
Sunday 16 February 2020


On the 12th of February I received a message, "MEADOW", it can be a surname, a location, and a name of a field. Biblically, it can be related to being ABLE in the meadow of dance and or meadow of water. Those that know Jesus, the son of God, know that he loves to dance with us ladies and sweep us up in his arms of love. The meadow of dancing, abel meholah.

Then we have the meadow of water, "Abel Mayim". 

The name MEADOW has a surname is interesting as it was first found in Suffolk, in a parish in the union of Woodbridge in England. On this link you can see the family crest.

As we know meadows are incredibly important to the eco-system of our countryside that is imperative for the farmers and food growing. The day after I received the message it was my birthday and I was staying at a hotel with a swimming facility. The location of the hotel is close to where the dance classes are held.

Both sides of the motorway have the same name of the country village, both sides have farmland, when they built the motorway they must have built the motorway straight through it.

Then yesterday I dozed off in the bath and was shown some tarot cards, it is rare that I am shown tarot cards in dream state. I was shown the eight of wands, sometimes called rods or batons and that is the card of communications, wands are the work suit, work communications.

Eight the numeric of spiritual transformation. The land is fertile inland for the messages received and there is a river running through the land. You can also see a castle or keep in the distance. The branches have flourished and the green oak leaves are still on the branches.

Then there was the happiness card, the ten of cups. The suit of cups are about our love lives and if you are given the ten of cups it is a perfect match made in heaven.

In the 90s, I taught tarot professionally, gave lectures at exhibitions, workshops and training courses.

My clientele that would telephone for divine guidance mainly phoned due to receiving a personal recommendation. I offered appointments for that telephone service to an international clientele three evenings a week.

As I also had a full-time job running two different businesses, in additional to working some weekends when necessary at exhibitions. It was often the case that I provided 28 readings over a weekend during the touring season.

Hence, I know it like the back of my hand and much better than most readers that I come across on-line. The divine guidance included helping people with their love lives, their businesses, careers, life path and health conditions. The spiritual guidance provided was full-on and non-stop.  I always provided tape recordings of my work so that clients could listen to it again after the reading was completed and I would send the recordings abroad when necessary to do so.

In the 90s I also used to vet readers that wished to join B.A.P.S. and have B.A.P.S. authentication. B.A.P.S. are recognised by the media and the government as a trade association engaged in spiritual pursuits. It was usually the case that if the media chose someone to appear on TV, radio etc, they would call B.A.P.S for one of their members.

Spirit know that I know the spiritual symbology that is presented to yours truly and when Spirit would like me to receive a message loud and clear in technicolour, sometimes the cards appear before me in a dream, in a vision or as soon as I open my eyes. Interesting that the body of the Aquarian water-bearer was in water when the message was received.

On the ten of cups (Morgan Greer were the cards being shown to me while I was in the bath) a man and a woman are in the countryside, with blue skies, the water behind them, their strong right hands hold up the holy grail together and the rainbow is pouring into it.

Biblically, the rainbow is a message from God, as in when you see a rainbow in the sky it means a blessing from the LORD. Hence the rainbow is symbolic of the messages from God and it is always a great sign of confirmation when you see it in the sky over a location. When you see a rainbow it is a blessing.

It is also a blessing for a man and a woman when they hold the holy grail together and drink from the same cup of blessings of abundance. Of course the legend of the holy Grail is most significant to the UK and our historical culture due to the legend of King Arthur and his Knights.

The other card was a work card too, an Ace of wands, otherwise known as a baton, it represents new beginnings, new opportunities and new working partnerships, it is also symbolic of Springtime when the fresh green leaves appear on the oak tree.

The branch on the card is the branch of an oak tree with green leaves and biblically the oak tree is the righteous tree that grows strong from an acorn of love. Oak is also given as a flower essence, it is an original Dr Bach remedy. Dr Bach did all of his botanical research in Norfolk walking in the meadows. Sun Essences still make the essences by hand from the exact same location.

In this song from Pink Floyd with meadow in its title, it is interesting that they have put the album cover of Gigi in the photograph has my mother's nickname was Gigi. Her grandmother called her Gigi when she was a child. During WW2 she roamed in the meadows of a Norfolk farm during the years of evacuation until her family brought her back to London. Throughout her life she stayed in touch with the family, they really loved her.

When I was a child I roamed in the meadows of Kent. I spent a huge amount of time in the countryside, so it was natural for me to move to the countryside during my adult life. As I was always happiest in the peacefulness of the countryside connected to nature in our green pastures.

The name MEADOW takes us to Suffolk and in the parish of Woodbridge. I like Woodbridge, I used to have some clients that lived in Woodbridge and a colleague. There is spiritual people in that location.

What else likes a lot of water and is a grass, a reed. Lemongrass. I was given Lemongrass divinely to smell in October 2019, and I kept on being given it continuously, until I carried out some research on the importance of it. After receiving the lemongrass I began cooking with it and making new recipes including it. 

I am now looking into its potential a lot more seriously as I would like a health farm to grow healthy nutrients that can assist people with their serious health conditions. So for instance in the right conditions lemongrass can be farmed all year round so it would make a great farming business to kick-start a health business off.

I managed to get a special offer from Thompson and Morgan in Suffolk. 4 packs of Lemongrass seeds for the price of three at £1 per pack. I also ordered a St John's Wort plant as they don't have any seeds and in recent years I've looked around everywhere for seeds or a plant of it. Years ago I had a dream of growing St John's Wort.

Farming grants in the UK for start-ups, for profits and for non-profits, also for diversification.

Farming Dream

Prince Charles Dream, art, barn and growing nutrients.

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