
Saturday 7 March 2020


We've been talking about how essential ZINC is on-line for the functioning of the body, an essential mineral. I found the alchemic symbols for Zinc interesting especially as one of the symbols looks like a gateway or a window. Another Zinc symbol has a Z and the number four crossing it.

Science notes, alchemy symbols for Zinc.

The first symbol looks like a window or gateway that you can see through with your eyes.

The second symbol looks like Taurus the bull and Zinc can be found in beef. Although it is also in celery, seeds and nuts too.

Venus is in Taurus at this time and I have Taurus in my 4th and 5th houses. So it isn't a coincidence that I have been cooking food that is high in Zinc in recent days.

Last night I made a Green Olive Humous so easy to make.

4 cloves of chopped fresh Garlic
2 large teaspoons of Tahini
Juice of two lemons
One tin of Chick Peas
Some dried Basil
Jar of Green Olives 340g
Plenty of Olive Oil
Pinch of Rock Salt and Black Pepper to taste.

I made a Celery, Leek and Potato Soup, and I am having it with Mushrooms with melted cheese on top and a Hazelnut cake. Interesting that Jesus gave the mystic St Julian of Norwich a Hazelnut.

The third symbol reminds me of Zion and with a four in it created by the cross. The fourth symbol looks like a head wearing a hat as in a protection for the crown of the head.

While writing to someone about their Pancreas this evening, turquoise energy began to dance on my fingers and keyboard. Turquoise energy is about transformation, it is also the colour of the Thymus chakra that impacts upon the Thymus gland in the endocrine system. 

It is about acceptance, I accept, we accept. So if there is anything in your life that you cannot accept, heal it, so that acceptance can flow like sparkling water in your life.  I used to wear Turquoise gem stones in the 90s and it was a time of a big change in my life and career. A huge spiritual transformation came to be while wearing it. It is a stunning colour to wear. 

Turquoise and Zinc 

On the 9th of March we have a Super moon in Virgo and that impacts upon the nervous system, so eat gentle foods. The nervous system likes melon and pineapple. It likes coconut milk, cream, cream cheese and olives. Soft foods, go easy on your bodies as the body is far more fragile than most people embrace. Boost your immune systems as much as you can. Wear a scarf, hat and gloves like we used to do this time of year. 

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