
Saturday 15 February 2020


Once again it has been shown to me that in England some so-called Christians are refusing the elderly to have dogs and cars. So we have to remind the rich Christians that the dogs had more compassion for Lazarus than the rich did. We also have medical detection dogs doing a really grand job in detecting disease and potentially fatal conditions.

Bio-Detection Dogs

Interesting that it was a woman that taught Jesus about the power of the dog for healing purposes. The merciful and compassionate dogs and their unconditional love.

Whenever a local dog would get out, they would come running around to see me, and there was a lovely chocolate Lab that used to say, "I love you, I wanna stay with you". Then there was the black lab that got out, Tilly, she came around asking for Reiki healing and a Reiki attunement as she'd just come back from the vets. So beautiful, the dogs knew where the healer lived, the dog licked it!

As Jesus once said to me, "Never forget who YOU are", always remember who you are" and in January 2020,  the heavenly Father said, "This is my daughter in whom I am well pleased".

I received a new bear yesterday, how lovely is this little bear, I've got my eye on a dog that looks like a bear, so gorgeous. Perhaps I could become a guardian and save on the purchase, the best of the litter are given to the guardians to look after during the year only returning to the breeder for the mating season. Then the guardian gets to keep the dog after the age of seven.

The dog licked it! 

This Aquarian is now in a new year of three, a great year for wisdom more precious than rubies and length of days. Back to business, back in the saddle, the riding seat, the merkabh. As George and Lady Diana said, "New life is coming" and George did love his dogs.

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