
Monday 17 February 2020


Cameron is having a make0ver, so let's see what he has for us this week. Mars is in Capricorn, Mercury is retrograde, the Sun is moving into Pisces and the the New Moon will be in Pisces this week. So a great time for a make0ver, a Spring clean, and a new lick of paint.

I've been looking at some lovely makeovers of little cottages and historical buildings. Restoring our culture and countries sensitively and intelligently. With Mars in Capricorn it is great for structure and reorganising structures to make structures much more useful and to work much better for us on a financial level.

Storm Dennis brought a months rain in 48 hours in the UK and due to the town planners that tear down hedges, remove meadows and farmland to build their motorways and infrastructure, there is far less drainage on the land. So of course people get flooded, it's common sense that the water has to go somewhere and if it can't go where it is meant to go, then it will go where it can go. It has already been proven that flood barriers don't stop flooding and love cannot be quenched.

I remember the days when there were ditches across the land and we would jump over them when we were children. If they had water in them then dad would carry mum and us over the ditches, as some of the ditches were quite wide.

In this transit you could find yourself purchasing appliances that are far more economical to run, reducing your energy bills by changing suppliers. Hiring a cleaner to help you with the chores, getting your car cleaned. Doing your accounts, or hiring a book-keeper to do it for you, if your time is more costly than hiring someone else to do it for you. Wisdom's motto is look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.

A good time at looking at how your structures serve you, rather than us serving the structures, so for instance you shouldn't have a mortgage or rent that is more than you can afford. You have to be able to cover your overheads, so if your overheads are too high, then you have to look at how you can reduce your running costs. Don't overstretch yourselves in this timeline because anything can happen.

For instance today we were told that a neighbours baby is coming early, his head is engaged and he's ready to arrive into the daylight of his life. A bundle of infectious joy as Jesus said "Children are the supreme joy of human life". Once the children become teenagers you can then enjoy life that is divine, as that is usually when your divine mission is given to you if you are aligned and on track with it.

If the cost of having a pet is too expensive financially and in time, then don't buy one until you do have the time and are financially able to accommodate it. Sometimes accommodation doesn't allow pets, so you might have to look at moving altogether so that you can accommodate what you would like in your life.

Certainly don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today at home, always be prepared. Wisdom used to say if I can get my work finished today, than I might be able to relax tomorrow or leave work early to be with my son. He's an adult now leading his own life, his own way and I have the philosophy that "a man has to do what a man has to do". Until they ask for help, just let them get on with it.

Capricorn can restrict Mars energy because Capricorn doesn't like taking any risks. Capricorn likes what it can trust and be sure of, it likes stability in itself and all areas of the life. So getting things done today is very Capricorn, Capricorn are plodders, they plod on and persevere. They can be incredibly patient even though they can be very fixed. Once a Capricorn fully comprehends the Aquarian energy, they can walk more easily in stability of this Aquarian Age of ours.

It is a really good time to think about what you are going to make over, will it be yourself, or your home, your finances, or will it be the structure of your relationships, friendships and or business partnerships with colleagues?


You can be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond. It is your choice. In the same way as you can choose to work for a small company or a large company, where do you feel most at home and most comfortable? 

Working for a small company can be more exciting because small companies have a lot more flexibility to move quickly with the times. There is often more opportunities in a small company to be promoted faster when they are successful. So if you are starting out in your career in business you might decide to choose what I did when I was young, get going into a small company with big prospects with a great future. As you can always take your well earned experience to bigger companies afterwards. 

Pisces is sensitive, creative, can be musical and likes to drink like a fish, so what shall you drink that is healthy for you, how will your drinks get a makeover? Shall you serve an almond and banana smoothie, or a hot oat milk drink with cinnamon? Shall you drink lemongrass in hot water, or lemon and honey? What is it that your bodily structure requires from you and how can you refurbish your physical so that it can serve you better? It is not just about what you eat, it is also about what you drink.

Venus is in the fire of the passion of Aries transit and that can be great for relationships, Chiron is also in Aries, so it is a great time for the warriors of our countries to show us healers what they're made of. As we have been ready for a long time to help them if and when they require help with anything. Remember the words of Nostradamus and how he wrote of the gentle deer having the protection of the mastiffs in this timeline.

Great news that the Golden Retriever won the Gold in the Sports group 2020 of Westminster, it is the first time that the Golden Retriever won. That resonates with my heart, as I went to secondary school in Westminster, near Buckingham Palace.

Although our sports ground was near the airport, 300 planes have been grounded due to Storm Dennis and my recent dreams did include the "grounding" of the eggshells to put in the soil although I had already grounded the shells.

I received numerous dreams in February to do with farming. I wonder if that is where the saying came from, "walking on eggshells", it can be like that with Pisces energy, sometimes they can be oversensitive and their self-expression and communication skills have to be developed due to them getting too emotional about situations.

Aquarius energy can be far more emotionally detached than Pisces, and the sensitive Pisces doesn't like the directness and bluntness of our energy, so the Aquarian age can be difficult for that sun sign.

Too much negative emotion isn't healthy for anyone, certainly not for your bodies. Remember energy follows thought, so if you are thinking amazingly loving thoughts towards someone a lot of love energy is going their way when you are focussed on someone else.

Although make sure that your intentions and your hearts are in pure intention. There is always a reason for connections, it is up to you to find out what that connection is and why it has been brought into your life.

Anyway, have a listen to Cameron he makes great weekly videos on the planetary configurations, I just enjoy observing the planetary changes and seeing how it manifests in different people depending on what sign they are.

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