
Wednesday 31 May 2023


It has been quite a journey since my dog was ill with Giardia in January, 2022. Giardia gets everywhere which is why you have to take your dog's coat off and wash all of the fabrics. I kept my dog in doors too for three weeks so that he didn't infect any other animals or the environment. He was treated by the vet. 

After that in August I suffered an E.Coli Kidney infection, then in September 2022 my dog suffered Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis, that condition makes dogs bleed, it is a very dangerous intestinal condition and emergency treatment is essential. You have to get them to the vets within 24 hours of it starting.

Then in October I started to get diarrhoea. I rejected having a colonscopy due to the harm that they can do to the colon and intestines, and chose to do a parasite cleanse instead, plus improved my microbiome has much has I could. It did help a lot. 

Last week I contacted the GUT UK charity due to my GP suggesting that I go private for help. I telephoned a local hospital and they didn't call me back, so I then contacted GUT UK and they pointed me in the direction of the possibility of Post-Infection IBS. A very worthwhile charity to support in the UK.

I then found an excellent article by Dr Aathavan Loganayagam on the condition and some of it's causes. He says that post infection IBS e.g. IBS caused by an infection can take up to 12 months to manifest after having an infection.

Felt inspired to take some Loperamide Hydrochloride and that has helped a lot. However, today I did some research on Loperamide and found this research from Goethe University in Frankfurt from 2020. 

"Anti-Diarrhoea drug drives cancer cells to cell death". Yes, Loperamide can do that too. 

"In cell culture, loperamide a drug commonly used against diarrhoea, proves effective against glioblastoma cells. A research team at Goethe University has now unravelled the drug's mechanisms of action of cell death induction and in so doing have shown how this compound could help attack brain tumours that are otherwise difficult to treat".

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