
Monday 17 February 2020


It is years ago when I was shown seed beds in a dream. Then this year I was given numerous dreams relating to farming and in one of the dreams it had a barn in it and Prince Charles. While in the dream I asked Prince Charles if he was growing a specific nutrient and in his vegetable patch he wasn't growing what I was growing.

Yesterday I looked at the profitability of farming a particular nutrient that could help many patients with different health conditions. A farmer from India had written the potential for farming the specific nutrient that I was given in October 2019 when I just kept on smelling it until I did my research on it.

At the time I was mentoring and divinely guiding a man that was battling a serious health condition and great Spirit always give us what we require when we require it. We just have to trust what we are given divinely and investigate it further.

Grown in the right environment, with the right temperature, undercover, the nutrient can be grown and harvested all year round so it has big potential. In India they grow it for its oil, I'd grow it for its health benefit for people to cook with it or make a drink from it. In Israel the grass, the reed is put in a hot drink to be taken each day. Eight glasses of it a day, although I cook with its stalks, its great on fish and chicken.

As far as I am aware we don't currently grow it in the UK commercially, (although my research is continuing) so in marketing terms it would be very successful. If we buy it at the food store it is costing people £1.50 for just two stalks from Kenya, that is 75 pence each.

I ordered some seeds yesterday from an English seed company in Suffolk, 40 seeds for £1 and four packs for the price of three. So I have the potential to grow 160 plants for just a few pounds. I am currently growing it in pots to see how quickly it grows and how it grows.

Being a professional health consultant and a healer that is divinely guided, with a marketing career background; this opportunity would be ideal as I could combine my skills and talents to help many people in our rural communities at the same time as offering a high quality service and standard.


I then continued with my research and found an ideal property and land for a health farm, although it is under offer. The cost of it was less than the cost of buying a house in London, or the cost of buying a new house the same size.

What was attractive about the historic building was the land and the location on a main road. The facilities, the barn, huge car parking. It certainly has enough land to create the health farm with plenty of growing space for raised beds and the facility for a restaurant or conference room. The public house had been refurbished in 2015,  it is close to a river, so it is scenic too.

After I found the property on-line, I then understood the significance of this painting much more as it relates to the name of the venue.

The next step was to look at what funding is available for the health project and in England we have the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE). Farming Weekly share with us that RDPE aims to create diversification that can boost rural jobs, increase tourism and encourage business growth.

Business Development 

The grants are available for new business development, open to small business and start-ups. Including non-agricultural diversifications covering 40% of eligible costs. Funding can be used to construct, and or improve buildings, and buy new equipment.

Rural Tourism Infrastructure

The funding is open to a wide range of organisations. If the project is intended to make a profit, only small businesses and farmers who would like to diversify are eligible. The grant can fund up to 40% of a commercial project but 100% for non-commercial ventures. Projects should encourage tourists to visit, stay longer and spend more money in rural areas.

When a man takes the god-given branch in his hand anything is possible, a golden opportunity to defend the body with the righteous branch. It is time for peak performance as time and effort put in has paid off handsomely, it has been identified what and who the branch is.

It is a competitive time in work and business so the right decisions have to be made in this timeline.

I'm being shown that it is time to move beyond any verbal challenges. It is time go beyond where we have been and think bigger than we may have done previously. Now is the time to be head and shoulders above others and show people what you are really made of by taking serious action.

Think big and differently to the way that you have in the past as we are far ahead, miles ahead with the nutrients that are essential for the people with specific health conditions. It always feels so rewarding when you hold your own home grown produce in your hands.

It is also hugely rewarding when you help people to overcome their health conditions. My motto is never give up, never give in, you have the power of will to live. Your lease of life can be extended if you do it right and stay on track with your mission and divine purpose.

Remember that NHS England is 20 years behind us, and it takes 17 years for new scientific research to be recommended in clinical practice. In fact, NHS England are thousands of years behind us, alternative medicine is the original medicine. Some people embraced big pharma to change nature, whereas I listened to Jesus and embraced nature to improve the change.

In January, 2020, the heavenly Father said, "This is my daughter in whom I am well pleased" and now it is February for his daughter, a new year for wisdom more precious than rubies. I remember when he said, "Tell them when you were born". I was born on the 13th of February, and 13 x 2 = 26 and that is the gematria of the name of God. His Aquarian water-bearer loves him beyond measure.

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