
Friday 12 May 2023


Interesting that Linda has the "rino" in her name. Linda Yaccarino worked on the campaign to push untested mRNA injections onto the people. A WEF globalist that was also pro mask-wearing. 

A major aspect of marketing is research, clearly, Yaccarino didn't do any of her own research into what she was promoting and she is getting hammered on Twitter and alternative platforms. Hence, in Yaccarino's case it's not what you know but who you know. 

Would you employ a CEO that doesn't even do any research prior to launching a campaign? Did she take the lethal injections into her body? Didn't she even care about her own body? What about family, did she have those injected too? Doesn't she have any integrity at all? What about body integrity?

"As of 2021-2022 Ad Council Chair, Yaccarino partnered with the business community, the White House, and government agencies to create a Covid-19 vaccination campaign, featuring Pope Francis and reaching 200 million Americans". 

Will the influencer, Yaccarino be held responsible for excess deaths due to the injections? How about the genocide that Dr Zelenko spoke about? 

This article sums up what we know about Linda Yaccarino. It's a good article, it's worth a read.

I was going to join Twitter and pay for a blue tick, never mind, I shall observe now and watch what transpires. A lot of people, and content creators aren't happy about the appointment of Linda Yaccarino for obvious reasons. Tucker Carlson's response will be interesting. 

Carl Benjamin gives his response to the news. 

PJW's response. 

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