
Wednesday 29 April 2020


Dr James Meschino emailed last week and wrote that American medics are being advised to prescribe Glucosamine Sulphate for Osteoarthritis patients.

This article written by James is titled: Glucosamine Sulphate for Arthritis and in it he cites the scientific research.

James wrote that the usual daily dosage of glucosamine sulfate is 1500mg per day, which can be taken all at one time or in divided doses of 500mg per dose. People weighing over 200 pounds may also be advised to up their dosage to 2000mg per day.

The article states that in many European countries, glucosamine is only available on prescription from a medical practitioner.

I can correct James on that quote, as in the UK, Glucosamine Sulphate is a supplement that is available in health food shops. In fact, even ALDI have had it on their specials counter at £2.99 for 150 capsules of 500mg.

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