
Friday 6 March 2020


Before Christmas I bought two pairs of leather gloves, a pair for myself and a pair for a healer friend as a Christmas present. In this video from Dr John Bergman (USA) he reviews the research. John shared that if you pick up the virus from something like a door or handle the virus only lives for 5-10 minutes in the hands.

Hence, it is very important that people wear gloves to protect their hands from being contaminated. If you go to any public place or on any public transport then make sure that you are wearing gloves.

I also recommend that people carry white handkerchiefs with healing oils on them if you are out and about and have to take your gloves off. You can keep the handkerchiefs in a plastic zipper bag to carry with you, you can also take those on a flight if you have to fly for work etc.

Whereas you can't take any bottles on a flight into the cabin. Of course if you have a vulnerable immune system you shouldn't be flying anywhere at all at this time. It was in November when Sprit were saying that I wasn't allowed to take a winter sun break. I wasn't even allowed to go to London, or away anywhere else that was far from my location.

Bergman recommends Vit C, he doesn't mention that Vit K is imperative for the brain to assimilate Vit C. Plus most people get enough Vit C if they already eat a healthy diet. Of course, most of the elderly don't eat a healthy diet that is appropriate for them and their health conditions. That is why so many of the elderly with vulnerable immune systems are the most vulnerable to any type of virus or flu.

I recommend a Vit D booster, GLYCERINE and COq10 to everyone.

Furthermore, I recommend that you read this article from the BMJ, British Medical Journal, it was published in 2003 and it provides important advice on body temperature requirements.

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