
Monday 25 May 2020


With all my passenger dreams this year indicating easy success, I certainly feel like a passenger of 2020 in 2020. Although in the most recent dream I received I was in the driving seat and locked into it, there was no escaping Boris Johnson.

Last night I noticed 111 on my computer clock, and on the 5th of June, 2020, we have a Saros 111 full moon Lunar Eclipse. The last time that we had one of these eclipses was on the 26th of May, 2002 and that was a brilliant year spiritually, we were soaring.

Prior to that it was in May, 1984, that was a great year too. An immense amount of work on new business activity, and great times, quality time with my young. son. I think we went to Spain that year with a friend that was a hairdresser. In 2002, I was given a commission at Sure Start working with young families, their self-development and healing. We had an amazing time together. I was also teaching Reiki at that time.

On the fifth day, it is bound to have a practical application in the month of June. The Lunar eclipse is in Sagittarius, and I have Mars in Sagittarius, Ascendent in Sagittarius and it is also in my 12th house.

Robert Currey from Equinox wrote for yours truly that this eclipse is in my 12th house. "A time when possibilities come out of nowhere. Allow your kind heart to come out, but express it through feelings and acts of kindness, rather than detached financial donations". 

So for instance today I gave a friend some Gram flour and Tapioca. Practical application of discoveries. "How we deal with our discoveries is what matters in the 12th house".  

For lunch we had Broccoli and Stilton soup. Avocado salad and then my very own gluten free carrot cake. Nutrition is my priority for health in this timeline, nutrition that has been divinely guided and compelled.

If you share the same placement in your birth chart as yours truly, then "you will meet many people during your lifetime. The innate ability to sense goodness in people gains you close friendships". 

12th House

The 12th house is great for clairvoyance and spiritual talents, especially if you can work with the subconscious and the unconscious fields. I've been clairsentient since a child, and clairsentience saved my life. Although my clairvoyance was developed directly by Spirit later in life.

During my life I have found that clairvoyance has helped me tremendously with my own health and with helping my clients and their health. When I work intensely on a serious health case, clairvoyance is always involved and with each individual case I always learn something new.

Every individual is unique.

Clairvoyance also helped me to make many discoveries, in addition to receiving some amazing teachings directly from Spirit. Remote viewing for health, that I call "Remote Scanning", can also be amazing.

Being able to see what doctors cannot see in a person's body can be remarkable, my spiritual work is divinely guided. With Sagittarius I've also travelled extensively in many different realms in many different countires.

As I said to a friend today, new life has already begun. I began remote scanning again in the summer of 2019. So this full moon Lunar eclipse a year later is certainly an eclipse of note and significant as far as I am concerned. New strategic health protocol in action and it is all natural.

Although earlier in the year I was shown the new beginning and since then there have been even more healthy discoveries that brings yours truly great joy.

We are very close now to a new scientific paradigm that Archangel Michael spoke about nearly two decades ago.  He spoke of a new branch of physics coming to be and he even shared the name of it.

You might like to do some research on what this eclipse means for you.

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