certainly the case with Harry and Meghan, mountains made out of molehills. Although Backgrid have all the film evidence that they require to prove any point that they would like to prove about what happened. 

Englishman, Paul Joseph Watson responds to the Harry and Meghan drama. 

Tuesday 16 May 2023


LSB Film Productions have uploaded this WEF zoom of the SDIS21, Sustainable Development Impact Summit that was held in 2021. 


Generally, the people were not consulted on these plans for 15 minute cities and once the people find out about it, the majority are against it. 

Sunday 14 May 2023


Esoteric Sky shares about the Jupiter in Taurus transit that begins on the 16th of May, 2023 until the 25th of May 2024, a year long transit. He has given it the sub-head, "Flare of Abundance & Graceful Healing". 


I'm re-charging, having a massage tomorrow, swimming on the 16th during the day, then going to a Reiki and Sound Healing healing session for a couple of hours in the evening. On the 18th going to the beach for the day with my dog that I walk each day. Wednesday evening we have our regular dog class. I'm enjoying this timeline of Jupiter in Taurus. 

Interesting that the 16th of May, is the "Day of Flair" a springboard for the Jupiter in Taurus transit. My view of Taurus is the importance of home life and homeland. Elizabeth II was born in the sign of Taurus. 

Taurus is the bull so some things can get smashed, changed, improved. I do think that the changes that King Charles intends was discussed with his mum prior to her passing. King Charles and his wife are into complimentary medicine including Reiki. 

Taurus being an earth sign, it's very grounded, it's earthed, it tills the ground preparing for the new. I do think that Elizabeth prepared in advance for the future without her. Although William and Catherine must stay out of politics. I don't think Catherine playing the Ukraine song at the Eurovision was a wise decision from their office. They mustn't allow themselves to be pawns for the politicians and or implement the government or globalists narrative. They must stay grounded and stay in touch with the people by going beyond the globalists and politics. This is also a special time to be with the children has they grow up so fast and you can't bring those years back once the years have gone. 

It is usually the case that Spirit doesn't call people for a divine mission until the children start secondary school. Spirit are fully aware of the amount of attention and tender loving care young children require and that they have to be your main focus when you have a young family. 

There is a lovely quote from Hippocrates "Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity". 

Saturday 13 May 2023

25% Excess Deaths UK

The biggest crime against humanity was committed with the mRNA injections, those that took the injections did not seek the truth or listen to those that did their utmost to tell the people the truth. 

Integrity of the body is crucial. Do not contaminate your bodies with big pharma. The excess death rate in the UK is now 25%, demand answers from your representatives and those that injected you. 

Some people embraced big pharma to change nature whereas I listened to Jesus and embraced nature to improve the change. 

The heavenly Father said, "This is my daughter in whom I am well pleased", message received on the 18th January, 2020. 

For gaining wisdom and instruction, for understanding words of insight, for receiving instruction in prudent behaviour, doing what is right, just and fair; for giving prudence to those that are simple, knowledge and discretion to the young. Let the wise listen to add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. Proverbs 1:2-6. 

Friday 12 May 2023


Interesting that Linda has the "rino" in her name. Linda Yaccarino worked on the campaign to push untested mRNA injections onto the people. A WEF globalist that was also pro mask-wearing. 

A major aspect of marketing is research, clearly, Yaccarino didn't do any of her own research into what she was promoting and she is getting hammered on Twitter and alternative platforms. Hence, in Yaccarino's case it's not what you know but who you know. 

Would you employ a CEO that doesn't even do any research prior to launching a campaign? Did she take the lethal injections into her body? Didn't she even care about her own body? What about family, did she have those injected too? Doesn't she have any integrity at all? What about body integrity?

"As of 2021-2022 Ad Council Chair, Yaccarino partnered with the business community, the White House, and government agencies to create a Covid-19 vaccination campaign, featuring Pope Francis and reaching 200 million Americans". 

Will the influencer, Yaccarino be held responsible for excess deaths due to the injections? How about the genocide that Dr Zelenko spoke about? 

This article sums up what we know about Linda Yaccarino. It's a good article, it's worth a read.

I was going to join Twitter and pay for a blue tick, never mind, I shall observe now and watch what transpires. A lot of people, and content creators aren't happy about the appointment of Linda Yaccarino for obvious reasons. Tucker Carlson's response will be interesting. 

Carl Benjamin gives his response to the news. 

PJW's response. 


Puppies purchased in the last three years are causing concern to vets due to the increase of "dog aggression". Many of the dogs were bought by first time dog owners too. The Daily Mail report that Dog ownership increased by 3.2 million households in the UK during the first year of the pandemic. 

British Veterinary Association's Senior Vice President Justine Shotton said" 'Whilst these new statistics are extremely worrying, they are not unexpected. `Vets and animal charities have been raising concerns around the long-term impacts of the pandemic puppy boom, when owners were unable to access adequate training and socialisation opportunities that are so important for development in the first few months of their lives'.

Socialisation is so important and so is proper training with dog trainers. Most people don't realise that dog training is a daily activity and it is best to start has early has possible. I bought my puppy in June 2021, then when he was 4.5 months he went to dog creche and then he was registered for Kennel Club dog training the same year. We thoroughly enjoy our weekly dog training together in and outside of the class and I can highly recommend it. 


Daily dog training is not just about obedience, it is about the connection and communication with your new companion. It's relationship building, the building of trust between you. Any "aggression" shown has to be resolved in the puppies formative months, but few new dog owners are strict enough from the very beginning. 

Dog attacks are on the rise and people often choose a dog that isn't suitable for them or their families. This week I met an elderly lady and her dog had been attacked, she said her little Cockapoo had to have an operation that cost £3,000 due to the harm caused. Then in the Daily Mail this week there was news of a dog attack and the police officers shot both the dogs. The dog owner had already been banned from owning dogs due to a previous incident. 

That is another aspect, most new dog owners don't appear to be aware of the law regarding dogs. Although the government website makes it very clear indeed. There is over 20 pieces of legislation that applies to dog ownership in the UK and my view is that a copy of it should be given by the breeder when they sell a puppy.  A copy of the laws that apply should be in their puppy pack, or at the very least pointing them to the government website and listing the essentials that are not always obvious.

The puppy boom isn't over, we meet new puppies every week and some are a lot more friendly than others. 

Thursday 11 May 2023


Holistic vet, Dr Nick Thompson's podcast on Herbs, Healing and Inflammation. 


When my dog was a 4.5 month puppy he was having raw food with Verm-X in it. Soon after he began having their crunchies. 

He's now 25.5 months and he has decided that he likes to eat sprats for the first time. That's great because up to now I've had to make him homemade treats with fish in the treats. I've made him treats with mackerel, pilchards, sardines and tuna fish. I include grated carrot, sweet potato, a little garlic, fresh ginger, ground pumpkin and sunflower seeds, some herbs, e.g. thyme, oregano, rosemary. I bind with an egg, some ground almond and ground walnuts. I've tried giving him some salmon oil but his body doesn't like it much at this point. 

In respect of the podcast, I used to give my puppy a sprinkle of Chamomile tea leaves in with his raw food to keep him calm. I tried slippery elm for his gut, it didn't work for us. Dogs are like humans they're not all the same. However, once we changed over to raw food, tummy upsets stopped until he caught any parasites. He's a Cockapoo, a scavenger and a licker of grass etc in his first 18 months of life, he caught three different lots, all different. 

Tuesday 9 May 2023


Just prior to the recent Lunar Eclipse, I received a Reiki healing treatment on the 2nd of May, 2023. 

When the treatment began I saw white French bulldog, and it was overshadowed and encompassed by a creature much larger and it looked like a pig. In Tibetan Buddhism symbology, the sow can be symbolic of the great mother, it is a lunar symbol and one of fertility. In India, the boar is the source of life. 

I was then shown a ring in the shape of a V and the white ring band (either white gold or platinum) was covered in cut diamonds. V can be for victory, that shape is often called a wishbone ring, although wishbone rings tend not to have such a steep V like the ring that I was shown. The diamonds were like those that you see in eternity rings and the ring was very large. A diamond ring, in traditional symbology, diamonds are symbolic of light, life and the sun. Durability, incorruptibility, invincible constancy and sincerity, a spiritual gift, a thank you from the spiritual realms for what has been accomplished to date. 

Then just prior to the treatment coming to a close, a small white poodle was on my right shoulder. Dogs are significant in spiritual symbology and also in the story of Jesus in the NT. It was a woman that taught Jesus about the healing power of the dog and Lazarus was also licked by the dog. The white poodle was comforted has it laid peacefully on my right shoulder, it was also comforting to feel it resting, cuddling up, white is the colour of purity and both of the dogs shown to me on the 2nd of May were white. 

In spiritual symbology the dog accompanies the good shepherd, bishop or high priest and is usually the companion of healers. Dogs as winds can chase away the boar of winter or drought, in alchemy it can be symbolic of mercury. In Buddhism, it can represent fidelity, unswerving devotion, a defender of the law. The coming of a dog signifies future prosperity. It is considered to be a solar symbol. The watchful, noble dog, the protector, a loyal friend with an outpouring of unconditional love. 

In this context a symbol of appreciation from the Spirit world of dogs and I will bear this in mind whilst writing an article about dogs and the importance of their mental stimulation that they gain from dog creche and dog training. It was clear that I am on track with the dog and the work that we are doing together, it has brought a different community and new friends into our lives at this juncture. Right shoulder indeed, nurturing and being nurtured in peacefulness. 

I used to say to a friend, "sometimes you are just like a mad poodle", and he replied, "they're very intelligent dogs". He loved this song. Victory, buddy, victory. 

Monday 8 May 2023


Dr Barrie Tan shares with Ivor Cummins, the video is titled, "Statin Impacts and More: GG and CoQ10". Barrie tells you what statins do your GG and Coq10. One of our GP's asked me whether I would take Statins, I replied, "definitely not". Then he asked me "why not", I replied, "they harm the body". 

Statins causes diabetes, the pharmaceutical statins also impact upon the muscles detrimentally, I agree with Dr Barrie Tan. During this podcast, Dr Barrie Tan explains how this happens. I was warning people about statins in the 90s. 


Dr Barrie Tan's website.

Ivor Cummins website.

Sunday 7 May 2023


Cristen Terhes, a Romanian MEP has uploaded this press conference. Four members of the European Parliament as well as prestigious doctors gave a short highlights summary in a press conference held on the 4th May, 2023. The press conference followed after the International Covid Summit III which was held in the European Parliament the previous day, 3rd of May, 2023. 

Cristen shares that the IV summit will be held in Romania in the Autumn. 

This 23 minute video includes a Q&A. 

Friday 5 May 2023

The Coronation Neil Oliver

Hope you enjoyed the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio today, on the day of awakening. I don't think the Tories did, they're paying the cost now for the policies in the last three years. Bearing in mind that prior to Rishi Sunak being instrumental in ousting Boris Johnson, Rishi was the Chancellor. The globalist whose Hedge Fund invested $500,000 in Moderna and Moderna have been given permission to build a factory in the UK, going to inject you all some more they think. 

Anyway, this blogpost is about the Coronation that some say is costing £250M, while Charles and the rest of the family are enjoying the celebrations, the debate and discussions have begun. 

Neil Oliver titled this video, "Coronation, allegiance, huge expense, the last three years have changed everything". 

20 mins 

and more 

Wednesday 3 May 2023


Harry and his legal cases, now the Heritage Foundation has filed a case. The Black Belt Barrister from England has looked at the filing and shares what is in it during this video. 
