
Saturday 23 May 2020


The year began with a dream of being on a train with George Michael, passengers on the train. In dream interpretation to dream of being a passenger indicates easy success is forecast in a dream of being a passenger. In the dream two locations were mentioned, Birmingham and Scotland.

As we know the Scottish politicians have been against going back to work, the socialist teachers are refusing to go back to work because the unions are making it political.

In Birmingham they have a very high immigrant population that have been impacted by Covid 19 the same with London.

It is certainly easy for George Michael to communicate with yours truly when he chooses too.

Then in 2020, I've had three dreams of being a passenger in a car.

Dream of being with Princess Diana leaving Camden in London and being driven home. She loved our healing sanctuary in the countryside and the journey travelling with yours truly. She knew that she was and is loved by the many. In the dream I had a bowl of Butternut Squash.

Dream of being with a local family being driven in a Range Rover diagonally across a field/park.


Then today, I had another dream of being in a car and this time the car was parked. Boris Johnson was in the car having marital relations, the woman that he was with was covered up.

I was locked in the small car and couldn't get out of the car because the seat belt was jammed.

Dreaming of being locked in is obviously to do with the lockdown in this timeline of the New Moon in Gemini, as Boris Johnson is a Gemini. The fact that Boris Johnson was in the dream indicates that it is political and I couldn't escape the fact that it is political.

In real life I don't like being locked in and not being able to move around. I don't think anyone does like being locked in anywhere and the key word of Aquarius is freedom.

In the dream I was getting anxious about not being able to get out of the car, as soon as I started to get anxious the dream of Boris Johnson and his partner came to a close.

Then when I looked at the news today, the headline is that there are calls for Boris Johnson's advisor, Dominic Cummings to resign due to him travelling 264 miles with his wife and son during the lockdown. They both had Covid 19, and so did Boris Johnson it is claimed.


So what's on the menu today for yours truly, some more gluten free carrot cake, full of lovely nutrients.

In London, our parents used to say eat your carrots, it helps you to see in the dark. So is there any truth in what our parents taught us? During WW2 the UK Ministry of Food claimed that carrots were the key to the success of the British pilots. So does eating carrots improve eyesight? 

The science says yes. Vit A helps the eye to convert light into a signal that can be transmitted to the brain, allowing people to see under conditions of low light. This scientific link says that in ancient Egyptian texts they gave people lambs liver for their eyesight. 

I do like like lambs liver cooked with bacon, onions in bisto gravy served with mash and green vegetables. A great English dish full of nutrients. Liver is also excellent for the liver, I like chicken livers too either as a pate with brandy and thyme, or with tomatoes and red kidney beans. 

You can also get Vit A from kale and spinach, and both liver and spinach is great for iron too, plus women require more iron than men during and after the menopause. 

Although it is best not to eat too much spinach. 

I also like to get my Vit A from Butternut Squash and it makes a wonderful soup. 

Boris always looks so pale and if a person looks very pale it can indicate that they have a nutritional deficiency. Boris was overweight when he went into hospital and the heavier a person is the more difficult it is for Vit D to be stored in the body. 

He does like sunny weather though as he was being called back from his holiday due to Covid 19. 

Did you know that you can wash off the Vit D from the external skin and that it is best not to wash for 24 hours after sunbathing? Of course you can still wash your vital parts. That titbit was shared with us by a doctor from New Zealand. 

Dominic Cummings also looks nutritionally deficient, I wonder what his wife feeds him, especially as his wife also had Covid 19. 


Boris is talking about reducing Chinese investment in infrastructure in the UK to zero by 2023. 

Boris could have moved much faster and closed our borders in January, like Russia did as soon as they got wind of the Chinese epidemic. Instead Boris and his government allowed 24 million people to cross our borders and that doesn't even include the EU foreign nationals. 

It sounds like Boris is now under pressure in regard to China and that there has been a discussion with President Trump on trade. 

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