
Friday 6 March 2020


I've had another dream this time I was in a large department store and I was being bought an expensive wristwatch. I wasn't really interested in the watch in the dream, I was more interested in safety. I only accepted the watch because it pleased the giver.

In the dream I wasn't impressed or interested in luxury goods or material things has those things couldn't keep a person safe from harm. The department store was large like Debenhams.

So what is happening in stores in England? Today, the Daily Mail have featured an article sharing that customers are being disinfected prior to entering stores due to the Coronavirus.

In dream interpretation a wristwatch featured in your dream is a sign of advancement through the help of influential friends. To receive a gift in dream state indicates generosity and can indicate happy news is coming.

More on the gift of a watch, when a man gifts you with a watch it can indicate that he is giving you his time e.g. my time is on your arm.

It is not the first gift given in dream state in 2020. The previous gift was a leather saddle and leather is given on the third anniversary. In the bible it is Joseph that is gifted.

Being bought a gift of a wristwatch can also indicate that it is time for time to be given to the receiver of it, especially when it is given with great affection and love. It can also relate to being acknowledged for your accomplishments and the time that has been devoted to a cause.

For instance my dad was gifted with an expensive solid gold wristwatch when he left Times newspapers in London. The Son of Joseph was gifted for his years of service to the company.

In England every time we left a company we would have a collection to buy that person a present. Watches can be bought on any anniversary too.

It is an interesting time to have this dream, Venus moved into Taurus yesterday and I have Taurus in my 4th and 5th houses. It is certainly a time for everyone to be realistic rather than materialistic, although if you are being gifted has a thank you, or as something that bonds you together would you refuse it?

What if had been inscribed with a beautiful message and put upon your wrist for you to always keep? The watch was put on my left wrist and biblically that is the arm of glory and honour.

In the dream safety e.g protection was far more important to yours truly and that does link into a Nostradamus prophecy in regards to the deer that would be protected by the dogs in this timeline. The deer were symbolic of women and the dogs were symbolic of men that are able and willing to defend their partners.

Also recently I received the message "FRIDAY 5.30" and that was lighting up time in the UK on the day that I received the message.

There is a Super Full Moon on the 9th of March in Virgo and I have Virgo in my 9th house.

It will also be the Jewish holiday of Purim beginning on the 9th of March, 2020.

This dream from February, was also about the King's favour. The "Kissing Crown" dream.

My gran Sophie is strong with me today, she's saying "YES". Sophia was always realistic, she never complained about her serious heart condition, bless her. She rarely links in with me, although when she does it is usually because there is a very important reason for doing so.

I have a lovely photograph of us both together at the beach, she had just given me a jolly good wash to wash all the sand off of me. My olive skin was has brown as a berry, sitting in a 1950s white dress, looking adorable. I think that black and white photograph was taken prior to starting school as I look about four years old in that pic, we must have been on holiday together.

I do remember the caravan site where she liked to go for her holidays. The caravan was surrounded by lovely rose bushes and my gran understood me better than my mother did,  gran was such a compassionate woman. Maybe because gran grew up with her sister Mary who was the same star sign, an Aquarian water bearer.

Mum always wore a wristwatch, although my gran didn't. Sophie didn't have to go to work due to her health condition, she was always in and out of hospital. An incredible woman how she survived so many operations and giving birth on a bed of ice whilst having two heart attacks. She was the first woman with a serious heart condition (from childhood) that was allowed to become pregnant and give birth to a child in England. She made medical history and her surgeon became a professor in heart surgery.

Gran never took me to department stores, we would spend time in nature, in her garden, or at the beach, although she liked to take the child to street markets to buy my favourite fruit. We would eat cockles together at the seaside and sing songs dancing along the promenade. Quality time with her was important to her has she loved my company and I loved being in hers.

Has far as going to a department store, make sure you have your gloves on whenever you go to a public place or on public transport.

The word in Hebrew for WATCH is Shamar, and it can mean "watch", "to keep", and or "preserve".

In Aaron's Priestly Blessing it is Yahweh that comes bringing gifts.

I found this discussion on the different Jewish orthodox views on wearing a wristwatch. One of the Rabbi's said that the wristwatch is a woman's garment, what they call a "beged isha". Big smiles.

In Greek the word for "Watch" is "gregoreo" and it is translated has "to watch", "to be awake".

Strongs NT 1127 means to live, be alive on earth. γρηγορέω

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