
Sunday 14 May 2023


Esoteric Sky shares about the Jupiter in Taurus transit that begins on the 16th of May, 2023 until the 25th of May 2024, a year long transit. He has given it the sub-head, "Flare of Abundance & Graceful Healing". 


I'm re-charging, having a massage tomorrow, swimming on the 16th during the day, then going to a Reiki and Sound Healing healing session for a couple of hours in the evening. On the 18th going to the beach for the day with my dog that I walk each day. Wednesday evening we have our regular dog class. I'm enjoying this timeline of Jupiter in Taurus. 

Interesting that the 16th of May, is the "Day of Flair" a springboard for the Jupiter in Taurus transit. My view of Taurus is the importance of home life and homeland. Elizabeth II was born in the sign of Taurus. 

Taurus is the bull so some things can get smashed, changed, improved. I do think that the changes that King Charles intends was discussed with his mum prior to her passing. King Charles and his wife are into complimentary medicine including Reiki. 

Taurus being an earth sign, it's very grounded, it's earthed, it tills the ground preparing for the new. I do think that Elizabeth prepared in advance for the future without her. Although William and Catherine must stay out of politics. I don't think Catherine playing the Ukraine song at the Eurovision was a wise decision from their office. They mustn't allow themselves to be pawns for the politicians and or implement the government or globalists narrative. They must stay grounded and stay in touch with the people by going beyond the globalists and politics. This is also a special time to be with the children has they grow up so fast and you can't bring those years back once the years have gone. 

It is usually the case that Spirit doesn't call people for a divine mission until the children start secondary school. Spirit are fully aware of the amount of attention and tender loving care young children require and that they have to be your main focus when you have a young family. 

There is a lovely quote from Hippocrates "Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity". 

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