
Wednesday 29 April 2020

I'M ALIVE Message

While coming out of dream state this morning, I was shouting "I'M ALIVE". 

"As long as I'm alive in this body, there is good work for me to do." Philippians 1:22 


Mars is still in Aquarius 


Did you stretch yourselves further than you had ever gone before? Ponder upon how many times during your life that you went further than you had ever gone before.

Ponder upon the rewards that it did bring when you moved out of your comfort zones and raised yourself up to the challenge before you. How many recessions have you lived through?

How did you survive it and live to share your story? How many health challenges were put before you, how great was your accomplishments?

How far were you willing to go to help another person to live?

How often did you open the door to someone who required your help?

How many neighbours have you helped during your life?

How many people did you feed in your local community from your own kitchen?

How selfless were you during your life, how appropriate were your responses?

Did you love more than you were loved?

Were you more merciful, than the mercy that you received?

Were you more compassionate than those that think they are?

Have you experienced divine love in your life?

Do you know the difference between human love and divine love?

What is happening planetary wise? 

Robert Wilkinson gives us his feedback. 

What's happening April-May 2020? 

While checking the archives, I found a painting from May, 2014, and it was called, "I'm Alive".

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