
Thursday 18 May 2023


In the Daily Mail report Harry and Meghan broke New York State law because neither Harry, Meghan or Doria were wearing seat belts has shown by the film footage and pictures.

Their demand for all film footage and pictures has been denied. The celebrity news agency that holds the copyright is Backgrid. Their lawyer gave Harry and Meghan this reply. "In America, as I'm sure you know, property belongs to the owner of it: Third parties cannot just demand it be given to them, as perhaps Kings can do. Perhaps you should sit down with your client and advise them that his English rules of royal prerogative to demand that the citizenry hand over their property to the Crown were rejected by this country long ago. We stand by our founding fathers" 

Backgrid say that they had 4 photographers, 3 in cars and one on a bike, adding "they had no intention of causing any distress or harm, as their only tool was their cameras".

New York lawyer, Nate the Lawyer (former police officer) gives his view of the data. 

I have to say that Meghan looked smug and was smiling in the taxi, she had definitely been instrumental in pulling off another drama that enabled international press coverage and attention. It also looked like there was some kind of sponsorship deal with HERTZ, because why go through the back entrance when you can go through the front door to arrive at an event? The Hertz logo was plastered all over the world's media. 

Celebrities often call the celebrity news agency to be photographed by their photographers and it wouldn't be the first time that Meghan has instigated a publicity stunt in recent years. People that have worked with the media and public relations know how it works. Of course she has recently been signed up with the William Morris artist management agency too. So it is likely people will see corporate sponsorship in photographs. Hertz being a perfect example of how that can be seen. 

Having listened to the taxi driver, and looked at the available evidence, including the statement from the NPD, I don't think that Meghan has a leg to stand on with a complaint. Journalists in America are protected by the US Constitution. Black Belt Barrister has been following the story from the UK. 

In 2016, three celebrity photo agencies converged to become the world's largest agency, Backgrid was launched. Backgrid's logo is also the shape of a crown.

Has Queen Elizabeth said, "recollections may vary", that is certainly the case with Harry and Meghan, mountains made out of molehills. Although Backgrid have all the film evidence that they require to prove any point that they would like to prove about what happened. 

Englishman, Paul Joseph Watson responds to the Harry and Meghan drama. 

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