
Thursday 5 March 2020

Venus Moved Into Taurus Today

So a great time to post the "Lovers Song" again.

We had all four aces today, no adversity, just astounding.

We had a fortune cookie, "Variety is the Spice of Life" and there is plenty of variety in the soup that I cooked last night for healthy nutrition.

Venus will be in Taurus until the 3rd of April, 2020 and it is a time for being in your passion and what you feel passionate about. What you love doing the most, what you enjoy the most. One of the things that I enjoy the most is helping other people when they require it or ask for me. For wisdom more precious than rubies that can be helping individuals and/or business owners.

As Jesus said, "Do you love me Peter?". Jesus never asked me if I loved him, he always knew what was in the heart of his "Sodastream of Love" that can manifest in so many different ways.

In Greece they have many different words for Love. Yet, we also have mystical love, divine love in manifestation on the planet.

So what did you do today? Did you pamper yourself to raise your vibration, how did you look after you? I'm toning up my body in more ways than one. Are you toning up your body for new experiences, mind, body and soul? Did you come to the Oasis after the age of 40, as Yahweh would like you all to enjoy his Oasis, a sparkling spring.

I have Taurus in my 4th and 5th houses, so lovely and explains so much, my patriot family sparkled with the light of love did yours? They danced through life and every step of it. Even when dad had "cancer" they were still dancing. His health condition taught yours truly a lot about the sheer amount of support that patients and their carers require.

My dad didn't go into a Hospice, my mum cared fully for him daily, she nursed him herself. Of course you really have to love someone that much to put that much effort in. That is how our working class patriot families were built in London and the UK, on the foundation of true love.

The most recent paintings have lavender in the paintings, so I've put some lavender and tea-tree oil in a perfume spray bottle with Surgical Spirit and sprayed it in my home, I also put it on my hands today.

Lavender and geranium go lovely together for assimilation by the brain. Rose water is beautiful on the brow too, I really like Rose Water.

I phoned a friend today that is a Taurus sun sign, she's a decade older than yours truly and has suffered since before Christmas with different virus's, in and out of hospitals in England. Hence my thoughts and love are with her at this time and anyone else that might be suffering from any virus or infection.

Reiki on!

Care deeply for those that you have loved, cared for and healed, never give up, never give into any health conditions. Always give our loved ones hope of a better day ahead.

Let's say today was a good day, spreading the good news of what has been accomplished to date. The good news, health breakthroughs, quantum leaps, saving lives, extending lives, gives others hope when they require it. At the same time be realistic about what is possible due to the willingness of others to embrace the love that is available to those that require it if and when they seek they shall find, if they knock the door shall open for them.

We have a saying in Reiki, that it comes into your life when you are ready for it. I'd say the same about flower essences and healing oils too.

What I can tell you is that my students are working everywhere. Many came as patients, clients, some became students, teachers, and masters of their healing art. That's an accomplishment and brings great joy to my heart in this timeline. As scripture spoke of it, "One became a thousand".

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